
Sunday, May 8, 2016

MOP Breaks Down Outlander Untimely Resurrection Episode 205


  1. Jamie and Claire just got back together last week, and as this episode ends, they could not be further apart.

    That last scene was so harrowing, and it is almost exactly like the book, but when Claire said "You OWE me a life.", I really agreed with Tom. She was so easy to hate. She chose Jamie at the stones, and she accomplished the impossible in breaking him out of Wentworth, but other than that, she has never respected his wishes. No matter what he has warned her not to do, or asked her not to do, or suggested that she not do, she has brazenly done it anyway. She is like a bull in a china shop. Never thinks of the consequences of her acts. Just barrels on ahead.

    Scolding Jamie about the Dame Blanche thing was ridiculous. It was that that saved her from being raped like Mary.

    I hated what she said to Alex. She cared nothing about Mary and Alex in her zeal to save Frank. Just because she read something on Frank's family tree did not mean that it was accurate. Knowing what she knows about Black Jack Randall, did she never even speculate that the baby might not belong to him? Black Jack didn't even like women. Remember the Jenny scene.

    I wonder how Jamie can forgive her for this. And it's even worse in the TV version. In the book, Jamie and Claire had had months of being together, when this comes up. And it was bad, even in the book.

    This is something that I don't think was ever addressed in the book, but if, as Claire feared, events unfolded so that Frank didn't exist, what would that mean for Jamie and Claire? Claire wouldn't have married Frank, they wouldn't have honeymooned in Scotland, and she would probably never have gone through the stones. Maybe fate would have brought her there some other way, but who knows? That might have been an argument that wouldn't have been as hurtful to Jamie.

    I don't think there was ever anything in history that Claire tried to change that worked for her. She actually could have let Jamie go out and kill Black Jack (and as we can see in his reappearance tonight, he needs killin') and nothing she feared so much would be affected.

    And I want him to kill Black Jack. I just didn't want it to be the reason he needed to love Claire.

    1. My husband and I ended up discussing time travel theory too. Last week he was all Kill BJR and this week he was all butterfly effect time travel geek out. It is a valid point.

  2. Hi Tracey and Carol! Love your recaps. Don't even worry about pronunciation. Just keep having fun because it is so much fun to watch you guys!

  3. Question, do you think anyone besides Black Jack heard Claire say "F the King"?

    1. I was afraid he had, but then he didn't seem to react. Would he have understood the meaning of the word? Jamie didn't.

    2. If King Louie heard he may have thought Claire was talking about the English King George as she was talking to an English soldier and the King knows Jamie is a supporter of the Stuarts and the Bonnie Prince's father King James.

  4. Hey ladies loved the recap!! I really think Claire in the show could've explained saving Black Jack easier by saying hey you know what if Frank never existed then I never would have went through the stones in the first place I would have never been on that second honeymoon in Scotland. Or am I understanding time travel in fiction completely wrong lol?

  5. I don't think anyone heard claire say it. I loved that whole scene with the king. genenerally, I don't like when the writers deviate too much from the book ( remember season one with the Watch at Lallybroch?) but this time it was great!
    I agree with Linda W's assessment of claire. the scathing look that jamie gives claire at the end, after he says don't touch me, went right to my gut. oh how she deserved it! claire may be self- confident but she is also arrogant and reckless and selfish. and very heartless in this episode. Sam and Cait did a fantastic job in this scene.

    I get sick of claire whining about frank. we saw how happy she was to be back with him didn't we? oh payback is a bitch.

    And if Claire's claim to alex that mary is such a good friend is true, how could she even want mary to marry/ touch BJR? I would say please please marry Mary and save her from your horrible brother!

    ( sorry about the lack of grammar - I'm on my nook touch screen - but I had to get this out of me!)

  6. My feelings from last night's episode are all over the place. I hate to say this, but I felt like it was another downer of an episode! The majority of this season has been watching Claire and Jamie disconnect. I read the books because I love their relationship so much, watching scene after scene of them never on the same page--I'm just not crazy about how they've done this season. I did not feel engaged after last night's episode, I just felt more annoyed especially with Claire.

    1. I agree Brandy. There is so much great stuff about the show - amazing costumes, sets, casting, acting - all wonderful. But I am not really enjoying it overall, just bits and pieces here and there.

    2. I’m with you! This “save Frank” business is already annoying enough for many fans (I do get Claire’s motivation, but hey, we all want to see justice for Jamie). By adding in this extra shade of manipulation to Claire’s character in her dealings with Alex and Mary, they are REALLY showing her in an unflattering light. As plot heavy and politically perplexing as these Paris episodes can be, I don’t understand why the series would also want viewers to lose empathy for the show’s main protagonist. I am only hoping that Gabaldon’s script will give us back a little of what’s been missing.

    3. Yes! To all that. I only ask that the characters of Claire and Jamie be true to the books. There has been so much deviation, the spirit of the love story has been lost.

