
Monday, June 29, 2015

Kristen Stewart + Culloden = Ain't Gonna Happen

Mhairi Calvey
Photo Credit Unknown
Tonight at MOP Chat, we were discussing an upcoming film about Culloden and Bonnie Prince Charlie (rumored to be titled "The Great Getaway.")  Someone mentioned that Kristen Stewart might play a rebel of some sort in the film.

This May 14th article in the Scotsman explains that while Kristen Stewart was considered for the role, the part of FLORA MACDONALD went to Mhairi Calvey.  Calvey is the Scottish actress who - as a child - played the young Murron MacClannough (the little girl whose character grew up to be William Wallace's love interest) in Braveheart.

POLDARK: Droughtlander Methadone

Thanks to my dear friend Tonya for reminding me I wanted to DVR a new Masterpiece series last weekend.  I saw her email two minutes before it started and made a mad dash to record Masterpiece: Poldark on PBS.  If you are not watching - and/or reading Ross Poldark: A Novel of Cornwall, 1783-1787 by Winston Graham, you have no idea what intrigue/adventure/romance awaits you!  And luckily for us, there are many more books where that came from.  (I believe there are 12 in all but if I am incorrect, please let me know.)
The setting of the show reminds me of The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley, with its angry seaside bluffs and air of passionate angst that runs as an undercurrent through much of the story.  I cannot speak to the book yet, as I'm only about a chapter or two in, but I will tell you this: as with most books (except Outlander, of course!) small details may be overlooked in the TV show and you'll have a lot of fun digging them up in the books.

Already reading/watching?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments!! 

Monday, June 8, 2015

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Diana Gabaldon: "No Two People Read The Same Book"

“You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time."  ~John Lydgate

THIS is a FANTASTIC interview with Diana Gabaldon by Alicia Lutes over at Nerdist.  Diana talks about her feelings on the Outlander series on Starz, her writing style, and how she feels about fan reaction.  I positively LOVE this commentary:

"In terms of popular culture and media and entertainment and so forth, everybody says “Who is the audience for this?” I didn’t really care who the audience was. The audience was me. And since that worked, I’ve always proceeded on that assumption: I don’t care what the audience thinks. Basically, it’s going to be the way I think it should be written. But the other thing is that there is no audience, there is no reader. If you’re going to have more than one person read your book, they’re going to have totally different opinions and responses. No person — no two people — read the same book. It’s always based on their perceptions, their background, their experiences, their expectations of the moment. You know, what side of the bed they got up on that day. I read some books and I thought, “This is better than sliced bread!” and a month later I couldn’t remember thinking about it. And I’ve read others that were kind of a slog and I’ve put them down and come back six months later thinking, “Wow, this is great.” So, you know, things change all the time."

This is exactly how I feel.  We're are never all going to agree...and why would we want to?  What a boring place the world would be.

This is also what I love about Diana Gabaldon; she gives interviewers and audiences insight into her writing, and what goes on inside her head about this situation or that.  When I've seen her speak at various events, I've loved hearing her talk about Outlander, but the info she shares about her writing experiences is what has had me on the edge of my seat.  If you've never seen Herself speak live, I highly recommend you do so at the next available opportunity.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Free Standard Delivery ($30 and over) in the MOP Shop Through 6/5/15!

Visit the Mop Shop for *free standard delivery on fun Outlander-themed merchandise through June 5th, 2015!

Just use coupon code FREESUMMER at check out!

*orders of $30 or more

Monday Night MOP Outlander Chat TONIGHT!

MOP Outlander Chat Tonight - MONDAY NIGHT - at 9PM Eastern!  

GET READY, Y''s going to be one helluva conversation!