
Tuesday, January 21, 2025

MOP VIDEO: Ep 716 A Hundred Thousand Angels


  1. I hope this helps. When Bree went back through the stones to find Claire, she did not meet Jenny. She met Ian, but Jenny was away as one of her kids was having a baby.
    I do agree that the scene with Brian and Brianna was weird. Bree looked and sounded too modern.

  2. About Fanny and Jane's mom being Faith. They are tying this storyline into the new story. What if their mom is a different Faith, but still related to Claire? What if Claire's parents had another daughter named Faith that Claire doesn't quite remember, but she also disappears through the stones? Fanny and Jane would be Claire's nieces, but not have any blood ties to William? Just a random thought. No book info will back up this idea, of course, but DG has already said that she isn't planning to write the story of Claire's parents so the TV version could go anywhere with it.