    4. I would be happy if the characters were even true to last TV season (up to ep 12 anyway)! I've missed things about both Claire and Jamie we know from the books and I hoped to see a little added in Season 2 - Jamie's scholarship and sense of humor, and a bit more banter, would have been easy .
      I also agree that the spirit of the love story has been lost. Whether they had sex or passed in the hall these two expressed affection in some little way. All.the.time. So maybe too much for for a screen format, but to go all the way in the other direction? Not even a kiss hello or goodbye?
      It was so weird to me that anyone wouldn't rush into a loved one's arms upon returning from jail - and after waiting for their return from jail. Loved the moment with Fergus, but the fact that Jamie went to him first represented all for me.

  7. Tom may be right. Maybe we didn't like book Clairse so much either since most of the bad stuff she does in this episode is right from the book. While reading and seeing situations through her eyes, maybe we didn't fully understand how manipulative and selfish she could be until we see it on the screen. Love the discussion and seeing that you two don't always agree either.

  8. I remember not liking book Claire until after Faith and the caves. She needs to be broken, spirited lass or not. I know Diana doesn't like discussing time travel holes, but that is all my husband is concerned with, so he feels it necessary to let Frank live so Claire will go to Scotland to honeymoon. I think they could have her look at her gold ring every once in awhile for those nerds. Don't worry about your pronuciation of names. Conte is as close as you need to get. Con without the t means idiot, and your mouth will make a p if you try to make the n an m as an English speaker. As a French teacher, I have to comment that Sam's accent is actually really good, do I don't know why he worries in interviews.

    Thanks for being my "Mommy time" today.
    Therese in NS

  9. Thanks for your recap - always enjoy them and Tom was a treat. My non-book reading parter hates Clair right now and said "why does Frank's ancestor have to be BJR's baby?! His brother is in love with Mary. Clair should realize that." I love that he's thinking that way and am wondering if any other non-book readers thought about that. Another observation he had was about the Comte - "all we get from the character now is haughty distain" and he's right. Granted, the actor nails it.

    I'm surprised that neither of you brought up the stable scene in the context of Fergus and runaway horses. Yet again, that was a scene I was REALLY looking forward to that they blew off. I realize that it would be tough to film well, but hey, after the last few France episodes, the show could really use some ACTION and more Fergus is always a good idea. It seems there would have been time - the episodes are short. Sam certainly seems able for a scene like that. Maybe they'll surprise me and incorporate it into some other bit, but I don't have high hopes.

    Am loving the king. I didn't expect to get some awkward BJR - just delicious.

  10. Well my non book reading husband watches with me and just blurted out during last nights episode... Claire is meddlesome and her thought process is stupid! haha no love for Claire with him either. I Enjoy your videos ladies! I love the books and the tv series as well so im not very critical. I just sit back and enjoy. One thing that did break my heart was Jamie mentioning how he felt bad for the poor bastards are in the bastille for way longer than he was... ohh little does he know that he too will be imprisoned for years.
    Gretchen in PA

  11. What happened to all the good writers.Thinking this is more about costumes then the show.Don't get me wrong love the costumes,they are wonderful,but miss the show as it was in the 1st season.Have not been to happy about this season,want to slap whoever did writing for this

    1. Elisabeth, I so totally agree with you about the show this season is all about the costumes. I am tired of it. Yes, they are beautiful but they are so often the focus instead of the action or story. I am disliking this whole France time. I loved the first season. Am not so interested in the show any more.

    2. Agree! Costumes are gorgeous, but not why I watch. Terry Dresbach knows her business though. She's also a fan of the books, no? I wish the writers, directors and editors expressed as much passion. I feel like some of them maybe skimmed some Outlander Cliff Notes and don't get the characters.

  12. About to view your ep break-down! Should be great fun. Happy Mothers Day Carol and Tracey!!!!!

  13. If they would have included all the sweet tender words between Jamie and Claire and their humorous side when they hit a rough patch it would not be so hard. Claire looks like a terrible person in this episode and through this season self-centered and all about her world typical mean girl attitude. My husband can not stand her at all he is with Tom.

    I miss all the sweet tender dialogue that Jamie and Claire have in the books they could have used this short episode and filled with the great book lines between Jamie and Claire earlier in the episode. Producers cannot say they do not have time 53 minute episode. The series to me has changed the main book characters to much.

    I agree with Tracey Jamie would never consider taking his life ever. I am just becoming disappointed in the choices they make. I did read that Ron meet with fans this last week and again stated his love for Frank and BJR so that is the story we will see his version and I guess I can not complain we all take something different from the books. Jamie and Claire carry absolutely no importance to him and it shows in the series and how he projects them. It is all about the drama and not the J/C relationship.

    I will be surprised if the series makes it all the way through the books unless things change and maybe it is just me. Just being honest. Love your review always have and always will.

    1. If this is Ron's vision of the story, expanding the role of Frank and BJR, diminishing and changing the main characters of Jamie and Claire, trying to make the story primarily a political plot......he is missing the mark.....Mahk me! He has cut the heart out of the story. It's a beautiful production, but it's all cake.

    2. My husband absolutely can't stand Claire. And I'm not liking her either this season! What are they doing to the Jamie and Claire I love???

