
Saturday, May 2, 2015

Outlander Recap Episode 13 The Watch: My Outlander Purgatory Breaks It DOWN!


  1. Love watching/listening to you Gals!

    Douglas Henshall is Toran MacQuarrie
    Douglas Russell is Lennox
    Francis Magee is Crenshaw
    Lochlann O'MearĂ¡in is Horrocks

    Just as an aside - I adore Steven Cree as BadAss Ian, but does anyone else think that his teeth are too white!

    1. THANKS Margaret! And yes, it is funny when people are perfectly cast and dressed as 18th century folks...only to have perfect, dazzling teeth! LOL

    2. Except for bad guys. Bad guys and poor wretched folks get their teeth browned.

  2. Great video Gals good job. Douglas Henshall (Taran MacQuarrie/Blonde Head Watch Dude) is on the PBS series Shetland. So glad to see Scottish actors get these parts. I hope that Alexander Morton (Golly from Monarch) can get in on this series he would be great. He always looked so rugged just perfect for Outlander. Nothing to say about this episode, but I am caught up on TURN, love Major Andre.


      Holy CRAP CRAP CRAP Libby. I am in LOVE with Ben Tallmadge. And Major Andre is I was telling my husband that I'm fascinated by their ability to get me to genuinely like some of these redcoats. Edmund Hewlett is becoming a loveable dorky sweetheart. That show is so good, I think about it constantly the day after I've watched it. Poor Miss Shippen (forget her first name); her dad is such an ass. And how about Benedict! You can see his pissy attitude growing in front of our eyes. LOVE that show! Canna get enough!!

    2. So is every redcoat going to fall for Anna Strong? This season we get to actually see this guys without those horrible white wigs. Even Capt. Simcoe (gross) looks human. Major Hewlett has charm and is highly educated, I agree I'm starting to like him. Do you think Anna is also?

    3. I am hooked on Turn, too! I didn't realize that the characters are based on real people (duh, party of me). I googled them and the real history is amazing! I keep thinking about Jamie Bell as a kid in that ballet movie set in Scotland (the name of the movie just flew out of my head). His dad in the movie is the actor portraying Colum. The actor playing Major Hewlett has been in some PBS dramas, and always seems to play weasely types. Anna is going to feel very torn when she has to betray him, as he isn't a bad guy. Major Andre was in the Jane Austen movie and I've also seen him on PBS. Julie in Jersey

    4. I agree Julie, Burn Gorman ( Major Hewlett) is also in the ABC series Forever, an again a weaselly bad guy (maybe). I'm so glad I've found another PBS and TURN admirer.

    5. Heck Yes! Put me down in the TURN column!
      Sons of Liberty fan
      Schitt's, had to throw that in..don't get me started on the genius of Catherine O' Hara.

  3. I'm a little bleary eyed this morning from staying up to watch the episode three (yes, three!) times and then listening to the Mop video (or should I say Wayne and Garth, LOL, you guys are so funny!) But, can I just pause for a moment to say that I had to watch it over and over because I don't think Sam Heughan has ever looked more beautiful (in that perfectly masculine way) than he does in this episode.

    I was absolutely mesmerized, not just by his face and expressions but the delivery of his lines (and at least twice that he wasn't doing the fingers tapping but his left hand was kind of clenching and un-clenching) I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it now. I was a little bit afraid of Jamie in this episode (but not in the creepy way of BJR) more in the way I would be if I met a tiger in the woods, you know? I was a little worried at first because the way he reacted to the Watch Dudes (to use the proper MOP phrase!) when in the kitchen I thought "oh no, he's acting to much like Claire for his own good and is going to get everyone in trouble) But then you see him shift and its like - OMG, BookJamie is HERE! From there on out we see Jamie thinking, seething, plotting and yet so breathtakingly beyond in love with Claire. Lord, when he was sitting at the table with Ian and Head Watch Dude (McQuarry) buttering that bread and then leans back in the chair and says so calmly and coldly "I killed him"....shivers up my spine!

