
Saturday, May 9, 2015

Outlander Episode 14: The Search - My Outlander Purgatory Breaks it Down!


  1. Murtagh says something like "news just doesn't travel thru the air" and Claire says "well, not yet"

  2. Maybe Claire dressed as a man to draw more attention to herself to be sure that "word" would travel from town to know...."hey, have you seen the traveling cross dressing singer"... lol

  3. It's Auntie Lamb Ladies -

    First, a news flash: Mo Ryan, the TV critic for The Huffington Post tweeted last week that she was freely awash in tears of ALL KINDS (a "seriously ugly cry") after previewing Episode 16. She is one of the critics who had earlier written a now-iconic review of The Wedding, touting its use of the "female gaze." In her tweets on Ep. 16, she praised Sam, Cait, RDM, Ira (Behr), Anna Foerster (director), and Bear McCreary by name. No mention of Tobias. I wonder if that means he's gonna save all his crazy just for Episode 15. Also, it seems definite that Ep. 16 won't air till May 30. So it looks like we're gonna be terrorized/mortified/shattered and otherwise grossed out and saddened by Episode 15 next week but have to wait TWO WEEKS to get a bit of resolution. Horrors!!

    Count me among the folks who really like this episode. If Caitriona Balfe wins an Emmy nomination for this series, this episode will do it for her. She's phenomenal. VERY courageous of them not to include Jamie. I agree that it really pumped up the suspense/dread.

    RDM did have a worthwhile podcast this week. Apparently Jenny's robo-boobs were a prosthetic apparatus made by the costume/effects department. She wore the fake boobs over her real chest and they actually extruded the milk. The only CGI used in the Jenny-Claire scenes was the blood from the head of the redcoat courier after Murtagh offed him.

    I LOVE Murtagh. We actually broke out in cheers when he appeared. Murtagh and Young Ian are my two favorite supporting characters in all the books. I have always thought Duncan Lacroix is wonderful. He gave a few interviews last week that were charming. I think they were his first of any kind in the series.

    I agree with Carol about Bear McCreary, Black Sails music (it always suggests anarchy to me), and his music for this and recent Outlander episodes. (I love the soundtrack!)

    More later. Love you both! Happy Mother's Day.


    1. Question:
      Do you think the Wentworth "trauma" will be told more in episode 16 by Jamie's discussions to Claire in the Abbey?

    2. Susan -

      Sounds like we're gonna get a whole lot of trauma in Ep. 15. Don't know how much of it will carry over to 16 (I imagine some will). Hang in there ...


  4. I remember in the books that Claire did not every hold a grudge I feel that is why she was so forgiving of the gypsy and I believe she was not always thinking right you know her soul and spirit were in sheer turmoil over not knowing about Jamie that is why she gave the gypsy all the money she is desperate at this point!

    1. Yeah, have noticed Claire's ease to forgive others. I would've been PO'd especially bc the gypsy was paid off. But Claire's not into material things either. So... that's just her. I didn't know the finale is on 5/30. Why, anyone??

    2. Because of the Memorial Day weekend in the US, I think. It will be hard to wait that extra week, but then it will be really hard to wait another year for season 2!

    3. Actually, Starz's intent or not, the word is that the worst & best will all be bundled into ep 16. Will be interesting for the fandom to have to stew for a whole additional week...

  5. I LOVED your review, ladies! You are a breath of fresh air after reading all of the grumpy "It dragged on too long-there wasn't any Jamie" comments I've been reading. You guys SO GOT IT! No-Jamie? He was there the entire time for me! A specter haunting my every thought. This episode put me directly into the shoes of Claire and Jenny and Murtaugh and made me feel their love for Jamie and their desperation and frustration, really pulling me into the moment and amping up the suspense. So many things to love about this episode! The puppet show was Pocket Claire and the fairies of the hill with Gwyllyn the Bard's song playing in the background. The explosion was Claire poofing through the stones. Nice touch :-) Loved all of the humor beats - lots of awesome one-liners! Serious Murtaugh lovin' going on here! And those bracelets didn't look near as ugly as they did the first time :-)


    1. It's Auntie Lamb, Verity, saying a big ol' "Right On!" to ye!!

    2. Agree, agree, agree. I even woke up this morning with the anxious feeling still hanging on.

    3. I so missed Murtaugh! He's as hot as ever.

    4. I can't say he's hot, like Horrocks. But he is an endearing character, & I am happy Duncan got his big moment. I didn't realize that he is as tall as he is, which is quite tall.

