
Sunday, November 12, 2017

MOP Video: Season 3, Episode 309: The Doldrums


  1. This episode was okay. But I don't like the fact that Claire is not committing to Jamie that she's staying. In the book she'd begun to regret running away before Young Ian came and got her. Then even before Jamie recovered from the gun shot she had decided she was staying. Then they had wonderful warm conversations as she nursed him back to health. Their time on the ship was very sweet and also funny as they wanted to have sex but couldn't. Claire did not hold it over Jamie's head that she might still leave. She was committed to him. That is something I can't figure out why they keep her from being clear to him that she's staying.
    I liked most of this episode. I do NOT like watching people vomit on screen so I muted the sound for that and just skipped the scene where she went into the hold to walk among the sick sailors. I did not like her attitude about the horseshoe and her conversation with the Captain.
    Enjoyed your review!

    1. Please do not forget the element in the tv series vs the book Jamie does not find out Laoghaire's involvement in witch trial until much later. Claire also realizes she cannot truly hold him responsible (she may be jealous, but can't really blame him) So he marries Laoghaire probably remembering her infatuation with him and his desire to be a father. Jamie in the series is very aware of Laoghaire's involvement and despises her for it (see Foxes' Lair). In the series I think Claire is very justified in feeling betrayal/broken trust. Claire makes it clear to him he violated his own words that he insisted be a cornerstone of their marriage (about no lies), Claire has much to process before making any commitment to remain with him in this century.

  2. The napkin wipe to Claire's lip has to be the turtle soup episode, don't you think?

  3. This episode seemed to capture the 'feel' of the book at this point. Like Tracy, this is one of my favorite parts of the story because Jamie and Claire FINALLY got to spend time sharing their thoughts, feelings and experiences.
    It may seems silly but the inconsistencies in the time line drives me crazy. Having Claire tell Jamie about the moon landing instead of telling him it was planned it a very small detail but it is indicative of major changes in the story (Bri graduating from high school BEFORE Frank plans to take her away, Young Ian being 16 instead of 'almost'15) that changes the characters and makes the plot line just not work in places.
    I keep wondering if it was all just to make Frank more sympathetic, when the story was more interesting with him as a complex character.

    I liked the part when Jamie questions the price we pay for happiness on a spiritual level. Starz really missed the boat on this. This show would have had more depth if they had included the characters' spiritual arch. In 1946, Claire was a 20th century intellectual who was agnostic at best. She sees religion as superstition, but Jamie's faith is a big part of who he is. He is never preachy or judgemental, but his witness(that's southern for the example you set by the way you live) brings her to the point where she participates in Perpetual Adoration at her parish in the 20th century and in later life openly prays for the ability to forgive a great wrong. This growth is very subtle in the books, but would have given the show a basis for depth that it seems to miss, especially this season.
    My family recently got 2 'all clears' from oncologists. Praying y'all get one soon!

    1. Not sure what the big deal is with Ian's age. In the book when he first meets Claire he is 3 weeks away from being 15. So in the show he is 16 it's only a year and considering what happens to him in Jamaica they just thought it would be better if he was 16.

    2. As far as the moon "landing" she did not say they landed, she said the WENT to the moon (and took photographs), which is true and accurate.


    3. Agree on the spiritual nature OL team missed as it shapes character. OL team may fear dealing with this as they seem to change much for political correctness in USA. Also, I see Jamie's marriage to Laoghaire as betrayal to his core character and to Claire, at least the memory he says he loves.

  4. Tracey- I wish I could see you perform!
    Carol- You should give a MOP discount on your chalet!

  5. I like this episode a lot ... I haven’t reread any of the books because I want to enjoy it as it is and have those moments of “Oh yea! I forgot about that” moments. I think they are doing a wonderful job of adapting the books. So fun to watch your favorite books come to life!

  6. Ok, I have paused you ladies just to say YES, BLACK SAILS IS AMAZING!!!!! Please, please, please, get through the first few episodes, and it gets over the whole crazy sex stuff, for the most just...oh, its just Soooo good...truly...and, there's a podcast about it over on Common Room Radio by Daphne Olive, who is fantastic, please, I cannot recommend it enough...the acting, the cinematography, the Storyline, please, go and watch it...I have exactly zero interest in pirates, or sailing, but this show is one of my favorites now...

  7. I guess it really depends on your taste as far as BLACK SAILS goes- I gave it a full season (1st season) tryout and I just could NOT get into it. I really do like TURN, but it definitely is not as well written/produced as Outlander.

    1. I haven't watched TURN, but I've heard good things...I'm sorry you couldn't get into Black Sails, its true not every show is for everyone. I think what helped me love the show is the podcast I mentioned, its called Fathoms Deep, and it brings out things from the show that give you a whole new appreciation for every aspect of the show...and the show itself turns expectaion on its head in so many ways...just my thoughts, I truly love Black Sails, and still recommend it :)

  8. Wonderful video as usual, ladies. Not much really happens in this episode but I loved the characters taking time to develop. I laughed out loud at your intro of the young captain and his 8-year-old assistant. Also, Carol, your imitation of the sex grunting was hilarious. I'm wondering when Turtle Soup happens? I saw that as the title of an episode, but when does Claire get stabbed and she and Jamie sail together again? Did we skip it? I hope they cut out some of the craziness of Jamaica.
    Sam and Cait are terrific.

  9. Indenture was usually for 7 years so it's not out of reality that he could have been on a ship twice. I wish we could know about Murtagh too! Miss him and that burr. I think they cast the most adorable kids in this show. Wee Fergus was a delight and Mr. Pound has the rosiest cheeks. I want that blush for my very own. Love the recaps.

  10. I agree with the first comment regarding Claire's commitment to stay. I guess the scene where she told him her love for him means she's staying. Jamie can't be constantly afraid she'll leave. He has to feel their relationship is solid again. But, they really never said I love you very much in all the seasons. It's like an unspoken knowledge so I guess the writers are thinking the same about her staying, that it's an unspoken assumption she's staying.

  11. I loved this episode too. I was waiting for Mr. Willoughby to jump in and wrestle the pelican, oh well.

  12. Fabulous and hilarious video as usual Carol and Tracey.

    I loved the slowness of this episode. It gave us the opportunity to finally get a taste of what we have been waiting for...Jamie & Claire, together, talking, connecting...among other things...and I savored every minute of it. Plus, I loved the way they handled the Willoughby storyline...and they hit it out of the park with casting Lauren Lyle as Marsali. Bam!