    And Claire....oh Claire, if ever you needed Jamie to kick you under the table it was last night ;) Weren't you just leaning towards the television telling her to KEEP STILL?!? But then she redeemed herself with Jenny, and broke our hearts telling Jamie she probably can't have children - and there again, Jamie's reaction after she left the room, like a little part of his heart broke right then ;/

    Tracey, I'm with you - didn't need the speech about what being pregnant was like and what men might want to do sometimes ;/ Yes, it probably was a nod to Diana and it is a well known part of the book, but geesh they've cut out how many iconic, well loved lines that are actually more important to Claire and Jamie's story but they leave this one in? Nope, could have done without it and spent the time on something else - like more smoldering, calculating Jamie or Jamie and Ian reminiscing.

    Anyway, I'm rambling but I'll say that like you this episode maybe isn't my favorite but its up there as being one that I like and I think its because they finally seem to be making more use of the gift that is Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser. My own sister and I have been talking about this a lot lately, that it doesn't matter so much if the adaptation moves away from actual lines of the book so long as they keep the personality and essence of these beloved characters - Jamie especially. We need him just like Claire needs him ;) And they need each other as evidenced by that good-bye scene (again have to agree with you guys that this may be the hottest scene between the two of them, except for maybe when he's saying goodbye to her by the campfire - and both times they both have all of their clothes on! ) That says something...

    1. It's Auntie Lamb, Cary -

      Saying word, right on, you go, good on ya, bless you, and every other complimentary thing I can think of for your comments about Sam in this episode. As JAMMF would say, "Holy God, he's just so gorgeous, hot, and all the other indicia of an actor totally becoming a character!!!"

      You nailed it, Cary!

    2. Thank you Auntie Lamb, thank you!!! Means so much ;)

    3. Cary,

      Abso Posi Lutely!! Could not agree more! When the true Droughtlander of 2015 begins, this will be one of my go to episodes. When I want to see JamieSam at his best delivering some of the best lines of the season, I will turn on The Watch. I am reading the Scottish Prisoner right now for a little one on one time with Jamie and the same noble fearlessness, ( with utter heartbreaking longing for Claire) that Diana writes so beautifully was equally delivered Saturday night in this episode by, I've run out of words to describe, Sam Heughan.

    4. Oh, good idea Susan H, to re-read Scottish Prisoner! One on one time with Jamie is always good ;) And you are 110% correct - no more words to describe Sam, he delivers flawlessly!

    5. I 100% agree with what you say. Both Sam & Cait look exceptionally beautiful (gush). Cait, I don't know if it was the lighting or a lighter facial foundation, but she looked translucent at times, or maybe vulnerable/fragile? Don't know if that was deliberate on somebody's part.

  4. Love watching your videos---love Outlander series--will be a fan forever.

    I was waiting for comment on the Claire-Jenny good-sister kiss which blew me away. Can you imagine Claire's feelings to have been readily accepted to attend Jenny's delivery and then to receive the gift of bracelets from her when she hasn't ever had a sister relationship with anyone (that we know). It was such a brief moment but poignant. Thought it deserved a mention. Not at all the same as gift of the vase last week.

    1. That was a sweet moment, Anonymous - but now I'm remembering the ugly tv bracelets...and Carol's recreation of them on the MOP video, LOL! What did you think of Jenny's reaction to the kiss from Claire?

      Carol, will we be seeing your creation for sale on etsy or someplace anytime soon? ;)

    2. To me, Jenny seemed to receive the kiss awkwardly, which struck me as odd. Don't know how to explain her expression. Yes, Claire must have felt exactly as you describe, being an orphan & only child. I don't ever remember her mentioning or having a girlfriend until later.

