Sunday, September 10, 2017

Outlander Starz - Season 3 / Ep 1: WATCH, sassenach!

Outlander: Ep 301 - The Battle Joined: After living through the Battle of Culloden, Jamie is at the mercy of British victors, until his past provides his only hope of survival. Meanwhile, a pregnant Clarie attempts to adjust to life in 1940's Boston.


  1. Ya know...I think I am a bit disappointed with the new episode...too much Frank, mostly. But if it was truly Jamie's episode (many folks have said this)...all he did for most of the episode was lay and moan. I needed more...his thoughts, his words...being directed by Frank loving Ron, I guess I should not have expected more. Disappointing...

    1. I was wondering if it was only me. I honestly was sitting there watching a clock tick and water drip into a bowl in the sink and thinking I'm so glad they didn't paint the walls of the new house because they would be showing the paint drying next. Watching with a non-book reader they said after the episode that they only thing they learned from the episode was that Black Jack died. He said “I already know there is a battle and Scotland loses, Jamie lives, Claire has a baby girl, and becomes a surgeon. Did a miss anything?” I will say the previews look exciting.

    2. Couldn't agree more, Lily. I was getting bored. I was getting up to do things in the kitchen and realizing "Oh shit, OUTLANDER is on! What am I doing?!" Not good. Seemed like Jamie was a secondary character. Very disappointing. So OVER Frank. He's only supposed to be a flashback!

    3. I sort of agree but I think the producers were setting the stage for the rest of the's what's happened to Jamie and here's what's happened to Claire and off we go. Voyager is my favorite in the Outlander series and I believe that's true for many readers. I'm going to trust that the producers are going to make us very happy this season. They haven't let me down so far.

    4. I absolutely agree with you Lily. I needed to see/feel more of Jamie's grief over loosing Claire. In the book, he was desperate to die so he could be reunited with her in eternal bliss, when he relies that's not going to happen he's destroyed by it! I didn't feel that at all after watching this episode. I also found it weird and wrong that Claire would be thinking of Frank and not Jamie after seeing Bree for the first time.

    5. Jan - you are spot on. It was like the nurse had to point out that the baby's hair was red...and nothing really materialized after that. As for Red Jamie, he almost seemed like an afterthought in this episode; just that poor bastard dying over there in the corner. Bummed me out tremendously.

  2. After an interminable droughtlander, almost anything would have tasted like nectar from the gods ... so I really enjoyed 301. The only negative comment I will make is it wasn't the print shop scene, which means I'll have the same negative comment after every episode until Jamie and Claire are reunited.

    Droughtlander is over. Hallelujah!

    1. LOL YES Ebony...very true. I guess we're all on the edge of our seats for "that" scene, right??

  3. There was tremendous pressure after WWII ended to force women back to "their place". During war time women's role changes and then they're forced back until the next war unit the Women's Movement.

    In the book the British soldiers just threw bodies into the fire and didn't check if they were alive or dead.

  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one-- I was terribly disappointed too. The episode was disjointed somehow. Too sad to see Jamie suffering so, and all those Scottish POWs being shot dead. Too sad! And the scenes between Claire & Frank were just so tense they made me squirm! And... where's MURTAUGH??????!!!!???

  5. Anyone catch that they wrote in Claire telling Frank to cheat? I just rolled my eyes why can they not show the real book Frank an emotionally abusive self centered cheating husband. The show has rewritten him and dummy downed Jamie . They are making Frank a hero I don't get it. I love book Claire and Jamie and would love to see them on screen hope they change this path. Enough with the political stuff also I get it they hate republicans Claire and Frank are progressive like that moves the story forward please leave that out more Jamie please. What do you guys think maybe it is just me but I find it hard to recognize the real book story anymore?! Lovef your review on it. Love you ladies!

    1. Anonymous...OK so I get emails whenever there are even though I don't always get a chance to answer them, I *do* read them. And I just went through my email and saw this comment...and went to reply to it (because I agree with you immensely) and it wasn't there. And I emailed Tracey and told her I was wondering why it wasn't there. And then I dug around in Blogger and DAMN if your comment - THIS comment - wasn't flagged as SPAM!!! WHY is that?!? I am perplexed/pissed/wondering what the hell is going on?!

      At any rate, I DID notice that; that's one of those things we don't get to (in our century long videos LOL) and days later I realize and am bummed we forgot it. I was wondering what everyone would think of the fact that Claire agreed to an open marriage. It wasn't really discussed.

      PS - Also - same page; enough politics! Keep it about the story! This goes for soooo many films and series these days! 👍🏼

  6. While I love this series, unfortunately I didn't realize that Season One came in two volumes, and I ordered Volume Two, first. I was somewhat lost as I watched Volume Two, first, but it still managed to grasp my attention. Still, I suspected something was missing and upon further investigation realized my mistake. Therefore, I ordered this Volume -- Volume One -- and I'm glad I did. Very enjoyable!
