
Monday, May 25, 2015

No Monday Night MOP Chat This Week

Monday night MOP Outlander chat will be canceled this week in observance of the Memorial Day holiday in the US.

Be brave, stay strong, and get ready for one heck of a Monday night MOP chat next week after the finale!


  1. It's Auntie Lamb, TraceyCarol -

    I won't be at MOP Chat on Monday, June 1 -- our two oldest sons are graduating from Princeton the next day, and we'll be on campus for senior weekend (leaving tonight, actually). I MAY be able to watch the show online over the weekend; and I'll def catch your recap ASAP.

    I just adore you guys and MOP! I hope there will be chances to touch base in the endless chasm until the runup to season two.

    Myself, I will be taking some time off from Starz Outlander and all that implies for a while to catch up on stuff I haven't seen (my latest find: "Happy Valley" - two words: James. Norton.); and I'm going to start the Lord John books.

    Best wishes to you both for a wonderful, happy summer!

    Love, Auntie

    1. Right back atcha, Auntie!! I hear ya (Lordddddd do I hear ya! Has anyone seen my life? I know I left it around here somewhere!)...but don't forget about us!! Come visit at MOP Chat if you can!! SMOOCHIES! :) PS- CONGRATULATIONS!! Not one, but two from Princeton! So awesome!