  5. Hi Guys - Auntie Lamb Here ---

    I'm a little lost with Head Watch Dude, Head Head Watch Dude, etc. The boss of the Watch is a Scots actor whose real name is Douglas Henshall. He is the one with the light blonde/grey pony tail who talks about being a soldier in France. I don't watch GOT, so none of the other watch guys mean jack sh*t to me except to call them Rude, Ruder, Rudest. Doug Henshall is worth an additional look for his involvement in some terrific BBC television (Shetland). And you MUST check out the film version of A.S. Byatt's "Angels and Insects," which features Henshall as one-half of a brother/sister combo who are so pervy they make Black Jack look wholesome.

    This episode left me almost suicidally depressed, mostly I think because I know what's coming next, but also because I felt so bad about J and C possibly not being able to have babies, the sense of loss of their idyllic life at Lallybroch - just loss, loss, loss. Bummer.

    There are two scenes between J and C that just tore me up. The can't-have-babies scene and the "parting" scene (thick-red-curls!). Gutted.

    And the RDM podcast was NO help this week. Actually it wasn't any help last week, either, Both podcasts featured Ron and his guests completely ignoring/talking over critical scenes (this week it was the J and C failure-to-conceive scene; last week it was BOTH the drunk Jamie AND the I-Love-You scenes) while they relived their days writing for Battlestar and other shows. I DON"T CARE ABOUT THAT, RON AND FRIENDS!! Talk to me about Outlander or don't bother with the podcasts at all!!

    Sorry, guys; I'm a bit crabby today. But I adore you both a whole lot! So glad you loved the No Babies scene. Smooches to you both; and I hope to be in a better mood for the CHAT on Monday nite!

    1. Oh my gosh, Auntie Lamb, so right about the RDM podcast! Even when they aren't talking over the scenes (hello, what's the point of having these podcasts?!?) I find that they're actually taking away from my Outlander series experience...makes me a bit sad.

    2. Auntie Lamb you are so right about podcast. I know it is a spontaneous conversation and easy to get off topic, but they need to edit after the fact instead of just posting it.

    3. Auntie Lamb -- You're right on about the podcasts! I liked them so much better when it was just RDM or he and his wife. He was actually watching and commenting. Now that he has the episodes writer or director, we get too much gibberish about other shows. We used to get some really good behind-the-scenes info....not so much anymore.....too bad for us.

    4. I agree on the podcasts too. Too much talk that is not about THIS show.
      -Lisa D.

    5. I have not listened to all the podcasts on a consistent manner, & a couple of them were really outstanding, adding to the tv ep. But yes this last one was like a social for just them, not that valuable for the fans.

  6. This doesn't have a Twitter name option, so it's JEFSantaMonica. I love listening to you two interpret these eps - because it is fun to hear different views than mine without getting into IMDB sometime vitriol. I've only read a couple of books, about 20 years ago, re-read book 1 over the winter, but still don't remember the detail. Tracey reminded me that Horrocks wasn't in the book - which I remember, but then didn't remember the book plot device clearly other than the Watch seemed more fearsome in the books, and think they were a part of the capture Jamie. So I just go along with the TV version and don't get too caught up in the comparisons to the book.

    I did feel this ep had a lot more consistency and continuity to it as well as great pacing. I was not that crazy about this "new season," but still liked it. Many of you will disagree, mainly because it was that way in the 18th century, and I know that, but being a product of TV, I was really getting a bit tired of the "commando" routine, the Black Jack Randall routine, the throwing skirts up, Jenny showing Black Jack anger may be bigger than what he can do. And again, I know that is how DG wrote the books, and I figured on a premium channel, they have a lot of license to do what they want. I just find on screen I'm kind of done with so much in many eps. I know others disagree, and that's fine, I get it.

    I thought they made this transitional ep really interesting with all the action going on, with no need for much voice over (vo) or flash backs. To be honest I got into the Wentworth stuff in the book, and just skimmed until the Clair/Murtagh parts.

    I know I'm not a huge fan of the books - they're good, but I do like your recaps immensely! Watching the birthday throwback video was hilarious, just because by that time, I had completely forgotten the books. Yay for devoted fans - thought that was great.

