
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Season 2, Episode 1 - Through a Glass, Darkly: The MOP Chicks Break it Down (with a little help from a special guest!)


  1. They changed the date in the show because everyone was still on rations during 1945 so they made it 1946 for the show.

    1. THANK YOU ANNETTTE!! SO funny - I'm actually watching this, too...and THAT'S EXACTLY WHERE I AM!! And the ration situation makes total sense!! :)

    2. That confused me too because if we are to believe that minutes happened from Culloden battlefield to opening of the show, the date should be April 16, 1946 (not 1948).

    3. It is 202 years difference through the stones

    4. I remember that we had questions about the dates once before so I tried to remember all the travelings and put them in a post.

    5. NICE LINKAGE, Bremen!! I'll post this on a new post (and give you credit, of course!) so people who haven't seen this comment can read all your dates! Thanks!! :)

  2. Mary G
    Great video as always ladies! We've missed you two! If I am remembering correctly, when Claire and Mrs. Graham are talking about Jamie - doesn't Claire refer to his "mop" of red hair????!!!

    1. AHHHHHHHH!!! And did I mention AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! OMG Mary I NEVER put that together! THANKS! I think I see a MEME in MOP's future!! :)

  3. Wow! It's great to see you back again and enjoy the videos. Thank you!

    1. It's great to see you, too, Annette! We have missed everyone!! :)

  4. Hey ladies!!! I'm so happy season 2 has begun and I loved the episode as usual Cait Sam and Tobias were amazing. I loved Claire talking about Jamie with Mrs. Graham and I'm curious about the ring she brought back. I think that Frank besides wanting to avoid press by moving to Boston also wants to keep Claire as far away from those stones and Scotland as possible, what do you guys think? Can't wait for next Saturday as usual loved your recap

    1. GREAT point, Emily. I'm surprised he didn't move her to Australia. :)

  5. You two mentioned the title of this episode, and it reminded me of the Biblical reference to 1 Corinthians 13:12..."For now we (Claire/Jamie?)through a glass (the stones?), darkly,but then face to face (SPOILER: when she goes back the second time?)Now I know in part; but then shall I know, even as I am know." Right now she only knows in part what happened to Jamie, but later she comes to find out what really happened and she can be "known" as she truly is. She is her true self in the 18th century...Am I thinking craziness?

    1. OMG KRISTEN! I LOVE THIS!! GREAT discovery!! You sound like Tracey and me in a few of our earlier videos from 5/6 years ago when we would just sit there and try to figure it all out!!! It's FASCINATING!!!

  6. You two mentioned the title of this episode, and it reminded me of the Biblical reference to 1 Corinthians 13:12..."For now we (Claire/Jamie?)through a glass (the stones?), darkly,but then face to face (SPOILER: when she goes back the second time?)Now I know in part; but then shall I know, even as I am know." Right now she only knows in part what happened to Jamie, but later she comes to find out what really happened and she can be "known" as she truly is. She is her true self in the 18th century...Am I thinking craziness?

  7. Sorry...that verse should be "For now we see through a glass, darkly..."

  8. Ladies! My eyes almost crossed because you changed your seating assignments!

    Wonderful recap as always! Loved the first episode of this exciting second season. I do have one question, which may be a bit of a spoiler alert....I'm not sure, so I'm just throwing it out in case. My question: Do you feel that the carving of the initials on the hands will be addressed, or left out of the t.v story line? To me, it was a big deal because once done, it was a constant in the story (scars). There was something hauntingly romantic about it.

    1. I agree I was wondering about that where is the freaking J cut into her hand!!! That was a very significant part of their parting and carries on throughout later books.

    2. OMG if they cut that out I will be devastated...and you are RIGHT! She probably would have already looked at it!!! EEEEEEK!!!

    3. Diana said Ron cut it out. I wonder if she has the pearls.

    4. That's disappointing if they did cut it out. That was so meaningful.

  9. Thank you ladies-always fun to get our perspectives and to hear from Tom. Get some sleep and rest up for next week.


    1. OMG aren't kidding! Sleep has become a rare commodity! :)

  10. He sent him the clothes!!!

  11. I read elsewhere that Frank smelling Claire's 1800 clothes is because he can smell the scent of her last experience...parting sex with Jamie in the cottage before she went thru the stones. Of course Frank would burn anything that smells of JAMMF! Cricket

    1. EW FRANK, YOU DIRTY BIRD!!! LOL!!! That is fascinating, too. I'll have to google that!!

    2. I think auntie is like me and listened to RDM podcast I have listened to them all I almost quit because he never ever compliments Sam and made fun of him for pulling his sword out at the stones was not in the script. I liked it Ron he was protecting Claire always his first thought. In 201 podcast he goes on and on about Tobias and even at the end compliments everyone the crew Cait everyone but he leaves Sam out. I see a pattern developing Ron does not care much for Mr. Heughan. Sam was wonderful in the S1 and Episode 16 he was over the top why no GG nomination I do not know. Episode 16 S1 Ron praised Tobias and crickets for Sam. I like Tobias but he is not the core of the show but now I think maybe he is so auntie hope you get to come tonight I have some things to say also. Carol I loved your husband what a sweetie.