  6. I've never had a " least favorite" of Outlander before, but this one is certainly it. I thought there were too many moments of awkward, forced dialogue beginning with the opening scene with Claire and Ian. Mostly, though, it was the song and dance routine. It was strange in the book but at least it only took up about a page and a half. Seriously the lamest plan ever IMHO. I can see Jamie thinking a traveling Sassanach healer could be his wife, but a Sassanach woman dressed as a man singing bawdy tunes? It just made me uncomfortable and I felt embarrassed for Claire/Cait. I'm glad others liked it though. I really wish I could! I don't like having a least fav episode! I want to love them all :) I loved every single moment of Jenny though! Tracey, I think you tweeted that she was Janet "Miss Jackson if you're nasty" Fraser perfect! Lol
    Thanks for the recap! Your dance moves made me smile :) and I loved Carol 's lip sync at the end.
    Verra worrit about next week! Can't decide when I'll watch it. May 16 is already an emotionally bad day for me so I don't know that I can add this episode to it. :( I did just finish rereading Outlander though, to reassure myself that it all ends well...kinda. Glad to be part of the Outlander Support Group ;) Take care all!

    1. I should add that it's so good to know that even if I'm a bit disappointed in an episode (rarely happens) I can still look forward to an awesomely fun MOP video! Great big silver lining! :) Thanks again, ladies!

    2. Heather, it was sort of a love/hate thing for me with this episode. I hated what was happening, OMG it made me so anxious (even as a book reader) and felt like it went on forever, knowing Jamie was in danger the whole time. I did feel like the episode overall was really well done though. Cait, Duncan, and Laura were all outstanding.

      Although I did laugh at Claire's line to Ian at the beginning - "You can't go, you have no leg". Oh, really? I hadn't noticed! LOL So yes, some of the dialog was not-so-great.

      I am worried about episode 15 too. I will probably watch it early in the day.

      Have a great week!
      -Lisa D

    3. If I had any kind of willpower I would just wait another two weeks and watch the final two episodes together, but I'm pretty sure that's not gonna happen! Lol

  7. Thank you ladies for another wonderful recap! Nice dancing too! I love being able to come here, watch your videos, and read and post comments. The only other person I know IRL that has read the books and is watching the series is my old boss, and I just can’t fangirl with him and reveal the true depths of my obsession :)

    I can’t really say I “enjoyed” this episode, because of the pervasive sense of dread, frustration, fear, and helplessness, but I felt like it was sooooo well done. Some of the dialog was just bad, but, lots of good too, and excellent performances. The scene where Murtaugh told Claire about his past with Ellen and how Jamie is a son to him, wow. That was amazing! And I loved how Claire broke down then too. The strain finally caught up and she had to let it out. A great bonding moment for them.

    I was surprised Claire said she would marry Dougal, but that may have been just to not make an enemy out of him at the time, when in the back of her mind she probably intended to go to the stones.

    Have a great week everyone.
    -Lisa D.

    1. Hi Lisa, I enjoyed the episode, maybe not my favorite but still very good. I agree with you that should Claire find she cannot save Jamie that she has no intention of keeping her "bargain" with Dougal. I believe she will high tail it back to the stones ASAP and back to 1945 and Frank! Also thought Cait was terrific in this episode. I've read the books so know what is coming......absolutely terrified!!!! ------Sue C.

  8. Regarding the song Claire was singing (this is from the Wall Street Journal recap). FYI for anyone that was wondering:

    –The naughty Scottish song that Claire sings around the Highlands is fictional, but in addition to being set to the tune of “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy,” at least some of the lyrics appear to have been lifted from “The Reels O’Bogie,” an equally off-color song by Scotland’s native son Robert Burns. Burns wasn’t born until 1759, so there’s evidently some artistic license being taken here.