    There is a divergence of the Scottish history and the clans, so that's why I never really focused heavily on the historical aspects. DG brings them in, but history happens differently, so I just take the books as fiction more "inspired by." I definitely understand fans embracing the view of what DG wants of the books - Historical/SciFi/Romance

    Thought Laura Donnelly was just great - knew she would be good as I saw her on Broadway in "The River" with Hugh Jackman. Everyone got to keep their accents! So it was Australian, Irish (Republic) and English - really fun.

  7. Auntie Back for a moment -

    I took the "dig seven graves" comment/discussion to mean this: OK, Jamie; we know you killed and got rid of that SOB Horrocks. That's ONE GRAVE. Now, unless you're prepared to get rid of the rest of us in The Watch - and in the process die yourself - thus necessitating SEVEN MORE GRAVES, you'd better come with us on our raid. I don't think McQuarrie was suggesting in any way the killing of any other family or servants.

    And I agree wholeheartedly with you about the J/C farewell scene. For pure passion it has no equal, with the possibility of the fight by the river,

    As far as that scene goes, I wonder what you think was going on with those little tiny nods they gave each other??? Just asking --- I'm REALLY curious.

    1. I think they were just so in sync at that moment. I took it as Jaime saying (without words), "I don't want to go, but it's time," and Claire responding, "I don't want you to go, but I know."

    2. Mandy, that's the way I interpreted it too. Also "and when you get back, we are so gonna get busy in the nearest haystack". Loved it!
      -Lisa D.

    3. Claire & Jamie both come from military backgrounds, & as seasoned warriors they both understand duty & the acceptance of a call to action. They work in tandem, like a unit. The haunting part was the slo-mo walking away of Jamie, much like the parting from Frank before Claire leaves to return to the stones.

    4. Mandy, yeah, you are so right: That would be so Jamie & Claire ; ).

    5. I am thinking those nods are their ability to read one another's mind, or am I making this part up? Didn't they have an uncanny ability to know what the other was thinking. I have read all of the books some time ago and I have retained only that which are favorite lines & scenes for me.

    6. I got bogged down on the 7 graves line too. I think it's not good if the idea doesn't come across clearly enough, like when Claire walks towards the standing stone, black screen, then is at Jamie's campsite. People who hadn't read the books were making all kinds of guesses of what had transpired. Funny, for me, I kept thinking of the 7 dwarves from Disney's SnowWhite, if they were only that individualistic.

    7. My thoughts on the head nod. I think they had an implicit understanding that if something happened to Jamie, she would go back through the stones to her own time. They both knew that without Jamie to protect her, she would be a target. So, I think they were silently agreeing on the issue and saying a possible goodbye.

  8. Thank you so much Carol and Tracey for all of your work and dedication! Love you guys! Thanks for keeping my Outlander "high" going after each episode! (Would that be a "high"-lander? a Fraserbuzz? In-Scot-oxication?) haha, somebody stop me ;)
    I LOVE Jenny and Ian and spending time with them makes me yearn to meet wee Ian too! And every time I look at Lallybroch I imagine R and B living there and get warm fuzzies. :) Also love that they talked about Ian having Jamie's "weak side" as I loved the reference to that in book 7 or 8 (can't remember which).
    I am VERY apprehensive about watching the last two episodes. :(. I'm sure tears will be shed and it won't be a pretty cry!
    I would LOVE it if you guys did a Call the Midwife recap! That part in the video was laugh out loud hilarious! Too bad the shows air at the same time of year. I'm sure you don't have much time to spare about now! Thanks again sistas! :)

    1. Call the Midwife, is that on PBS? About the nuns working with nurse-midwives? If so, LegHair/Nell Hudson just appeared on it as a young, unmarried pregnant woman. Was surprised to see her, but not of her circumstance- am kidding!

    2. I just heard that she's on there but I'm a week behind so I haven't seen it yet! Curious if I'll be able to like her character. Usually, just looking at poor Nell Hudson gets my dander up! Lol

  9. Once again, you guys make my Outlander experience complete. You bring up things I may have put less importance on as I watch and you emphasize the things that meant the most to me as I watch. Your humor and the love you have for Outlander is shared by us all. Thank you!

