Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Send in your Scottish Prisoner Photos!

So what do you think? Feel like seeing your face up in lights?
Send me pics of yourselves holding your new Scottish Prisoners! Shots at home are great...and right, smack in the middle of the store is even better!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Outlander Chat Tonight
Outlander Chat Tonight - 9PM Eastern! (If you want to come at 8:45, Tracey and I will be discussing the new Breaking Dawn movie!)
Eilean Balnagowan is for Sale!
Can't you just see it now? You arrive in Glasgow...take a lovely car ride Northwest where you gaze at the gorgeous landscape. Then motorboat out to the island...where I'll greet you with a lovely single malt and a tray of bannocks.'ll retire to the fantastic castle we've all chipped in on and built. I like to think of it as "Castle de Purgatory".

Then we'll all have a wonderful Scottish meal prepared by one of the finest chefs in Scotland (I have to find him first) and a few more cocktails...and listen to a fantastic Scots band, complete with kilts, sporrans and little else. :)
And that's just Day 1! Who's with me?
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Excellent Brave Article
Check out this awesome Brave article sent to me by Julia. I had no idea Kelly MacDonald was doing the voice for the main character,
Could you listen to the intro from Kevin McKidd four million times a day? I could.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Off Kilter
So we were in Disney last week...and one night we trotted over to Epcot to meet friends.
And we're walking along...and what should appear on stage right in front of us? A Scots Canadian band in kilts, called "Off Kilter". I wish you were all there! I was taking photos and texting Tracey like a mad-woman! They were a lot of fun!
And we're walking along...and what should appear on stage right in front of us? A Scots Canadian band in kilts, called "Off Kilter". I wish you were all there! I was taking photos and texting Tracey like a mad-woman! They were a lot of fun!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Outlander Kitchen

Oooooh - thanks to Karen over at Outlandish Observations for letting us know about this awesome new Outlander site - Outlander Kitchen! It's run by a professional chef and she makes foods you've read about in the Outlander series! (Bannocks, anyone?!)
The Scottish Prisoner SNEAK PEEK!
According to the Facebook page of HERSELF - the first 19 pages of The Scottish Prisoner are online over at Random House. Squeee! Snippets make me giddy with glee!!!
A Scottish Tragedy
Just received this week joke from MOP bud, Hugh from Scotland:
DAVID CAMERON was visiting a Scottish primary school and he visited one of the classes.
They were in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings. The teacher asked Mr.Cameron if he would like to lead the discussion on the word 'tragedy'.
So the illustrious leader asked the class for an example of a 'tragedy'. A little boy stood up and offered: 'If ma best freen, wha lives on a fairm, is playin' in the field an' a tractor rins ower him and kills him, that wid be a 'tragedy.' ' 'No', said David - 'that would be an accident.' A little girl raised her hand: 'If a skale bus kerryin' fufty children drove ower a cliff, killing a'b'dy inside, that wid be a tragedy' 'I'm afraid not', explained David - 'that's what we would call a 'great loss'' . The room went silent. No other children volunteered. David searched the room. 'Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of a tragedy?' Finally, at the back of the room, wee Johnny raised his hand... In a quiet voice he said: 'If a plane kerryin' you and Mr.Clegg wis struck by a 'freendly fire' missile & blawn tae smithereens, that wid be a tragedy.' 'Fantastic!' exclaimed David. 'That's right. And can you tell me why that would be a tragedy?' 'Weel,' says wee Johnny 'it his tae be a tragedy, because it certainly widnae be a great loss..... and it probably widnae be a f***ing accident either! |
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Vibes for Blue Moon Magnolia
Everyone please check out the Blue Moon Magnolia webpage - and send the happiest vibes you've got!
Outlander Yoga Blocks!
Tartan Anyone?
Ooook lookie here! Thanks to Lesley for sending in this fantastic find!
And dinna fash yerselves, lads and lassies; they ship worldwide!
And dinna fash yerselves, lads and lassies; they ship worldwide!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Scottish Prisoner Widget
Do you not LURVE the new Scottish Prisoner Widget? Got it off the Diana Gabaldon Facebook page. Love.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Outlander Chat Tonight!
Outlander Chat Tonight - 9PM Eastern! (If you are a fan of Into the Wilderness by Sara Donati, we'll be having a brief Into the Wilderness Chat from 8:45 - 9:00. Come join us!)
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Happy Birthday, Claire!
Happy Birthday to the woman who...
...taught me how to avoid getting knocked up with some simple herbs...
...refuses to do what anyone tells her to do...
...knows how to properly use wee stabbers... feisty
...isn't so great in the kitchen...