    1. Oh yes, so true. I host a Rabbie Burns dinner every year.

  9. Omygosh. I stayed till the end of your recap and was literally hooting at you two. It was so nice to share what feels like a "last laff"

    On this episode, I loved the ladies in pursuit and it seemed exactly as I imagined. Murtagh and Claire's town to town singing minstrel show for some reason reminded me of the bar scene in Star Wars. I always thought that was an absurd wacky part in SW, but nice comic relief...much like Harrison Ford/Duncan Lacroix's eye rolling reactions. Btw, is anyone still thrown by Murtagh's size. I LOVE him, but always imagine he and Stephen Walters (Angus) auditioning and the powers that be of casting deciding to change and tweek the roles. I do love the outcome though...

    Carol and Tracey, you asked about readers vs non ratio. In my house, I've read all the books, companion and a couple of Lord John's, the husband only knows the material from tv Outlander. When Dougal's face came on the screen toward the end of this episode, I heard my husband say, Ah Ha! I think he had missed seeing Dougal and enjoyed the proposition banter with Claire.

    In the future, I can see myself watching this episode along with 15, 16 and straight to episode 1 from season two. I feel much like others who have described painfully watching the end of this season. I feel obligated to be a "team player", suck it up and support all who have worked so hard to faithfully bring this portion of the book to life. If they can do it....I can watch it.

  10. Unfortunately or fortunately I only started to watch your videos for the past 4 weeks! You are fast becoming the high point of my week after Outlander! So natural and funny - thank you! The reason why I said fortunately is that during the next Droughtlander, I will be able to catch up on all your previous videos!! .....Annette

    1. Annette --

      Auntie here saying it will be time well spent!

  11. You girls make me laugh!! My Outlander Purgatory is my very favorite Outlander site. Loved your commentary on the lame dialogue at the first of the episode!! Spot on. This episode was not my favorite. Too many cringe worthy scenes with Claire and her singing act... But the scene with Murtaugh talking about Ellen and how Jamie was like a son to him had me in tears for the first time in a long time watching the show. Also, when Murtaugh first appears and takes care of business with that redcoat, my husband and I actually cheered and fist pumped! Such a great scene. (My husband and I are long time book readers.) Love love love Murtaugh!! Also, loved the return of Dougal. The show has given both Dougal and Jenny greater depth and texture to me. Fantastic recap!! After the show ends you can always do a video recap about MOBY!! :)

  12. PS-- I just started the Bronze Horseman on your recommendation and am going to start watching Turn. My husband has been trying to get me to watch that show for weeks!! Thanks again!!

  13. hey ladies! thank you for the weekly team spirit and hilarity--love the drinking, dancing, singing, and sisterly back-and-forth.

    for your poll: i've read the outlander series, and the first three books multiple times.

    i wasn't crazy about this episode, but i've only watched it once. i found myself looking at the clock, and that's unusual. i usually get so sucked into the episode that i become unaware of everything but the show. the claire and murtaugh singing/dancing bit dragged on far too long for me. did love the beginning and ending, and having dougal and the boys back in town.

    the good stuff: Jenny--she is incredible! besides being one tough gun-toting lady, she hadn't even recovered from giving birth, and three days later gallops off to save her brother. she doesn't whine or complain, she just takes care of business in a hard century. the breast milk scene--why? like black jack's frontal nudity and fumbling, are these scenes really necessary, or are they just included to push boundaries? ok, i get it, but it's a shame that younger and/or more conservative viewers will miss out on seeing this terrific series.

    murtaugh: although i was glad to see him, it also kind of bummed me out that he swooped in like rambo to save the women--as if they couldn't take care of themselves. ok, so they needed to talk things through, especially claire, but either woman would have terminated the redcoat....eventually. in the book, murtaugh didn't talk much at all, but he does some singing and has a surprisingly nice voice. his confession about loving ellen seemed out of character for a rough and tumble highlander, but was a nice human touch.

    claire: yes, she had some dumb lines as noted in your video. i think claire dressed in men's clothing not to disguise her femaleness, but to give an edge to her bawdy song and make "the sassanach" more memorable.

    Love, love, love, TURN. this season is even better than the last. hope simcoe gets what's coming to him. --julie in jersey

    1. Canadians didn't get to see the breast expressing scene. Somebody complained why & on Mother's Day too!

    2. Showcase's explanation is that they have often have two versions of the episodes. One is for their daytime airing and one is for Sunday nights. The daytime version was accidentally aired this time and so they will play the uncut version in a couple of weeks. They apologized. I do highly recommend purchasing the whole season on iTunes. I have to wait until Mondays to watch them but it's so worth it. It's always the complete episode and with no commercials.