  14. Tracey, why is Claire so angry about everything? Probably because this season the TV series has decided to take its main protagonist and show her as bossy, bitchy, meddling, manipulative, and willing to consider anything, including the possibility of leaving an innocent man in prison! On top of that, she is pregnant, has recently been through hell with her husband, has helped take on the responsibility for the fate of an entire culture, is having to adjust to yet another lifestyle change, has been the target of an attempted poisoning, and her (until recently) distant husband, who spends many hours away from her - including time spent fighting off flesh-eating zombies, uh, I mean whores, is only now able to be intimate again because he is on a revenge high. Oh, yeah, and she had to repair her own lace scarf!!! You’d be angry, too!

    Carol, when you referred to “the Claire I know,” and you said, “I don’t know what this imposter did with Claire… This is not Claire,” I yelled, “AMEN!!” The woman we have been seeing this season isn’t our Claire. So many readers adore Jamie, but I love Claire, too, and I’ve not been happy with the portrayal of her this season (do you sometimes wonder if the powers-that-be actually read the books, or did they just skimmed them for plot points?). Claire is strong, intelligent, resourceful, caring, brave, and witty – and there are not nearly enough female protagonists with those qualities. It is because I love both Claire and Jamie that I continue reading the books, and they are the two characters I would love to see accurately portrayed on screen. It is just a shame that the series can’t slow down enough to let us see and savor them as they are in the books.

    As for the business about saving Frank, I’ve never been a Frank fan, and like many book readers, my initial thought on the issue was,” Forget Frank!” But looking at it logically (which is like ASKING for a migraine when time travel is involved), without Frank, I assume Claire has no business in Scotland, and she never passes through at Craig na Dun to meet Jamie in the first place (yes, I also wondered why that argument wasn’t utilized in the books). I know the gut reaction for most of us is that BJR needs to be dead, and he needs to be dead YESTERDAY! When Jamie was in Wentworth, Claire’s focus was on rescuing Jamie and saving his life. She was not even thinking about possible collateral damage to Frank because killing BJR was never the focus of the mission. When Claire learned that Randall had been trampled to death during the rescue, suddenly it was water under the bridge because what was done couldn’t be undone. Claire focused forward, and didn’t spend much time over something that was out of her hands. However, once Claire learned BJR was alive, and having had time to consider the possible ripple effects of ending BJR’s life, who could blame her for worrying about Frank? We would be calling Claire “cold-hearted” if she didn’t. Remember, in the book, Jamie’s soul, and his relationship with Claire, are both firmly intact – and Claire is only asking for a delay to possibly save an innocent man. As for TV Jamie, due to the continuing effects he suffered after reaching France, the oddly delighted nature of his response to the knowledge that BJR was alive, and how heavily a role the thought of killing Randall has played on his ability to reconnect with Claire, I think we NEEDED to see that this Jamie is capable of stepping back and gaining self control.

    As for that “Don’t touch me” scene at the end of the episode, I do wish they had used the extra time at the end (this was a SHORT episode), to give us the morning after scene. I am one viewer that sure could have used it.


    1. I never liked Frank. He was pompous and stuffy. Claire embarrassed him at dinnerparties with his academic friends. Frank and Claire had spent a total of about five days together throughout the course of World War II. I can hardly understand her obsession with him, especially when it means choosing him over Jamie. I see the time travel problems, but she should have sided with Jamie and let the Frank chips fall where they might.

    2. One of my (many) marks against Frank was his refusal to even consider adoption with Claire - and Claire was an orphan! If Frank had not discovered himself to be sterile, I wonder if he would have still seen taking Claire back as an option.

      I never really saw Claire's position on saving Frank as obsession or as taking one side over another. Clair had no idea how any action she might take in the past might affect the future, but this was ONE place where she thought she could grasp the repercussions. For me, hopeful of an easy HEA, it was primarily an annoyance that Claire hadn’t been allowed to escape her first marriage, or her own conscience, “Scott free” (dang, I just tickled myself with that one). Besides, there WERE other good reasons for Claire to worry about Jamie dueling - like him getting killed, or ending up in a French prison. And Claire only asked for time, not absolution for BJR. Mainly, though, when I first read DIA, I worried that the moment BJR died that Claire might simply disappear. After all, without Frank, why is Claire even in Scotland?

      Now that I have read the other books and bulges, there doesn’t seem to be too much of a butterfly effect involved. When I look at examples like Mary Hawkins marrying BJR, or of the Battle of Culloden unfolding as it always had, it looks like this story may exist in a universe that has firmly set points of fact, even though there may be various routes on which to travel to them. In other words, perhaps it’s a world where the effects of free will are partly illusory, and are ultimately reigned in by fate.

    3. That's right. How ironic that Frank only wanted a child of his own body, and yet he loves Jamie's child more than he loves Claire. Maybe his change of heart is a result of his discovering his own sterility.

      I think you are right about history being immutable. It seems that all their efforts are thwarted. But, doesn't Claire change history by going back. Frank's life is changed. Jamie's life is changed. Her life is changed. Or is it? Are we meant to believe that this too was preordained every bit as much as the Battle of Culloden?