  10. They need to kill off Ben Talmadge so he can come over and be LJG..from the moment I saw him I thought that..that is how I picture him...

    1. Yes Randemason I do agree. He would make a very good LJG.

  11. Loved your recap! You two always make me laugh, which was much needed after I read someone mention that this is the last time we'll see Jamie in warrior mode. Like you, this wasn't my favorite episode but "In Ron We Trust." I was a little bugged about Horrocks being Irish. Between him and Steven Bonnet... I just feel I need to mention this as well (see below)
    Volunteers from the [Irish] Brigade were with Bonnie Prince Charlie in Scotland for the 1745 rebellion. At Culloden in April 1746 the Irish piquets held firm against the British Cavalry fighting to the last bullet and covering the retreat of the Highland clans.

    Hope we see some Irish being "good guys" at some point in the TV series.

    1. Oh no, we have to see Jamie in warrior mode again, don't you think? Its going to take everything he has going forward...I especially hope they don't make him "weak" or totally dependent on Claire.

  12. Sorry Ladies.
    I had no problem telling the Watch Guys apart. The hair was different with each one. The costumes different. Didn't you have this same problem telling Angus, Ruperty and Murtagh apart in the first couple episodes? They don't need name tags or more distinguishing features. If they did it would ruin the show. You just need to watch the show more than once and look for the details you missed on the first viewing when it is easy to get caught up in the drama and miss the details. Watch the show a few times and you will have no problem seeing the differences. The details of this show that you pick out for the first time on the 3rd 4th or 10th viewing are what sooooo impresses me. What an exemplary production to have so many gems in the background, tiny details and subtleties to fascinate and bring to life. Amazing.

    1. I think the problem is that not all the individual Watch members got equal camera time. A couple of them at least only got partial shots so I think that was part of the problem. Yes, I didn't really see Angus & Rupert as individuals at Ep 1, that's for sure.

  13. I finally did see differences after viewing #3--but unforch, we don't get a chance to watch the show more than once or twice before we do the recap--if we took the time to watch that many times, y'all wouldn't get the recap for #13 till after #14!

  14. Discovered you last week, addicted!

    So I am midwife. Yes, I agree, finally a realistic birth for Jenny - down the straw that was placed on the floor to soak up the blood and fluids - pat on the back for the research team.

    But Claire... you don't have to be a midwife to know she's making shit up. One, I can tell when a baby is breech, but only because I touch pregnant woman every day, and even I miss it sometimes. Not a skill a combat nurse would have. Two breeches were traditionally not a problem, and certain not for someone's who's had a child. The midwife would certainly not made a big fuss, nor would Jenny. I'm not even going to talk about Claire external version technique.

    I'm not trying to show my expertise, perhaps just my annoyance, but my point is that it doesn't drive the story. Baby came out just fine. I feel less would have been more. Claire just trying to deliver a baby in spite of her lack experience would have made her more vulnerable and human. It always feels like there's this untouchable part of what Claire brings - her medical expertise - that is completely beyond question because readers are supposed to be non-medical experts, so sure Claire, turn that baby.

    1. Aaaaand now I feel better about my Claire baby-turning commentary! Thanks Kimm! :)

    2. Hmmmm... the hands doing the version? A real life midwife with a doctor standing behind her. The belly? A real life pregnant belly. Claire told Jenny she'd only seen a few deliveries. She was clearly scared spitless but was trying very hard not to let Jenny see it. Yeah... I'll give it pass.

  15. Tracey and Carol --- First, just wanted to say that you ladies are hilarious! Your recaps are the so funny! Thank you for taking time to do them.

    Here is my take on this episode: The Good and the Not-So-Good

    The Good:
    - I LOVE LOVE LOVE Jenny and Ian! Everything!
    - I'm so glad they killed Horrocks - he was just awful! (Did anyone notice that Jaime and Horrocks had their secret meeting about 100 yards from the house? Jaime didn't really have much time to hide his gun!).
    - It was nice to see that there is something Claire doesn't know!
    - The parting scene between Jaime and Claire was incredible! So beautiful and touching!

