
Thursday, February 2, 2017

Bring on Voyager!

Am I the only one watching Black Sails and getting mighty stoked for Outlander Season 3 on Starz??


  1. Replies
    1. OH it's so awful, isn't it? He's such an obviously missing presence. :(

  2. Right with you Carol! I am missing Vane and trying to understand Eleanor Guthrie's character....she is so confusing to me. Ready for some scottish mayhem!!

    1. Eleanor is a rare bird. LOL She seems to go with the flow, and do whatever is necessary to stay afloat. Her Vane decision/betrayal was awful...but I think there was a lot between them we didn't see (MAKE US A PREQUEL, STARZ! 😩), she felt burned by him numerous times in the past and realized it was "kill or be killed", so to speak.

      With all of that said...BRING ON VOYAGER!! :)

  3. I love Black Sails, miss "Chaz" and think Eleanor is a psychopath. There's a great podcast called Fathoms Deep with Liz Stevens and Daphne Olive that helped me understand so much of the character development going on. Very intelligent ladies with great insight. Miss Carol and Tracey though!

    1. WOW Annla...that is a powerful statement about Eleanor! I find it both curious...and delicious! :) Thanks for the suggestion - I will look for them!!

  4. NEW/VERY OLD METHADONE....Treasure Island by R L it as grownup

  5. No, I'm not watching with you, but I AM slowly wilting here in Droughtlander. They haven't started filming in South Africa, yet, and Feb. is half over. How will they ever be ready for an April premiere? It seems they are taking their time and Season 3 is very far away from us. WHEN will they be done, and when will you gals get back up for chatting?!!!

    1. Uhmm . . . Didn't you hear the announcement yesterday? Season three, or 'Voyager' won't be out until SEPTEMBER!! :(

    2. So sad...September is sooo far away! 😢

  6. Just announced by Starz: Season 3 will start in September, but no particular date in September is mentioned.

  7. Well! As I was writing, my Twitter went crazy. SEPTEMBER!!?! Why on earth do they need to wait until September to premiere Season 3. I think we need a "Chat" session to discuss this.

    1. Let's hope it's because it's going to be so fantastic, they need longer to film and edit it. 😈

  8. Replies
    1. Oooh Donna!!! You are actually not the first person who has said that here!!! 😳 Now I'm starting to give that some more serious thought!!!

  9. So sorry to see Black Sails end. The production value and the acting were superior to anything running now. The only positive would be now that it has ended, some of the cast and crew can work on Outlander. Wish it could have run one more season. But it certainly went out with great flair. We've lost this and Washington Spies, sad time for folks that like historical programming.PBS has had Victoria and Home Fires, so there is some great acting out there..White Princess was a great book, the series is ok, but September can't come fast enough. Can't wait for you two girls to get back into production. Will keep and eye out for your return. Stay well!

    1. Barb, you are my spirit animal. :) I am devastated over Black Sails; can't get it out of my head. Shocked that Long John Silver stuck with me as his character was not one of my faves. I love everything you just mentioned...except I'll have to try Home Fires...and I haven't read The White Princes (LOVE LOVE LOVED The White Queen on Starz...and I have The White Princess DVR'd from Sunday.) I am half wondering if it would be worth it to get a campaign started for TURN to see if any other networks would be interested in carrying it with enough signatures. Ridiculously impossible thought...but it can't hurt to try. PS - if you are on Facebook, there is a great Turn/Revolutionary War page that you might like. :)

    2. PS Barb - Tracey and I hope to be making a Droughtlander video in the next couple days. SO MUCH TO DISCUSS!! 👍🏻