    3. THANKS Anon!! You and Auntie definitely have a lot to discuss!!!

  12. I think Wee Roger is playing with a plane he drops because Claire has that sad look out of the window of her plane when they land in Boston. Not to spoil things, but Wee Roger needs to know about tall ships too in his future. So to me, the details make sense,

    1. So TallShipsProd is Maril Davis' "official" twitter account. Wonder if that's why it was wove into the episode?

    2. That's what I figured. I mean, (SPOILER ALERT) Roger's life is tied into planes AND ships. Not sure on the Tall Ships Productions but it sure is a neat easter egg if so!! :)

    3. Roger DROPPING the plane (SPOILER ALERT) I immediately thought of the connection with HIS father and the plane.

  13. Welcome back, Ladies!
    I think the "glass darkly" and Claire looking into the mirror at herself in the blue coat refers back to Castle Leoch, when she looks at herself for the first time in 18th century garb after Mrs. Fitz has dressed her.
    And Wee Roger with his plane made me think of his father, who was lost over the English Channel in WWII. Saw the book, and just thought it was a nod to Ron & Maril's Tall Ships Productions.
    Also, I believe, too, that Frank smelled Jamie on Claire's underskirt, and that's why he insisted on burning her clothes, despite their historical value.
    I wish the trailers had kept the time shift secret.
    And while I think the Frank stuff was an interesting and viable option, **SPOILER***

    I soooooo miss adult Roger, who is one of my absolute favorite characters in Diana's world... heartbroken that he will be getting such short shrift in the series. :-(

    1. Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Maija?? What do you mean Roger will be getting such a short shrift??? I mean, I know what short shrift means, but what do we know about his significance/lasting power in the TV series?? (holding breath here!)

  14. Not only am I so happy that Droughtlander is FINALLY OVER, but it is such a joy to see you two back in full swing....I missed your podcasts.

    I think the significance of Claire looking up at the smoke after Frank burned her clothes {grrr} is that she is watching her dreams of her life with Jamie "go up in smoke." Also, at that point she, and the immediate scene after where she is in the plane looking at the clouds, maybe she is looking up at heaven where she believes Jamie would be.

    There were many, many references in the episode to the looking through glass, darkly...darkly referring to the darkness she is in.
    1. Claire is looking out the window in the hospital dreading her existence in the 20th century
    2. She sees Frank's reflection in the glass and is momentally afraid of him
    3. She is looking out of the glass window on the plane--looking at her new life that she does not want.

    1. That is such a great observation about Claire looking up at the sky seeing the life she had going up in smoke, I didn't think of that but your so right

    2. Great points, Marian. I would be exactly like Claire in all these scenarios. I bet she spent 20 years looking out windows...hoping to see something that wasn't there. :(

  15. I believe the blue coat and ugly brown shoes were left in her suitcase at the Rev Wakefield's home by Frank after she disappeared.

    1. Ooooh Anon! That is interesting...I don't think I remember that! Good catch!

  16. Jarod is Jamie's cousin not uncle so they would be closer in age I think.

  17. Hi ladies -- it's Auntie Lamb -- thanks for the shoutout! You're right, Carol: I have many thoughts about this episode - Frank, Tobias, and RDM in particular. You should hear RDM's podcast -- to hear him tell it. Tobias was the only actor IN the episode. BUT I have been back in the hospital for the last two weeks and cannot be online for very long at a stretch! I will try to see if I can arrange to come to chat Monday nite. MOP recaps/videos are back; all is right with the world!!

    1. Hi Auntie Lamb....I have not been here since S1 ended, but I remember you from this blog last year and enjoyed you on the chat. I just wanted to say I wish you better health soon.

    2. I'm sorry to hear you've been back in the hospital, Auntie! :( I hope all is OK. I had a right good giggle when we were mentioning you. I was like "oooh boy - Auntie will have plenty to say about this episode!" :)

  18. For all the time in book 2 that Claire spends worrying (and giving Jamie grief about) about whether or not Frank will "survive" whatever changes in history they make, she seems absolutely pissed at Frank all through this episode. I know she's traumatized by leaving Jamie but you'd think there might have been a moment where she said/thought, "Frank's alive!"