    4. That's an interesting point about Claire thinking that BJR had been trampled to death by cattle and not being troubled... even after she first met Mary. In the books I never got the sense that she was saving Frank because she was worried about it affecting her being with Jamie. Am I missing something? I thought that she just felt really, really guilty for leaving him. Soothing a guilty conscience vs. getting revenge for rape and torture? I always felt like her priorities were off on that one.

  15. I see a lot of complaints about not having enough of Jamie and Claire in season 2. I sort of get that, but I thought the Jamie and Claire stuff in this episode was the most spot on with the book that I have seen. There were a lot of great vulnerable moments as they talked about their baby, and a great fight over Frank (that felt *very* true to the book for me). I really do dislike the Paris section from the books because to me it feels like a time when Claire and Jamie *were* their most distanced from each other. Jamie was constantly criticizing Claire for being a 1940s woman (going to work at l'hopital, dressing provocatively, getting waxed). The *did* have a big fight about Frank. So, like I said, it seems very true to the books to me.

    I think the think about all the tender stuff that women love to read is that on screen they often just come out cheezy. I really don't want Outlander to turn into a Lifetime Nora Roberts movie. So, I'm pretty okay with everything they have done to make sure the show doesn't go that way. I compare it to Bones, which is a show that has had the lead characters in a long term relationship for a long time now. The major percentage of the episode does not focus on their love, but they are snippits of it in each episode. It seems to work to drive their relationship forward while still making the show about more than just romance. Greys Anatomy is another similar situation: there is romance, but there are still other things going on so that the romance is not using the main thing driving the show. I think if the romance was the main thing, it would get boring.

    I think Richard Kahan did the best job I've seen so far of really interweaving a few tender moments with a plot that moved forward and was very exciting. The only part that I didn't like was Claire meddling with Mary & Alex. But I think in the book they just kinda drop out of sight without much explanation.

    1. Gail, thanks for sharing your take on this. It's interesting how we all have a different interpretation of the books and show. In my opinion Jamie never criticized Claire. He would say things like "what, you mean staying home and being pregnant and taking care of your husband isn't enough for you?" but there would always be that little smile at the corner of his mouth. Mutual understanding and respect, always.

  16. Slainte Mhath pronunication and meaning:

    1. SLAINTE MHATH ( Slan juh va ) = GOOD HEALTH !

  17. Love you gals! Thank you for your weekly recap - it must be a lot to take on but know that they are appreciated and enjoyed! I loved Tom's guest appearance and his perspective on Claire. He is absolutely on point but I have to defend my girl. No debate, she can be a pain in the proverbial ass, but it comes from a good place...both in the books and on the Show. Don’t get me wrong, I have screamed at her while reading the books. Sometimes I wish she would keep her mouth shut or just do what Jamie says. But if she did, she wouldn’t be Claire. It must kill her inside to ask Jamie not to kill BJR…she of all people knows how much Jamie has suffered because of him. But if Frank isn’t born, she may never meet Jamie! And that simply can’t happen…for all of us!

    As for BJR, Tobias Menzies is so flippin’ good! I am physically uncomfortable watching this character and yet, with the exception of Wentworth, I don’t want his scenes to end. Also, I never felt bad for Frank in the books. Ever! Once Jamie was introduced, I was hooked and completely justified Claire’s adultery, bigamy and choice to stay in 1743 Scotland in the name of JAMFF. But Tobias’ portrayal of Frank has actually made feel guilty for dismissing his loss of Claire. I love that we get more of him and his story on the Show– you can’t tell this great story without his perspective.

    Thank you again for all that you do! I’m looking forward to more commentary and more Tom! Until next week…

  18. Is this the firs time Claire saw someone who was ill and did not help them. Alex I know she does not want him with Mary what do you think of her even setting aside helping Alex with her herbs and knowledge did she have to sacrifice a part of her core beliefs for Frank?

  19. I forgot how much i didn't like this part of the book - Claire isn't very likable and with the exception of meeting Fergus, Raymond, Hildegard and Bouton, it's all just a big drag. Having read all the books so far, I was hoping for a touch of whatever it was that evoked my great and completely unexpected affection for Friday Night Lights' Tami and Eric Taylor - of course - with much better adventure, wit and romance. I'm not wording this well - if you know what I mean, please DO help me out in articulating it.

    1. Anon, I think I may know your point and agree. Beginning with book characters, Coach Taylor and Jamie Fraser are both heroic men. Their calm courage inspires trust and passion in the men who follow and the women who love them. Tami and Claire hold the key to these hero's vulnerable hearts and its a beautiful thing to see play out in a great tv show. I thought FNL WAS such a series and although there is still a ton of story left to be told in Outlander, I think it has the potential to be a great series as well.

  20. Because it's Mother's Day, no one complained when I put in my earbuds and watched your vid!! Heehee.
    As always, GREAT recap!! Tracey was cracking me UP!!

