
Monday, November 23, 2015

Pop.Lander's Outlander Pop! Photography on Instagram

Just finished tonight's Monday's Outlander  Chat and heard about something fun and new in Outlanderville in tonight's discussion!

HOW TOTALLY CUTE is Outlander Pop! Photography (@pop.lander) on Instagram???

You MUST GO NOW and check this out!!  So adorable!!


  1. Carol, Tracey,etal, WOW Thank you for being here. I am in my first read of the series and made the mistake of starting part 4 of ABOSAA on the eve before Thanksgiving(48hrs ago) as a little nite cap before bed!!!!!! 8 hours later after reading chpts 27-30 multiple times and preparing Thanksgiving Dinner in a daze, I am gobsmacked and am rereading again now that my house is empty of guests and I am ALONE. I am thankful for Herself and all of you as I continue this amazing journey of Claire & Jamie. I have read many of your previous posts for the other books. Your community is so great in their interpretation/insight to this amazing world of OUTLANDER. All of you make me feel less of a fool as I cry, laugh and love Claire, Jamie, Roger, Bree, Ian, Fergus, Marsali and so many others. I am THANKFUL for all of you at MOP.

    1. Awww Cricket...we are thankful that awesome Outlander fans like you hang with us here at MOP!! Be careful of spoilers and come discuss with us at MOP Chat when you are finished the rest of the series!!! :)