    Also, when Frank was burning the clothes, all I could think of was Geillis' line about "a f***ing barbeque!" :)

    1. OMG Heather - SO TRUE. That is pretty much Tom's point to a T. Claire makes zero attempt at letting Frank know she doesn't hate him in this episode! LOL PS - LOVE THE GEILLIS mention!! BOY do I miss Lotte!!!

    2. I don't think Claire cared one way or the other if Frank stayed with her. And I'm not faulting her at all, it just is what it is. She knew she'd never love him like she loved Jamie and was perfectly ready to move on as a single parent.

  19. I stopped the vid to make this comment: "I want my 2 dollars!" Lol! Wasn't that movie called Better Off Dead? My hubby and I quote it all of the time! :))

    1. LOLOL Sadie!!! YES! We quote it almost daily!!! :)

  20. jefsantamonica here -

    First, yes, originally the first episode in the US - it was Halloween 1945 - but the war was barely over, so for other than the US, the series was re-cut to be 1946. It never matched up with prior to Culloden with it being April, 1746. Didn't she see in Colum's parchment what the date was - wasn't it November, 1743? She arrived, definitely, well before Culloden.

    WOW, I am the odd one out on this episode. I was really moved by Claire's "re-entry." She had made a choice of the life she wanted when Jamie originally took her to the stones after escaping the witch burning. She chose, and it was Jamie. SPOILER FOR NON-BOOK READERS!!!!!!! Now she is ripped from that life, finds out that all the work in Paris was for naught and she feels she has lost everything.


    Personally, and just my opinion, she was shocked to see Frank's reflection and I thought her response was someone in shock, denial and terrible remembrance of the unspeakable trauma she has been through. I don't think she truly thought it was Frank until she looked at him - it was almost a "flashback" to her in the window. His words of "And I am so grateful" I thought were insincere or awkwardly acted. His response to the photographer - why didn't he have him stopped and take out the frame or film if they had it at that point. He does nothing.
    I feel for her coldness and attitude considering the unspeakable horror she has lived since Jamie was taken to Wentworth. The look of Frank would send someone into deep PTSD in seeing someone - regardless of who it is - who looks exactly like BJR - and remembering the agony and fear of almost losing Jamie, let alone his soul. If someone said to me I didn't need to tell them what has happened to me for over 2 years so they understand why I am the way I am just shows Frank, well meaning, but not getting the importance all all. He missteps thinking it is a comfort to reassure her, and the worst thing he could have done - try to gently shut her down. She witnessed his anger when she showed no sympathy to him with him almost hitting her and portrayed the unspeakable fear she had for BJK. She intellectually knows it's Frank, but in her mind, she keeps seeing the horror. She saw him burn her clothes and watched her old world, the world she wanted, go up in smoke. The transition and music were very moving. She did look to the sky, not only with the smoke, but thinking of Jamie. Bear did such a great job. I think with Frank's conditions, it stopped her from considering going back if she ever found any record of him alive. By taking her to Boston, he gets rid of the publicity and the deep archives of Scottish history. US universities wouldn't have those detailed archives where she might find the answer. She sees New York and knows the world she wants is gone and gives her a feeling of complete emptiness.

    I think the only thing that saved her was the housekeeper.

    You feel the tension of what "new beginnings" means right off the bat with the Comte and the small pox. They have Murtagh but no one else to know what has happened. The task ahead of them must feel insurmountable and they only have the three of them with Jared leaving for the West Indies.

    And yes, Tracey, I can give you French pronunciations...That wine pronunciation was HYSTERICAL!

    It's great to have you two back in action as it is so fascinating to hear everyone's take.

  21. I totally agree about Turn. Quite apart from the fact that I would watch anything with JJ Feild in it...I definitely think about the later books in Outlander series- It must be cool for You, Carol and Tracey as Turn takes place in Long Island and parts of New Jersey! I enjoyed seeing Tom in this recap. So funny to hear the man's perspective! What a hoot- so glad you're back.