    I actually took notes during your vid so I wouldn't forget what I wanted to comment on: first, just want to say Tom is awesome!! My husband is a stoic sort, so I enjoyed seeing Tom letting loose and telling us what he really thought!! And I have to agree with him to a degree-- book Claire would sometimes really really get on my nerves, especially in the first 2 books. "If it's not about Claire, it's not there!" CLASSIC!!! I didn't hate her, but I wasn't totally enthralled with her. I came to love her in later books when she seemed to trust Jamie and his take on how to handle situations more.

    Tracey's discussion of Murtagh laying just vengeance at Jamie's feet was really good...I hadn't thought of that foreshadowing! Well done!! I saw that comment about pronounciation and thought that person was being "too-kie" as we say in the south. You can probably guess what it means from context... Ha!

    I thought the same thing about the lack of the bloody hanky!

    OK, BJR!!! I was so surprised at myself because he was so mesmerizing, and even though I knew he was horrible, I wasn't repulsed like I would have anticipated!! He was mesmerizing but not in a creepy way! What the...??? I give all props to Tobias because I was affected by BJR's humanity when he was willing to be humiliated for the sake of his brother.
    When he put his hand on Jamie's chest, for a second I wondered if he was referencing where he had "branded" him...? I was about to come out of my skin!! That whole sequence in the garden was AWESOME!!!!! LOVED IT!!!!

    It is so hard for me to agree with Claire asking Jamie to wait AN ENTIRE YEAR to kill BJR!!! It was un fathomable to me when reading the book why she was so adamant about it. If one of her arguments had been the butterfly effect that the commenter above mentioned, I could have understood it. I just wasn't terribly fond of Frank in the books...hey...maybe that's why the show has made him more help explain why Claire feels so guilty about staying with Jamie? Arrgghhh! Time travel loop! Too hard to think about!! Haha

    Thanks again, ladies!! See you next week! :)

  21. Your videos are always so funny! I was nearly in tears when Tom came on screen, he is too much! Thank you for your recaps, always insightful.

    NEVER worry about going over an hour - I would watch a 3 hour video (although I doubt you would want to make one that long!)

  22. I love you gals, but can I just that Tom is frickn awesome!! I totally agree with him about Claire in France. Also, BPC lottery entry = 24. 😁

  23. I love you gals, but can I just that Tom is frickn awesome!! I totally agree with him about Claire in France. Also, BPC lottery entry = 24. 😁

  24. Carol and Tracy, enjoy your reviews very much and have loved seeing Tom's reaction to Miss Bossy Pants (Claire). I had to mute her conversation with Alex because I couldn't believe Claire would be so heartless.

    I loved the scene where Jamie comes in and finds Claire and Fergus waiting up all night. He and Claire do show some tenderness towards each other but it's rare to see in this show. Jamie's sweetness towards sleeping Fergus was heart warming.

    Love your recaps and enjoy hearing your views. Good job!

    I just posted this comment on the wrong episode so I'm reposting here sorry.

  25. I had a hard time liking Claire in the books until she got a little more older and began to trust Jamie more. I really like her as an older women. She has blossomed into a very wise woman. I hope they do her justice in the future and maybe add some of the humor into the story. Life is not all drama... There are some light moments from time to time. It may help her to be more likable. I am concern that STARZ will lose the audience if they don't make Jamie and Claire likable.

  26. Please thank Tom for his rant! Paris Claire totally earned that and more. The letter thing and the conversation with Alex had me wanting to throw things at my television. I was so disgusted. Then the christening gift scene happened and there was the Claire that I know and love. Caitriona Balfe can totally handle playing Claire. I don't get the decisions to make Claire so unlikable. They overshadow what Caitriona can do and who Claire is. Right now I'd rather listen to Fergus talk about brunette whores, witches and giving love advice. He seems like the most amusing one in that house...and he spent the episode asleep.

    Totally agree about BJR! He was dashing and horrible and inappropriate, but human. Loved that scene. I didn't mind the plot change at all.

    I'm really curious about the episode written by Diana this season. I'm a bit nervous about Metin Hüseyin directing the next two episodes since I haven't been blown away by the episodes that he's directed so far (The Search? Christ...). Where is Anna Foerster this season??? Could it be the lack of a feminine perspective "behind the lens" that accounts for some of this season's Claire issues? I feel like a female director would be like "Claire, chill you sound like a cranky tiger mom".

  27. Here's why I think Claire's thought process is wrong regarding Alex and Mary, and Frank's life in the future. History is taking place in front of Claire's eyes. If Alex and Mary, who love each other, marry and have children, then Frank is a descendant of Alex, not BJR. His ancestral records could be wrong! I don't understand how Claire doesn't see this. She should not be trying to manipulate every situation! Thanks, Carol and Tracy, for the recap and the opportunity to comment on the show. I've read the books and love the show. This was my absolute favorite episode.

  28. Hi Ladies,
    Excellent recap. I think Tom should make guest appearances more often! Although I love book Claire, TV Claire is driving me nuts. She's so manipulative and miserable.

    BTW, I say Murtaugh (awww at the end) too. I think it's a Philly thing, since my kids are constantly making fund of my Philly accent.