...remains comical even in times of stress...
isna so good with celibacy!
...taught me how to avoid getting knocked up with some simple herbs...
...refuses to do what anyone tells her to do...
...knows how to properly use wee stabbers... feisty
...isn't so great in the kitchen...
...remains comical even in times of stress...
isna so good with celibacy!
Monday, October 17, 2011
TWO DAYS ONLY: Free Shipping in the Mop Shop - Oct 29/30!
From Spreadshirt, host of the My Outlander Purgatory SHOP:
Save shipping costs in October
From October 29th – 30th, 2011 your customers will get free shipping on any orders in your shop! For this, they need to use coupon code WITCHINGHOUR when checking out.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Ladies and Gentlemen...I Have Found My Stephen Bonnet

How is it that I've never noticed this before? Or have I? Have we ever discussed this and I am forgetting? Have the Staceys brought this up and I've filed it away somewhere? I just can't believe this just popped into my head tonight. Joseph Morgan. Welsh. Hot. Blonde. Need I say more? (And c' know damn well he can do an Irish accent. Hell, _I_ can do an Irish accent! OK so maybe I'm Irish-American...but still. Unless it's Northern Irish, it's a lot easier than Scottish, right?!)
And don't let the sweetness factor deter you from truly grasping my vision. He plays a totally sinister guy - aka vampire - on The Vampire Diaries. Boyfriend's up to the task.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Pride and Prejudice
Just had to share. It's a rainy day here in NJ...and even though I have lot more to accomplish today, I can't help but sit here and watch this scene from Pride and Prejudice.
Major SPOILER scene. Don't watch if you're not familiar with the book/film.
The slow walk in the mist makes me giddy with glee. Imagine a scene like this in Outlander? le sigh...
Major SPOILER scene. Don't watch if you're not familiar with the book/film.
The slow walk in the mist makes me giddy with glee. Imagine a scene like this in Outlander? le sigh...
Monday, September 26, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
If I Had to Choose Today...
Now, tomorrow is another day. But if I HAD to choose today... Yeah. He would be my choice.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Outlander Impatience
Do you ever have moments of O. I. ? Otherwise known as Outlander Impatience? All of the sudden, in the middle of the day, you think to yourself "I can't WAIT a moment longer for Book 8 to come out!" or "WHEN will it be NOVEMBER 29th already so I can get my hands on some NEW JAMIE?!" my's OI came in the form of film dreaming. This is the email I just sent total exasperation:
LET'S GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD ALREADY!!! my's OI came in the form of film dreaming. This is the email I just sent total exasperation:
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The Scottish Prisoner, Y'all!!!!

Thanks to Diane K for alerting me to the fact that this juicy piece of deliciousness is now showing up on Amazon. November 29th, y'all. Pure, unadulterated JAMES ALEXANDER MALCOLM MACKENZIE FRASER!!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
Love Quotes from Jamie and Claire
If you can watch this - and listen to this - and not shed a are a better sassenach than me.
Video: bannafraser
Video: bannafraser
Awesome Outlander Wine Charms (and More!)
Having an Outlander (lorddddddd the) GATHERING soon? How cute are these wine charms from MaryFaithPeace over at Etsy? LOVE!!!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Jack Taylor's OUTLANDER Series Reviews
This guy is so awesome I don't know what to do with myself. I can only hope he'll go on to review Voyager and the rest! Thanks to Cari for sending this to me!
Monday, September 12, 2011
The Kilted Driller
Thanks to Dru over at the Compuserve Books and Writers Community, via (Darling) Nikki over at Voyages of the Artemis (Diana Gabaldon's Youtube channel) we now have
The Kilted Driller!
WATCH while he takes...out his power tool! :)
The Kilted Driller!
WATCH while he takes...out his power tool! :)
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Diana Gabaldon's Explanation of Book 8's Title
FASCINATING explanation (aren't they all?!) from Diana Gabaldon about how/why she chose the title for the infamous-but-yet-to-be-finished "Book 8".
Which do YOU like better?
Personally I like "own heart's blood". But what the heck do I know? Rippin ribbon! Exactly!
Which do YOU like better?
Personally I like "own heart's blood". But what the heck do I know? Rippin ribbon! Exactly!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Special Tuesday Night Outlander Chat
Just a reminder...
Our regular Monday night Outlander chat has been rescheduled for tomorrow night - Tuesday, September 6th at 9PM Eastern.
Hope to see you there!
PS - If you have read A Song in the Daylight from Paullina Simons and feel like discussing, I'll be around at 8:45!
Our regular Monday night Outlander chat has been rescheduled for tomorrow night - Tuesday, September 6th at 9PM Eastern.