    The Not-So-Good:
    - Jamie has only been gone 4 years, so how come the Watch doesn't know who he is....and he is the Laird! And who doesn't know the big guy with the red hair is Jamie Fraser??
    - How exactly did Ian come through the thick brush with his wooden leg and sneak upon a crook like Horrocks?
    - That conversation between Jenny and Claire about what it feels like to be pregnant ridiculous (even in the book). It really could have left out.
    - With the number of times Jenny referred to the baby as a boy....was there anyone who didn't know that the baby was going to be a girl??? So, why was it necessary for her to keep repeating a boy, a son, ......
    - Jamie has been on the run for 4 years so how did he not recognize that where they were positioned was a trap MUCH earlier (like right after Head Watch Dude told him he would shoot before he turned him over to the British)?

    So, this episode while it had some really good parts, is not on my list of favorites (although the J/C parting scene is a favorite part).

    One last thought --- Wouldn't it be funny if some ancestor of Claire's Uncle Lam had given those hideous elephant tusk bracelets to Jamie's mother

    1. One additional thought (sorry), after Ian kills Hotrocks, Jamie says to Ian, "When we were fighting, we wondered which was the worse sin -- the fornication or the killing?" Is that a statement a virgin would make???? Your thoughts.....

    2. Well, maybe he "contemplated" fornication? I did love hearing him say it, LOL!

    3. Remember, he was a virgin, not a monk :D :D

    4. I know somebody close to Jamie had said he should've studied law, which he hadn't. But wasn't one of his favorite subjects Philosophy? I think in that context I can see Jamie comparing which of the two was the worse sin- lol.

    5. Diana Gabaldon wrote those lines, they are straight off the page, so I'm thinking they ARE a statement that a virgin would make.

  16. I agree with much that is being said about the RDM podcast, and that's why I want to thank you Tracey and Carol for tuning me in to Mary and Blake's podcast! Mary does a super job interviewing some very impressive members of the Outlander team. She not only has excellent questions, but she is so good at listening and letting the talent speak. The quest seem to settle in and open up with wonderful behind the scene stories. Blake adds a fun wide eyed enthusiasm. I highly recommend checking out their podcasts. Thanks so much again Tracey and Carol!!

    1. I agree, Susan H., I've always thought that Mary does a great job with an interview!

  17. I just love love love Jamie in this episode. I have felt that they were slow in capturing my image of Jamie from the books. He just didn't have the same confidence I felt like he should have. And in this episode, when he eases Ian's mind after Ian killed Horrocks, and when he sits at the table and says he's got a price on his head and when he says goodbye to Claire -- it was just so JAMMF. I don't mind if they deviate from the books so long as they maintain the essence of the characters. In fact -- I agree with the comment in your recap that I'd love to see a whole season of the characters in situations that were never covered in the books. It would be like bonus material.

  18. Have you guys seen this - it is very cool:


    1. Yes, very sexy & gorgeous the two are. Hopefully, this means both are getting Emmy nods.

  19. Ok, I got one burning question and I cant seem to find the answer anywhere. Wth happened to Taran MacQuarrie, blond head watch dude with the skull watch? They said that everybody else was killed, MacQuarrie was wounded and Jamie stayed with him, which resulted in Jamie being taken by the Red Coats. Did they eventually kill MacQuarrie or did they take him too? Did I miss something? I really like his Charakter and the actor as well and I'd love for him to come back in season two to fight along side Jamie in prince Charlies army. That'd be so cool.

    1. Honestly you know as much as the next person. Even bk readers don't know bc he is a character dev'd by Ron&Co. Stay tuned for next wk! I have heard that many like him so he may be retained to appear again elsewhere, like Horrocks.