  29. Oh my goodness! When Alex got out his hankie, I was, "Do NOT let him look at it, and see blood!" Many an otherwise good movie or tv show has done that cheesy bit of "foreshadowing", and totally ruined it!

    I predict 16 "Mark Me" outbursts by BPC. ��

    As an aside, since the two of you spoke of going to Paris this summer, I had a funny experience 20 years ago. My mom, sister, aunt, and I went on a "girl's trip". It was mid-July, sometime around Bastille Day, so there was talk about it. I wanted to go see it, as it was on our sightseeing map. The only history nerd in the group, I was met with moans and groans, but they reluctantly allowed a couple of hours to get this over with. Armed with my map, we boarded the subway (I forget what it's called in Paris), got off at the appropriate stop, and walked up and down for 40 minutes, always stupidly stopping at the supposed site, staring at the buildings there - shops, bakeries, etc. - before finally realizing that this was the SPOT where the Bastille WAS! Ce que la deception! (Google it ��). They laughed at me, but I wanted to see the guillotine, I wanted to see the chains and the dark, dank cells. Heck, I wanted to see the basket Marie Antoinette's head fell into! I was bummed.

    Anyway, great recap, as usual. Loved "meeting" Tom!


    1. OMG Carla that is SO funny for two reasons. 1) We would do the EXACT same thing! (Doesn't it freak you out that there are shops and bakeries on the grounds of such historical events, some totally heinous?!?) And 2) Here you are taking a girl's trip to Paris with your mom and sister. Tracey and I have been discussing a girl's trip with our mom and sister, too...only it's to the Poconos! ROFLMAO! Not quite the same thing! ;)

    2. Any girls' trip, whether to Paris or The Poconos, will be a blast - no men! Sometimes it's best just to leave them home! (But not always) hah!

    3. "Mark Me" - I think I nailed it!

  30. Don't know why I wasn't allowed to put emoticons - they turned out as question marks. Hmmm

    1. OMG I know!! Blogger needs to get with the times! We totally need emoticons! I created the blog in it's hard to switch the whole thing over to another site that will allow more FUN ways to comment! For now, we're stuck with the old fashioned little winks and smiles. ;) :)

  31. This part of DIA was always a tough road to hoe. Claire was not her likeable self and Caitriona is doing a nice job albeit a bit icey.She's from another time and she's always going to trouble the viewer. Sam on the other hand is stepping up to his Jamie self.If Voyager gets made, you're going to have him as your guide quite a bit. We're watching an historical novel transforming into a larger than life TV show. Sexy, hot scenes are not the priority only when they further the story demands it. The audience needs to get patient.Forty years is a lot of a relationship. This is a love story for the ages and I believe Ron and his supporting team know how to do it right. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

  32. When BJR first says, " Claire?" and then says Jamie's name a few minutes later, I believe I had a moment of dungeon PTS!! He said their names in the same tone he used while torturing Jamie when last they met. He reminded me of a snake slithering and hissing as he spoke to Claire.

    I was also mesmerized watching the King's hand movements while he directed the conversation to Claire, BJR and Jamie. I could see the King developing that rhythm of movement over the years while addressing different languages of visitors to the Court.

    1. Susan H, great interpretation of the Kings dramatic hand movements. Until I read your post I was put off by them but I think you explained the hand flutters beautifully.


  33. This is where I am with Outlander this season.

    I am a huge fan of Keith Urban. I saw him for the first time at a bar in Atlanta. I collected all of his music, listened again and again to the songs. Went to multiple concerts over the years. Cried when he won male vocalist of the year at the CMA's. He was finally getting the credit he deserved.

    But the last few albums have been just okay to me. They are not the same. I see him in concert about once a year now. Last year at Oak Mountain when the encore started we thought it was going to be the same blah blah. But no - it was Raining on Sunday, the song that made me fall in love with his music.

    There is a new album out. I have not even listened to it. I do have tickets to a show this summer. A Keith show is very good, much better than most live shows out there. But not like it used to be.

    That is where I am. I love Outlander no matter what. I am a lifelong fan. I have way too many years invested to walk away. I just hope to see some of the magic.

  34. Ok let me get my thoughts in some order.

    First never worry about the length of your videos. I love them and look forward to it each week. I workout while watching which makes the time go so fast.

    Second, think Tom is spot on about Claire. She has the nerve to say Jaimie owes her a life!!! What about him saving her when she was about to be burned to the stake. Him staring down all those people at court when he said he made a vow before God to protect Claire with his body. Sigh.... Also what about Jaimie saving Claire from God knows what from BJR while perched in the window with a gun with no bullets???? Both of these incidents Claire got herself into trouble by totally disregarding what Jaimie had told her. As a book reader we know they both go on to save each other countless times but Jaimie doesn't owe her a life.

    I have to disagree with those who say they are making Claire unlikeable for God's sake she is unlikeable at this point. I remember thinking she totally didn't deserve Jaimie while reading DIA. Not only what she asks of Jaimie but later in the book when she blames Jaimie and the hell she puts him through over Faith in the book. She blames Jaimie for what happens to Faith but feels its perfectly ok for her to treat people with the Pox and God only knows what other sicknesses while pregnant. It's alright for her to have risky behavior putting her baby at risk but then blames Jaimie for what happens. This was part of the book that made me strongly dislike Claire and I couldn't get past it for a long time. This was my least favorite book of the series because I couldn't get over Claire asking this of Jaimie and then blaming him for Faith.

