Not only can you win a copy of Jodi McIsaac's "Bury the Living", but that copy is a SIGNED, ADVANCED READER'S COPY before it comes out on September 6th!
Why Bury the Living during Droughtlander, you ask?
"McIsaac has an undeniable talent for immersing the reader in the plight of the Irish in the 1920s, at the height of the Irish Civil War. Comparisons to Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series are inevitable…" - Publishers Weekly on Bury the Living
All you have to do is comment right below this post, here on the blog and tell us how you're passing the time during Droughtlander.
A winner will be chosen at random, tomorrow night, Tues, Aug 30th at 5PM EST!!!
Good luck!!!
Thanks for entering everyone! It is now Tuesday August 30th @ 5:00PM Eastern.
The Contest is now CLOSED and the winner will be announced shortly!
UPDATE #2 - WE HAVE A WINNER! Congratulations to "Susan" whose name was picked at random over at the Random Name Picker at! Susan wins a signed, advanced copy of Jodi McIsaac's Bury the Living! Susan, please send your full name and address to me at! :) Way to go!!
Planning a 29 episode binge with my sister (I got her hooked!) and reading The Fiery Cross (still need to finish the series)
ReplyDeleteJust discovered you, not sure what Droughtlander is :D, but I'd LOVE to win a copy of Jodi McIsaac's new book - she's brilliant! (went to college with her, in fact :) )
ReplyDeleteWell, droughtlander is being filled up by rereading the books, obsessing online over any and all announcements and news, even if the news is a repetition of news from another site, rewatching episodes, visiting filming locations in Prague and imagining that I was Clarie walking up the stairs, listening to the theme song every morning as my alarm, and generally dreaming of Jamie! #WWJD (What Would Jamie Do)
ReplyDeleteSide note - I have been on a constant hunt for any novel that lives up to Outlander or to any author that lives up to Herself, Ms. Gabaldon. I am always hopeful but it has not happened yet. It would be interesting to read this book.
PS I love Ireland so the synopsis sounds promising.
Love your blog.
Have you read The Bronze Horseman trilogy? Can't compare it to Outlander in storyline...but definitely has that epic feel, phenomenal characters, and amazing writing by Paullina Simons. Enjoy!
DeleteI love Jodi McIsaac books and would love to win this :)
ReplyDeleteHi everyone, Im passing time by listening to "The Scottish Prisoner" and Im loving it 😍😍😍 hope you all are having an amazing droughtlander, hopefully it won't be as long as last time.😉
ReplyDeleteHi, Tracey and Carol: During Droughtlander, I have been watching episodes of TURN, one a day. Now I see what Carol was so excited about! Then I will watch "Poldark" when it premieres at the end of the month.
ReplyDeleteOMG Susan - I have to start a TURN discussion over at for SURE!!!
DeleteSUSAN! YOU WON!!! Congratulations!! Please send your full name and address to me at! :)
DeleteWe're in Scotland on vacation now living the dream. When we get back, I'm going do a little study to try to learn about all of the King James and King Charles.
ReplyDeleteAHHHHH!!!! B!!! ENJOY!!! I'm so jealous!! Make sure you share photos! :)
DeleteI'm passing the sad season of Droughtlander by rereading my favorite bits from the books, writing about Outlander for the Daily Record in Scotland, re-watching last season's episodes, and laughing at inappropriate Outlander memes on Outlander Pick Up Lines.
ReplyDeleteI don't think this is winner worthy, but I definitely enjoyed The Scottish Prisoner last year. Its a must read, especially with the excitement of the casting of Lord John Grey in the spotlight today.
ReplyDeleteThis summer I enjoyed Marsha Canham's series, The Scotland Trilogy...The Pride of Lions, The Blood of Roses and Midnight Honor. The first book leans very much in the historical romance (heavy on the history) direction as it sets up the main characters. The second book heads right into Culloden and I kept waiting for the lead and his lady to run smack into Jamie and Claire! These books were written before Outlander, but the material will be very familiar. All and all a satisfying read
I use a random name generator. You have just as much a chance as anyone else! I just like to see what everyone's doing during Droughtlander. ☺️ AND PS - THANKS because my friend Shannon has been trying to get me to read The Pride of Lions for I'm glad you're reminding me!
DeleteListening to all the audio books...again. Love hearing them as I work and drive.
I am passing my time visiting every blog ever written about Outlander and visiting all the stars on their twitter feeds.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I am reading Drums of Autumn to be ahead of the game......
ReplyDeleteI’m re-reading the Outlander series, I also read every Outlander blog I can find on line. Facebook and Twitter help a little with news & sneak peaks about season 3.
ReplyDeleteWatching all my favorite episodes on a loop while simultaneously driving my husband mad... Then cussing at my friend because she is going to Scotland AGAIN (whore,lol). And torturing myself by following ALL the FB groups that revolve around traveling in Scotland!!! Then frantically searching my Scottish genealogy (Mathieson) hoping to locate a "cousin" that will let me crash on their couch.
ReplyDeleteI am reading the whole series for the first time since watching the first and second seasons on Starz. I am hooked. Downloaded all of your MOP discussions (lol) and loved your synopses. Look forward to next two seasons with you girls. Now I am reading The Fiery Cross. Watched all Ron's podcasts and every interview Sam and Cat and Tobias et als gave over youtube many times. I have downloaded the next 4 books so should be thru them by November by this rate and will be looking for the next thing to obsess over before Season 3. This book would be a welcome addition to my burgeoning library. I also got my daughter, The English Literature Major, into Outlander so that's sayin' something about Diana's brilliance. Really enjoying this ride!
ReplyDeleteSuffering through election madness. I am re-reading Voyager though.
ReplyDeleteI'm listening to A Breath of Snow and Ashes again on my way to work and back. Also, a good book is Cooking for Picasso.
ReplyDeleteRandom things like wearing Highland-esq socks and dressing my voodoll that's got orange hair in plaid kilt. He travels in my front scrub pocket. During breaks I listen to the audiobooks or muse about small details of the characters. I especially love thinking about Brian and Ellen's story and the young Fraser family life.
ReplyDeleteI am trying to keep verra busy, nae, during Draughtlander: rereading the books, reading Lord John and the Hand of the Devils, which I just purchased and am really liking! Knitting some gauntlets, like Donalda Gilchrist wore in the wool waulking scene :)
ReplyDeleteInteresting book, especially since I just watched Rebellion! My Droughtlander involves rereading Voyager, Echo in the Bones, and watching shows like Poldark.
ReplyDeleteI'm reading the books--up to The Fiery Cross. And liking every Facebook page, twitter account and Instagram that I can find about Outlander. Also re-watching Poldark and excited for the next season--but staying off line about it because it premieres in the UK 3 weeks before the US and I haven't read the books, and don't want spoilers! Watching every YouTube video I can find! Definitely having withdrawals!!!
I'm surviving Droughtlander by rewatching Downtown Abby from the 1st season, rereading Voyager, and looking forward to season 2 of Poldark. Love them all but Outlander is #1.
ReplyDeleteRe-reading Voyager, and sharing my Season 1 DVD sets with friends!