
Sunday, April 10, 2022

MOP VIDEO Recap: The World Turned Upside Down" Episode 606


  1. She's talking about the huge, jagged scar he had from groin to knee from BJR's bayonet at Culloden. Remember him telling Claire about Jenny pouring boiling wine onto the wound to kill the infection? He almost died from it.

  2. Hiya gals. Great recap. So think about this maybe: Didn't this whole love charm thing reminder you of Laoghaire and her ill wish- who then accuses Claire of witchcraft? There is such a parallel with that incident from book 1.

  3. I couldn't take the suspense and googled to find out what happens in the books. I read an interview with Jessica Reynolds and it sounds like there is going to be a cliffhanger at the end of this season. There's no way I can wait through a droughtlander to find out. Have a wonderful trip ladies!