Hope to see you there!
PS - If you have read A Song in the Daylight from Paullina Simons and feel like discussing, I'll be around at 8:45!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
A Song in the Daylight
I have a non-Outlander question for y'all:
Has anyone read "A Song in the Daylight" by Paullina Simons (The Bronze Horseman)? I finished two days ago and - no matter how hard I try - I cannot begin to kick these characters out of my brain.
Has anyone read "A Song in the Daylight" by Paullina Simons (The Bronze Horseman)? I finished two days ago and - no matter how hard I try - I cannot begin to kick these characters out of my brain.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Scottish Dream Tours on Facebook
If you are on Facebook, run, don't walk to the Scottish Dream Tours page. "Like" the page and then feast your eyes on the beautiful photos of Culloden Battle Field that have recently been posted.
AND - Bonus - they have two spots that have recently reopened on their fall Highlands and Islands tour...check it out!
AND - Bonus - they have two spots that have recently reopened on their fall Highlands and Islands tour...check it out!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Outlander Chat is Canceled Tonight!
Chat will be canceled tonight due to the power outages and other issues brought on by Hurricane Irene (including mine!) Hope everyone is safe and sound.
ALSO: Next week's chat will be held on Tuesday September 6th in observance of the Labor Day holiday!
ALSO: Next week's chat will be held on Tuesday September 6th in observance of the Labor Day holiday!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
A Book For Shannon
OK Y'all...Shannon is at my house and desperately needs a new book...preferably a series. She's into historical romance (accent on the romance!)
I know you guys have made suggestions...but if you wouldn't mind doing it again, I'd appreciate it.
She has already ready the Into the Wilderness series as well as Twilight, The Bronze Horseman...and of course, Outlander. And she just finished The Winter Sea.
Thanks all - I appreciate it!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I know you guys have made suggestions...but if you wouldn't mind doing it again, I'd appreciate it.
She has already ready the Into the Wilderness series as well as Twilight, The Bronze Horseman...and of course, Outlander. And she just finished The Winter Sea.
Thanks all - I appreciate it!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Monday, August 22, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
All Hail Michelle K!
So I'm on Facebook a little while ago...and I see a wall post from Ladies of Lallybroch about the Fergus post on Diana Gabaldon's blog. So of course I go to check it out...and thank GOD I did...because she made a tremendous mention of Michelle K Canada's "charming" blog post!! ("Charming"! Squee!)
And why do I say "thank GOD?" Because Michelle was nice enough to email me these shots when she got back from the festival - and somehow I missed posting them!! (I'll tell you how...being one person and trying unsuccessfully to run multiple blogs...THAT's how. Man I need an assistant! LOL)
Michelle - my apologies, woman! And thanks again for the shout-out to "our best friend, Doug." That...was awesome.
Everyone else - go check out Michelle's post!
And why do I say "thank GOD?" Because Michelle was nice enough to email me these shots when she got back from the festival - and somehow I missed posting them!! (I'll tell you how...being one person and trying unsuccessfully to run multiple blogs...THAT's how. Man I need an assistant! LOL)
Michelle - my apologies, woman! And thanks again for the shout-out to "our best friend, Doug." That...was awesome.
Everyone else - go check out Michelle's post!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
My Purgatory Dot Com

Thus - is now live.
The blogs will all remain at their own addresses - ie - - but they will also now be housed in one place over at mypurgatory.
I want to throw a massive THANK YOU out to an awesome guy named Stephen who selflessly gave me the domain "". I also want to point out that he has the COOLEST Etsy store called Steampunk Movement Studio and I would love it if you'd check it out!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Fergus Highland Festival PHOTOS
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Our "Best Friend Doug"
"'When the day shall come, that we do part,' he said softly, and turned to look at me, 'if my last words are not ‘I love you’ – ye’ll ken it was because I didna have time.'"
The Fiery Cross, Diana Gabaldon (with a little help from her "best friend, Doug")
Doug...this one's for you.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
The Best 100 Closing Lines from Books
Got this awesome article, "The Best 100 Closing Lines from Books" from MOP friend, Diane.
Guess which of Diana Gabaldon's books is on it? I'll give you a hint:
It's red hot. :)
Guess which of Diana Gabaldon's books is on it? I'll give you a hint:
It's red hot. :)
Monday, August 8, 2011
Outlander Chat Tonight
Outlander Chat Tonight from 9:15 to 10PM Eastern!
(If you want to discuss The Bronze Horseman, we discussing from 8:45 - 9:15 Eastern!)