    Lastly, she is so nasty to Murtagh another reason I can't stand her. It would have made much more sense for her to explain to Jaimie what if he kills BJR and that affects her going through the stones and meeting him in the future. They could have discussed it together rather than making it about Frank. Diana to me made it easy to disregard Frank after in Book 1 he all but admits he was unfaithful during the war.

  35. Hi everyone!
    Tracey and Carol - about the twelve apostle spoons that Jamie gave Claire as a baby gift...

    From the Outlander Prop Spotlight link on STARZ:

    “…We thought the spoons would be tiny, like traditional silver baby spoons, but they arrived and they were huge! Like giant soup spoons! We had a good laugh, but at least it allows them to show up on camera well.”

    You mentioned this gift was odd in your breakdown, so, when I saw this I thought I'd post. Kathie

    1. THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!! OMG it was driving me CRAZY!!! Thats such a riot!! I'm glad I'm not losing my mind!!! :)

  36. Oh, I forgot to add...I agree that Claire is a royal pain in the ass this episode. For that matter, she is during the whole France scenario. I do not remember her being quite as bad in DIA. Love Tom making his appearance during ep.#5 breakdown. Although I do not hate her, I can see his point. Good for Jamie when he told her not to touch him.

  37. I agree with Susan B. I was like throwing statements out to the TV that Frank could have been wrong re his ancestors! Alex was a younger version of BJR so of course her dear Frank would still look like the Randalls. Anyhoo, still enjoying the show and your recap each week. I also like the "male" perspective on the characters (especially the one character)....Thanks Tom. I didn't like BJR's hand on Jamie's chest and why for the love of God didn't he flinch? It made good drama but I didn't like it but then again that is why we keep coming back!

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. I just adore your recaps every week ladies.

    BTW--I'm in NY and we have had the same weather and allergy situation as you. Everyone is miserable.

    Just a couple of quick comments of things you discussed:

    I think Jamie is wearing the kilt again, because he IS Jamie again. His purpose of being in France is Claire's idea and he is uncomfortable with the charade they are playing. In order to make his way into French society, I think he had to assimilate with the french way. But now, he has his mojo back and if you notice, it is the FRASER kilt he is wearing--something he can not do even in Scotland. He not only wore it to Versailles, but he is wearing it in the scene with Murtagh at the wine warehouse.

    Observation: While he is examining the horses with Sandringham, notice how Sandringham is NOT looking at the horses--he is observing Jamie the whole time. Sandringham is such a

    About BJR using Claire's first name; he never used her first name. Aside from the fact that it sent chills up my spine, I think one reason he does is because he feels he has a commonality with Claire--as sick as it is--from the intimacy of Jamie. He is trying to REMIND HER that he had Jamie, and that Jamie gave himself willingly.

    And, I agree with you about Mrs. Munro. There are already too many tertiary characters in the story to keep track of in a 59 minute episode, so I think they will alter that storyline a little. And, if they can do that--the can #SAVEMURTAGH

  40. Loved your recap and loved Tom!! My husband and I were laughing so hard watching him.
    He was hilarious and spot on. Claire is super annoying right now in the books and on tv.

    1. Thanks Kristin. It's always fun watching the show with the husbands, right?? :)

  41. Great recap as always. I was disturbed by BJR using the "Claire" name as I don't think he would have done that. I googled Apostle Spoons and they were a big thing at one time with each spoon handle representing an Apostle (Tracy, don't know if there was a Judas spoon or not). I don't think they were meant to be actual baby spoons for feeding the baby but more a gift as for the child to keep as part of his/her family heritage. When my son was born my MIL gave us a silver cake serving spatula that had been passed down to her family. I enjoy Tom's comments and especially like the sweet kiss he gave Carol as he left. I REALLY don't like Claire at this point in the show.


  42. Hello! Great recap as always and Tom was a treat.

    As a non-reader I see the show and that's the only perspective I have. So with that in mind I liked this episode. Well until the end. I appreciate that they are adding in some more tender moments between Jaime and Claire since I have been dying for that this season. I would love to see more, but like Tracey said I think it is a plot/time thing. There just isn't much room in an episode.

    Claire hasn't really been bothering me too much. She certainly can be selfish and Jerk!Claire pops up every now and again, but I can't say I hate her. Of course that could change at any time ;)

    And then there is the giant what the f'ckery at the end. This makes zero sense to me. I'm pretty sure if I had read the book I would've thrown it across the room at this point. As others have said it would've made a TON more sense to explain it using the butterfly effect theory instead of how she did it. She had no issues with BJR being dead until now - what changed?

    Speaking of BJR - I felt sick to my stomach when he appeared. Pretty sure I was clenching my fists too. So good job Tobias, I guess? The king part made it all better.

