
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

If You Love Outlander, You MUST Watch AMC's TURN

I am very seriously toying with the idea of creating My Turn Purgatory, y'all. how good this show is.  (As if I didn't wax on about it in our latest video??)  Please take 4 minutes and 54 seconds out of your life and watch this. Not only does it show scenes from the series, but it also EXPLAINS who many of the main characters are (just for you, Tracey) and shows the actors giving quick rundowns on their characters and their plot lines.

Bottom line...if you are an Outlander fan, you really must be watching Turn, Washington's Spies.

ENJOY...and let me know what you think!!

PS - NO, I don't work for AMC!!  I just really, REALLY love and support this show!  :)


  1. I started watching Turn when it first aired and before I knew about Outlander. And I still enjoy Turn. As an historian I love series such as this and Outlander which are thoroughly researched and honestly portrayed. In fact, I think seeing these two shows in particular, reveal the reality and depth of experiences of the people involved in these events. Real people in real life. They jump off the pages of history in these shows.

    All that said, your Purgatory remarks are hysterical and I would LOVE to read your reactions! Will you be posting about People's Choice Awards?

    1. Oooh Barbara, you sound like you're just as into Turn as I am. And having grown up in Paoli/Valley Forge and lived in Monmouth county, NJ for the past 22 years, I have been surrounded by remnants of the Revolutionary war pretty much all of my life. :)

      I have a page on Facebook called "Carol's Award Show Page" that I have some fun with during award shows, so I'm sure I'll be chit-chatting over there if you want to "stop in!" :)

  2. Did you see the Turn episode "way" back about the loss of his cabbages? Sad (but kinda funny).

    1. Yes! I've seen them all. Wasn't it completely believable that he'd use cabbage as a decoy? And you know what's really funny? The title of that episode: "Of Cabbages and Kings!" LOL!!

  3. Dayum, have too much to say, I guess. Also, had read the book before the series aired. Good book; not OL, but then what is, amirite?

    1. Totally right, although I will read it at some point. I was just thinking about it today, actually. I am at this weird point where I don't want spoilers, but it's it's weird NOT to want to know about certain aspects of it! Major Andre, much???

  4. I saw the first two season and loved every episode. You know? I also thought about Outlander future landscapes while watching it!

    1. Right, Maria? And honestly, any time I see redcoats, I think, "Jamie!! Claire!! Look out!!" :)

  5. My husband and I have been watching Turn. When I suggested it, he had already DVR'd the series! Also, i watched the National Geographic special about George Washington. So, those two shiws along with Outlander make a winning combination. Very interesting that what we have learned about Washington has been so romanticised. Talk about cunnung and espionage. That business about the cherry tree and not telling a lie? Not the boring portrayal that was presented to us in school!

    1. Oooh Artzk1 - there is a fantastic episode of Turn entitled "Valley Forget" that portrays Washington in a light like none I've ever seen. It gave me chills. It also angered me a bit, but most likely because I've grown up with that cherry tree Washington you are referring to! ENJOY!!! :)

  6. I just finished season 1 and its nice to see American history again! I grew up back East and moved to California as a young adult although I love it here I still miss the history. Honestly, most native Californians don't even know what the 13 colonies were about and some even think that Washington, DC is in the state of Washington!

    1. LOL Glee. I would say, "Are you kidding me?? How sad!" except I am not all that scholarly when it comes to things like the Gold Rush, etc, either. LOL So I'll just say, "Oh bummer. Hopefully THEY'LL watch TURN, too!" ;)

    2. And PS - I just don't even know what to say about their knowledge of DC. I'm going to leave that one alone. LOL!!

  7. So I discovered your blog and now follow along during my reading journey, currently in chapter 73, An Echo in the Bone...I love your blog.
    Anyhoo, I went to your home page two weeks ago and took your challenge to watch The Turn and here's what happened:
    For a week I kept telling my husband about this new show I found for us to watch about spies and the American Revolution. But what he heard was: oh great, now I have to sit and watch some of her Masterpiece Theater crap.
    But here's what happened: Last Friday night, 6pm. He agrees to watch one episode while kids are upstairs cleaning up from dinner. Kids come down, he says, "hey guys, let me just Finish this episode with your mom. There's only like 17 minutes left. Why don't you guys get my iPad and play a game or watch a movie."
    We never saw the kids again the rest of the night.
    They fell asleep, in our bed. We then bing fested on Turn. I lasted till episode 8 where I finally crashed around 3 am. I kissed my husband goodnight, crawled in bed with the three kids and here's what I woke up to: husband sleeping the couch with Amazon up on the screen with season 2. I'm like, " wait a minute, we don't have Amazon anymore. And Turn Season 2 isn't streaming anywhere...unless you pay for....wait, what just happened here?." So apparently he liked my masterpiece theater crap enough to buy season 2. My husband doesn't do stuff like that! So we spent the rest of the weekend finishing season 2 and can't wait for season 3. Now just a few final thoughts.
    First: If Abraham were a foot taller, he would be my pick for Ian. When I saw him in that first episode, I was like, it's Ian! Maybe he can wear lifts.
    Second: i was so excited to tell my parents about the show, and then felt like they had betrayed me, when I found out they they already watched The two seasons of Turn when they aired and didn't even tell me!
    Side note: my parents watched Outlander and we were discussing the show one day, and supposedly they fast forward through all the sex scenes. But my mom says, " geez Claire, we get it, you like to have sex. Enough already." For the record, I don't believe they fast forward through the scenes.
    Third: Since Turn was such a hit with my husband, he may be willing to watch Outlander now, we will find out this weekend, when I reorder STARZ.
    Fourth, and finally: I love Caleb's character from Turn and my absolute favorite scene is in the second season, I think episode 9 (❌❌spoiler alert)
    Anna: "Caleb, what happened to your beard?"
    Caleb: "It was ticklin' the ladies, Annie
    Absolute best line ever. Been giggling all week every time I remember that.

    1. "oh great, now I have to sit and watch some of her Masterpiece Theater crap."

      ROFLMAO!!!!! Oh, Michelle...I am SO psyched that I was able to turn you guys on to TURN!! Isn't it fantastic?? Dang, girl...that is a BINGE!!! I think the most eps we've ever done in a row on one night is 4; first Breaking Bad and then The Leftovers...which just happened a couple weeks ago.

      My guilty pleasure on that show is Ben Tallmadge (Seth Numrich.) Why my guilty pleasure? Because I'm old enough to be his mo---st interesting older aunt. ;) But my god, his acting is fantastic! I now must find him in other roles to see just what he's capable of.

      As far as Turn's "oh no she di'nt" factor...HOW fantastic has the storyline gotten with Benedict, John Andre and Peggy Shippen? Oooh SNAP it's fun, no?? They needed a little romance to spice up the ratings a bit. That is a MAJOR storyline I'm dying to google to find out what's true...but I don't want spoilers. Does that make me a complete dumbass??? Oh that's right, Carol...avoid HISTORY because you're a spoiler freak. LOL I truly do give up a lot for good Purgatory TV. ;)

      Let me know how Outlander goes with the hub!!! :)

      PS - Your parents are so not FFing through the sexy parts. ;)

  8. Hey y'all, just found out bout this podcast, listening to it now. Guest speaker is Author of Washington's Spies, the book the show TURN is based on.

    Here's the link:
