
Sunday, November 24, 2024

MOP VIDEO: "Unfinished Business" Ep 709!


  1. Hello there Ladies. So wonderful to have you back. You both look great in spite of all the sadness you experienced in 2024. Thank you for your very entertaining review of 709. Looking forward to spending the next couple of months watching you on YouTube.

    1. Hallooooooo Annla! Welcome back! It's been a minute...and we're thrilled to be making Outlander recap videos again! Thank you for your kind words. We will see you soon! 😘

  2. Love you guys, but saying the word "like" all the time, is a bit annoying.

    1. That's the reason I cannot watch the videos. All the "likes
      are too annoying.

    2. So - "Anonymous" #2 - you took time out of your day to visit a website run by people you find annoying...AND to post an insulting comment? Noted!

    3. Lifelong habit, I suppose, "Anonymous #1." As long as you still love us, we're OK with you finding us annoying. ☺️

  3. Book fa for her. In the book, this scene was cut short by Joanie coming to find him to discuss the Leogohaire problem.

    I agree that the scene with Jamie and Jenny discussing Jenny's strength was completely off base. Book Jamie has a whole lot more insight than depicted in that scene. And given that Jamie mourned Claire in Jenny's presence for at least 7 years means they both know how devastating the loss of a spouse can be to even the.strongest of individuals. Everything Jamie said to bolster Jenny by reminding her of how she got on with things when their mother died (which I know was from the book but did not belong in this scene) was not in keeping with book Jamie.

    Glad to be back in the MOP both are like old friends and its nice to be home.