  14. Tracey & Carol, your review was spot on and SOOO funny! The episode was just "OK" for me. I LOVED the part with Jenny and Claire. Who taught Jenny about waterboarding??? So happy to see Murtaugh, but didn't care for the dancing Murtagh at all. I realize that "book" Murtaugh danced, but "TV" Murtaugh is too smart and too cool to have a dancing plan.

    I think I hated Dougal in this one more than I've hated him in any other episode. Ugh...

    1. Why did Claire agree to marry him??! She would never agree.

    2. Well she didn't in the bk. But maybe by agreeing the writer thought Dougal would be more willing to let her access his men. However, he did in the book even without her acceptance of him so... yeah, I don't really get why she would. We all know she'd hightail to Frank rather than to marry him.

  15. Okay. I just finished watching the episode and I'm watching your video as I type this but Looooooooorrrrd, I found this episode boring. I really hoped that they'd cut out the singing and dancing. I didn't like it in the book. I didn't like it in the show. Both Big B and I looked at each other and basically said, "Make them stop singing. Please." B said, "This is stupid." LOL!!! I was so embarrassed for Murtagh that once he had the touching moment with Claire, it kinda fell flat for me. Dammit, Dancing Murtagh!

    I also have to say, do you think the viewers who haven't read the book don't have a clue what's going to happen? I think readers of the book think they are being all vague but keep saying things like, "I'm so sick about Wentworth. I don't want to watch. It's going to be so terrible. I can't watch next week!" We don't exactly have poker faces. LOL

    OH! When Claire was talking about finding Jamie by herself and Jenny said that Claire needed her, we were totally joking about stuff like, "Come on! Claire just has to walk around by herself for 2 minutes and she'll find the British. Doesn't she get captured every other episode? She can totally do this without Jenny." LOL

    Very beautiful episode, though, in terms of cinematography.

    Thanks, Ladies!

    1. OMG! I'm laughing at your total potty mouths! LOVE it! I also love T's typed notes. LOL. I've just added to my Bucket List that I want to be in one of your videos, just once. I can just sit in the background drinking, and I'd be happy.

    2. GAH!!! Thanks for the shout out! We are so not worthy!

  16. OMG! That Easter egg this week was SO a retelling of Claire going thru the stones with the fairies ie piskies and the Claire doll disappearing and I can't believe you guys missed it!

    1. I loved the old world marionettes! That was Matt Roberts' idea. He is very artistic, I have to say. Guess that's an oxymoron.

    2. Somebody paid $23,000+ for Sam Heughan's LA Marathon Peak Challenge flag. I'd gladly pay that for one of those little faerie marionettes! Gad, were they darling!

      Auntie Lamb

  17. The whole thing about the cave is so true. I pictured something rustic and it was like super intense with like hallways and stuff! As you guys said, that was not a cave! I've read all the books and I'm over here freaking out. Saturday is going to be so intense!!

    1. RDM or Matt Roberts ( I forget which) said in the podcast that it was some kind of abandoned mine. It was not a constructed set. They found it when they were scouting locations.


  18. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into making these videos. Please continue making them after Season 1 ends. How else am I supposed to make it through Droughtlander? I'm a multiple times book reader of the series, but have to wait until the episodes come out on DVD. I love your sisterly camaraderie and how much fun you're obviously having making these videos. Nancy

  19. Just in case you aren't stressed out enough...

  20. Of course Claire agreed to marry Dougal! Who wouldn't let Graham McTavish grind their corn?

    1. Graham McTavish is the actor who plays, IMO, a rather strapping Dougal who at one point mentioned he'd like to "grind Claire's corn." A wee joke.

  21. Ok just had to get this out there any one think poor Mrs. Crook is underpaid? Just saying she seems spread a little thin and very busy! :)

  22. Not my favorite episode (mostly because Claire without Jamie seems to lose much of her energy) but I still love the show.

    I also want to thank Carol for mentioning "Turn". It is, as you say, sooo good! I'm enjoying it immensely.