    1. OMG are NOT kidding. Seeing Seth Numeric in that helmet on horseback, tearing through all those soldiers with his sword flying in the Battle of Monmouth episode...KNOWING it's right in my backyard (hell, I'll be in Freehold tomorrow!)...WHAT an experience that show is for me. I get chills every week. Just wish it was actually FILMED around here. I also wish they had covered the Paoli Massacre...but you can't have everything, I suppose. REMEMBER PAOLI!!! :)

  22. Did you all see that Starz has released the script for this episode on their website? It's fascinating to see what's in the script but was cut out of the final production! In the script, Claire seems to act more warmly toward Frank than what I got from the episode.
    Another interesting tidbit is that the Comte St. Germain (the actual historical figure) composed music and Bear McCreary has used it in this episode when the Comte is onscreen. Fascinating.
    Thankful Starz is giving us some good extras :)

    1. And you really should read the script to see what Ron D. Moore wanted Claire's last line of the episode to be!

  23. I'm not sure if you can click on this link or if you'll be able to copy and paste it, but here's where you can access the script and some other goodies.

  24. ...and why is Claire even THINKING about taking Jamie's ring off when she NEVER took off (or ever takes off) Frank's? WTH, Claire?!?

    1. THANK YOU!!! Agreed!!!! Dinna TOUCH the ring!! (And thanks for the link!) :)

  25. I'm new to your chats but a fan for years. Was re-watching S1 first episode and have a question am sure you have already addressed but will ask anyway. After Claire fell through the stones and was on the ground, I noticed she had a gold watch on. I never did see it in any of the following scenes. just wonder what happened to that gold watch and if it was addressed.

  26. Love the video... great seeing Tom. So far I can't say I love the series. It's not bad, I guess, but it's not the Outlander I know and love. It's like the Outlander name and character names then a highly edited (at best) or rewritten (at worst) story. I know I'm probably one of the people that likes Frank the least but come on... where do I get my Saint Frank medal? He's not even remotely the same person. Oh well I'll keep watching if only to enjoy the recap videos.

    1. Oooh Clay. Verra interesting take. You know I'm not Frank's biggest fan, either. ("Shut up, Frank!") LOL PS - It is a dream of mine to get you and Tom together with a good bottle of Scotch. :)

  27. So glad you girls are back!! LOVE the recaps!! Loved the Tom sighting. 😃 I agree with Tracey that it would've been better not to know what was going on with Claire at the start of the episode and to have that car come up behind her!! That would've been cool!! LOVED hearing Tom's perspective!! He had me laughing! My husband has read all the books after much begging and pleading and he really likes them...but also like Tom...Claire BUGS him!! It really is fun to rehash the books and tv show with your spouse. We have kept ourselves entertained on long car trips for hours discussing the books and our many theories!!

  28. I did a rewatch last night and it got me thinking does anyone else find it strange Frank had his semen or whatever checked while Claire was gone it's like WTH have you been doing while she's been gone Frank. I don't think he's as innocent as the show is trying to make us believe at this point I don't think he was sitting around waiting for her to come back that's for sure.

    1. If you read the books, you learn that even tho Claire is back with Frank and he is raising Brianna (Jamie's baby) as his own child-he actually adores Bri-which is is most redeeming quality it seems. For like 18yrs, Claire is missing Jamie, and Frank and Claire basically live, what sounds to me like, separate lives and Frank shores around with a bunch of students, etc. So in my opinion, that doesn't sound strange to me at all. He's a man who seems lost because of what happened.

    2. Your are absolutely right about the books I guess I'm thrown off because I knew he was cheating on her after she comes back but he is trying to act all innocent during the three years she was gone which is far from the truth I think.

    3. Emily,
      I agree with you about Frank. I don't think he is as innocent as he seems. I think he had affairs while in the service and certainly didn't sleep alone while she was gone. Just saying.

    4. I can't figure out why Frank would get himself checked after Claire was gone...unless he's figuring he better find out before finding a new wife.

  29. I just want to say that this is my very first time on your site, and I laughed a lot thru your recap...Tho I'm not even completely done watching it!! What a riot. I think that I am going to really enjoy coming back here after every episode.

    1. Welcome Angela!! Glad you found MOP!! If you keep watching the vids, we'll keep making them! :)

  30. Loved Tom on the recap and am hoping he'll join in more - a worthy and entertaining POV.

    So the dock smallpox scene - 2 sentances of dialogue from the book by Jaime would have been much better in showing his wisdom/dark humor and Claire's moment of humility ("... quay full of seamen and merchants who think women near ships ar the height of ill luck, who are already..."]

    1. Great point, Anon. I love when they throw in actual JAMMF lines from the books.

  31. Hubby Tom's rant about Claire sounded like a sad throwback to decades gone bye. Seems like Claire can't catch a break with some folks. Good thing Dougal and Jamie recognized Claire's bold confidence. Without that Jamie would have become known as the Lame Laird of Lallybroch.