    2. Yeah I know, I AM a book reader, so I KNOW that he isn't in the books. Which is why I asked if anybody else had noticed something concerning his fate. But taking into account the new clip that has been released it seems that he has been taken by the Red Coats too.

    3. I agree, it would be cool to see him fight with Jamie against the Redcoats! I guess we'll have to wait and see. I was also wondering if he may have a role in helping out with events that are coming in the next few episodes.

    4. In the beginning of the ep I disliked the head Watch dude. But towards the end I liked him as Jamie came to see that he was a fellow soldier. However, I do not believe that Jamie would have chosen such a lifestyle even if Claire had not come into his life. His father raised him to be laird, after all, altho in Voyager (?) he did compromising work, shall I say?

    5. ^^Totally agree with this - Jamie would not have chosen that life. It bugged me to hear Ron Moore say that he could have, if he had made just a few different choices.

    6. MacQuarrie will be back in Episode 15.

  20. Ok the episode are great but have to give my main concern Ron said the most important part of Outlander was the love of Jamie and Claire and their relationship even the head of Starz said they were going to keep this through the series and center on their great love. Is it me am I nit picking? We all know Jamie could not keep his hands off Claire especially if they were alone through all the books. They have hardly touched each other when alone like in the library Claire takes Jamie’s hand I think that could have been done so much better. Women love the tender moments it does not have to be all sex and nudity, the best love scenes so far that are romantic to me they are fully clothed. Do you guys think that they are missing this especially since they are about to be apart for a while. I have to go back and watch other parts to stay drawn in by their love. Ok let me know what you think I can take it promise help me I am feeling disappointed?

    1. I think you make a good point Anonymous...I wish we could see more of that love story, too, especially the tender moments and I really miss seeing Jamie's humor. Sadly I think we've run out of time for that, at least in this season, don't you?

    2. No more tender sweet moments we are out of time sigh. I am concerned I listened to the non book reader's on Buzz review and the two young ladies think Claire stayed with Jamie because the stones did not work they did not think she stayed for love so how many others feel that way and does it matter? I have a friend that is watching she is not a book reader and thinks just like these ladies about Claire being stranded in the 1700's, and that Jack will have his way with Jamie so Ron has made that clear wish they could have done the same with Claire's decision to stay with Jamie because she wants him and sacrificed all for him.

  21. I just keep thinking, how lucky are we that this adaptation is so damn awesome?! The books are so close to my heart and now to have dedicated people taking such great care to bring it to the screen?! Wow. It is unprecedented in my world. The little bits here and there that I wish were different don't matter at all, the experience as a whole truly is a blessing. And thank goodness as I finished up the book series I had the show to move on to! What luck! Eases the pain of waiting for book 9! :)

    1. Can you imagine what we COULD have ended up with!?! It could have been just painful to watch, so many ways it might have gone fortunate, we are!

  22. Heather I love the show and it is wonderful just not as connected as I thought I would be to Jamie and Claire and their relationship because of how it is shown. I guess they must be doing it to help pull in the men because my guys like the show and have no issue watching it with me and the last episode was the one they liked the most. You are right we are so lucky to have it on screen.

    1. Anonymous, I agree. I would love more tender moments, not just sexy ones. Those are the sections of my books that have been read and reread and underlined and have little hearts drawn next to them <3 Lol I'm rereading the books again right now, so I feel as if I've got the best of both worlds :) I'm just as obsessed as the first time I around, maybe more so since now the show adds a new layer.

  23. Anon,
    Whenever I read the books, it was at my own pace, rather quietly. However I watch tv Outlander anxiously, watching for my favorite moments to appear. Sometimes those moments don't appear at all or are altered. So I did what I do when a favorite book ( like Pride and Prejudice) is made into a movie. I let the actors do their job and if I fall in love with the cast, which is the case with Outlander, I go along for the ride....and this is a ride I sure wouldn't want to miss!!!

  24. Heather and Susan you guys are sweet I know that there is always the books I am Listening to Davina DIA right now. I am the same look forward to each week just missed the tender moments so I will read(listen) to them. :)

  25. Thank you Tracey and Carol for another great recap! You guys are hilarious and I love the discussion!

  26. Say what you will about those ivory bracelets (Claire called them "unique"), I have a feeling they will appear later in this season, unlike Rabbie McNab's father. You two cracked me up more than I remember. I don't have anyone who has read the books so I am happy to have found you. I guess your other sister hasn't gotten into the books? Also do you have a link for Blake's reviews? Thank you.

  27. Finally Book Jamie showed up in this episode!! So great!! I love Jamie and Ian together again.

  28. Tonight was the first broadcast I listened to of yours. It was fun. I have a few thoughts since you are book readers. Why do you think they did that whole scene with Rabbie McNab and his dad, and the big talk of none of the tenants would turn Jamie in, if they didn't have him do it? Wasn't the dad also killed in the book because of that and his wife went to work in the main house?
    My other comment or really question, in what you considered the best Jamie and Claire scene ever, besides the looks they gave each other and the shortened kiss, what do you think the nods expressed? I was not that pleased with this episode and would have enjoyed some playful interaction between Jamie ans Claire, more intimacy, and more development of their ever growing closeness, which will explain Claire's desperate determination to find him no matter what.

    Looking forward to next week's recanting.


    1. Racquel I feel like you they have to use McNab again we will see him again and I believe he will betray Jamie , Jenny, Claire and Ian since they are not taking Jamie to France to heal he will still be in danger . I have not seen them introduce a character once like that and not intend to use him again. The whole thing with McNab could have been verbally shared and believed. I think like you we are missing the small details of loving gestures Claire and Jamie share in the book missing in this episode and could be done with no loss of time I am like you do not get it. Maybe since Diana says her books are nor romance novels they are shying away from that. I love that bada** Jamie showed up finally though.

  29. I think they are going to Paris next season. Not to say that they won't bring McNab back again somehow.

    I think you have a good point - may be they are not wanting to go too heavy on the "romance" aspects of the book.

    I also love seeing bada** Jamie show up in this episode!

    1. I liked seeing the warrior Jamie as well. The way he delivered his lines and the unflinching look. He didn't back down! Awesome! Someone mentioned being a little terrified of meeting a warrior Jamie he was so fierce. I agree!!

  30. I was touched how Jamie helped Ian calm down after "running Horrocks through". The fornication thing, sounds just about what two single young men would talk about, virgins or not.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Hello,
    Love your videos.
    Jamie Capture Theory - I think Black Jack plotted the ambush not Horrocks for reason's below.

    1st - Horrocks (love the actor - amazing blue eyes) is a character who clearly loves to play both sides and always thinks he is smarter than everyone else even though he clearly isn't. What if, Horrocks went to Black Jack after he met Jamie the first time (Episode 8) to sell him information on Jamie. Even though he was a deserter, Black Jack would not be likely to arrest Horrocks if he had valuable information about Jamie.

    2nd - Black Jack would have been seriously pissed off after Jamie rescued Claire from Ft William and even angrier when he inevitably heard about the "complaint" Jamie and Claire had forwarded through the Duke. We know that Black Jack can't get Jamie as long as he is protected by the McKenzies at Castle Leoch, but he can go after Jamie's family at Lallybroch.

    3rd - Lets assume Ian is correct that The Watch had been protecting Lallybrock from the Redcoats. Hiring Horrocks to setup The Watch for an ambush solves two problems for Black Jack. It gets The Watch out of the way protecting Lallybrock and gives him a legitimate excuse to punish Jamie's family for associating with outlaws. Remember when Horrocks threatens Jamie's "kith and kin" by saying "the Redcoats don't look kindly on those who harbor criminals," meaning The Watch. I think Black Jack was planning to lure Jamie away from Castle Leoch by doing terrible things at Lallybrock after he eliminated their "protection" by The Watch, but got lucky when Jamie turned up at ambush where he was captured in one step.

    That's my theory. What do you think?