    Can't wait for next week!

  43. I just watched this episode for the 3rd time. I read so many glowing reviews about Tobias as BJR I wondered what I missed. Well, I guess I'm one whose pulse does not flutter when he comes on scene. Tobias was good but I thought the King was better with his expressive hand movements and very knowing looks. My take on that whole scene is I think the King saw BJR blocking Claire from leaving and grabbing her arm and so he (the King) strolled over to see what's up with them. I think the King is smart enough to see that the English Dragoon Captain was no friend to the Scottish Laird and his Lady and enjoyed jerking BJR around in front of them.

  44. I don't think I liked the whole France stuff in the books except for finding Fergus and I probably skimmed over a lot of the Bonnie Prince Charlie/Compte St Germaine intrigue. I'm even less fond of the TV adaptation. So I hope they get out of France soon. I wonder if the TV show will show what happens to Fergus ... it seems like after so much sexual violence that would be just too much. Really enjoy your reviews.

  45. Ok, so I agree that Claire has been a bit annoying this Season. What she is asking Jamie to do (NOT kill BJR for one year) is hard to accept. Jamie telling her, "Don't touch me" at the end - totally believable. However, I have to remind you that Claire did chose, after knowing Jamie for HOW long?, to stay with him in Scotland. She chose him despite knowing what was to come, and the uncertainty, and the violence (Jamie's words at the stones), she gave up an easier way of life for him. So, ya know, I think she does deserve a little understanding when she is pregnant and has been feeling somewhat alone and stressed out. None of this negates the whole Alex Randall argument and the fact that Jamie totally deserves her support even at the cost of Frank, but ya know ...


  46. Loved seeing Tom join the video this week! Great recap as always.

  47. When Claire stopped in front of the fire with Mary's note, I gasped audibly and said OH NO YOU DON'T!!!

    They are f'ing up the others have said. Where are the Claire and Jamie we know and love? Where are the good writers?

  48. Crazy episode! By the way, during the scene with Jamie and the Comte, the Comte said that he would keep the wine in his warehouse until Jamie found a buyer for it. I found it fascinating that neither one of them would speak in the other's language. These two were enemies until the end! BPC has certainly made a bad situation worse by his interference.
    I'm surprised that Jamie didn't bring up all the times he saved Claire's life when she told Jamie that he owed her a life! And that look on his face right before he said, "I am a man of honor." I swear it reminded me of the look he had in episode nine before he said, "You're tearing my guts out, Claire!" The same awful look of desolation!! I still want to cry every time I watch this scene. Knowing what is coming this weekend makes me wish I could drink whisky...going to be a pain factor of 10+ for certain!
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this episode. Tulach Ard!!

    1. Seriously! He's already had to save her before so I'm not sure why she insists that he owes her a life! Hello, he climbed that tower with not even a weapon to save her from Black Jack! The whole fire burning thing with Geilis! I think she could make the argument without throwing it in his face that he owes her anything.

  49. I am not happy with the way Claire is being portrayed this season. And also not thrilled with the way they've made Jamie almost into her handsome but dim witted son. But I do think that even in the books I questioned Jamie's wanting to go kill BJR in a duel since he could lose, get wounded so bad he'd die of infection or get arrested or hung! He has a wife who is the ultimate stranger in a strange land with no family to help her AND a wee barin on the way. He is risking their safety by challenging BJR no matter what the reason.

  50. OMG - if they leave out Mrs. Munroe, I'm going to be REALLY pissed. I LOVED Hugh last season and that's a BFD in the book for a few characters - they just can't!

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Mark me . . . 14 by the time the season ends

  53. I'm watching you girls and Tom this morning. Love the recap and review. Talking about Claire going off to the hospital on the day of the REALLY vital important dinner...did you all notice that when they had to walk back home Claire and Mary were taking their time, strolling along talking about Mary's infatuation for Alex. They weren't rushing home to the REALLY important dinner party they were hardly moving...just like they had all the time in the world. That was so off. Whoever directed it did a poor job because Claire should have been hurrying home it was so late and she knew how important it was.

  54. I can't wait for your posts each week. Unfortunately I don't have anyone who is as obsessed as I am to talk to about the episodes. As a book reader I worry about things happening now that will change future episodes. Like Clair not taking the pearls back for Bree. In this I didn't like Jamie telling Jenny about the baby. However it was worth it to hear your comment about the Judas spoon. Lol!! I thought Black Jack touching Jamie's chest was about the brand. Anyone else think that?

  55. It's been crazy week and here we are for the next episode. I did watch the breakdown on Sunday AM - my fave with a cup of coffee...I must admit I'm just watching the TV show for what it is as I skimmed over the whole Paris block in the book I was too bored ...too long.......but I think the King (NOT BPC) is kinda cute and I LOVED the way he humiliated BJR! Too much of the same stuff, more prison, more rescues, but I know....25 million books, got it.
    I just wish Jamie had wacked BJR's hand off when he put his hand on is chest. EWWWWWWWWW.....jefsantamonica

  56. Love your reviews! You guys make me laugh every week!
    Mark me: 21 times!