(If you want to discuss The Bronze Horseman, we discussing from 8:45 - 9:15 Eastern!)
Monday, August 1, 2011
Our First GOSSIP Video?
When you don't have a lot of new Outlander to wax on have to wax on about everything else!
A Very Different Outlander Chat
OK - we are having Chat later - but we are going to mix it up a bit, just for tonight:
9:00 to 9:15 Eastern: The Bronze Horseman chat
9:15 - 10:00 Eastern: Outlander chat
Hope to see you there!
9:00 to 9:15 Eastern: The Bronze Horseman chat
9:15 - 10:00 Eastern: Outlander chat
Hope to see you there!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
For Our Friends in Scotland
Just got this from Mike Gibb of "Outlander The Musical" fame. Note Diana Gabaldon's fav for Jamie - Allan Scott-Douglas - appearing live:
Just a quick reminder about this Saturday 30 July, Tartan Day in Aberdeen:
Premiere of my new short play (with music by Mairi Paton and Malcolm Dowie) with a cast that includes Allan Scott-Douglas and Michelle Bruce from the Outlander The Musical CD with Mark Kydd, who has appeared as Robert Burns in "Clarinda"
Performances at 2pm, 3pm and 4pm in the historic Drum Aisle of St Nicholas Church. Admission is free
In conjunction with Waterstones, Diana will be signing copies of her books and Outlander the Musical CD is the courtyard of St Nicholas Kirk between 12.00 and 1.00pm
Just a quick reminder about this Saturday 30 July, Tartan Day in Aberdeen:
Premiere of my new short play (with music by Mairi Paton and Malcolm Dowie) with a cast that includes Allan Scott-Douglas and Michelle Bruce from the Outlander The Musical CD with Mark Kydd, who has appeared as Robert Burns in "Clarinda"
Performances at 2pm, 3pm and 4pm in the historic Drum Aisle of St Nicholas Church. Admission is free
In conjunction with Waterstones, Diana will be signing copies of her books and Outlander the Musical CD is the courtyard of St Nicholas Kirk between 12.00 and 1.00pm
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Scotland - Monarch of the Glen - UK
You MUST go watch this video about the Land Reform Act that was passed in 2003 regarding the Scottish Highlands. (It has nothing to do with the popular television show of the same name.)
If anyone has more info about how things have gone since the act was passed, please comment! It's a very hard thing to research online. Lots of legal mumbo jumbo and miles of data/info. But what I'm looking for is this: Is it working? How have things changed? For the better or worse? An how do the (former?) estate owners feel now that it's been passed for 8 years?
**Note - You will see a quick ad before the video starts. Thanks to Michelle for pointing that out!
If anyone has more info about how things have gone since the act was passed, please comment! It's a very hard thing to research online. Lots of legal mumbo jumbo and miles of data/info. But what I'm looking for is this: Is it working? How have things changed? For the better or worse? An how do the (former?) estate owners feel now that it's been passed for 8 years?
**Note - You will see a quick ad before the video starts. Thanks to Michelle for pointing that out!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Pez! Claire and Jamie-Flavored Pez!
My apologies to new MOP friend, Carrie...for not getting this HILARIOUS photo up sooner. I howled when I saw it, girlfriend!! Something tells me Pocket Jamie will be featuring it on his wall verra soon!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The Ballad of Nessie
MOP friend Brandy emailed me about an adorable short film being shown before the new Winnie the Pooh movie, called "The Ballad of Nessie". What is it about? The Loch Ness monster! And where is it set? Scotland, of course! Seeing as I have two Winnie the Pooh-loving kids (whose parents are pretty smitten as well) I am so excited about this...because I'll actually get to SEE it!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
French and Saunders: Monarch of the Glum
SPOILER ALERT: Do not watch unless you have watched 4 seasons of Monarch of the Glen.
I was the BIGGEST fan of Absolutely Fabulous back in the 90s and canna love Jennifer Saunders any more than I already do. So you can imagine how beyond hysterical I find this parody of Monarch of the Glen - complete with Alasdair Mackenzie playing Archie. I don't know who is funnier, Molly or Duncan. Thank you SO MUCH to Jennifer J. for posting this!
I was the BIGGEST fan of Absolutely Fabulous back in the 90s and canna love Jennifer Saunders any more than I already do. So you can imagine how beyond hysterical I find this parody of Monarch of the Glen - complete with Alasdair Mackenzie playing Archie. I don't know who is funnier, Molly or Duncan. Thank you SO MUCH to Jennifer J. for posting this!
Some Hae Meat!
Got this from MOP friend Becky who found it in an antique shop. They JUST SAID THIS as grace at the dinner table on last night's episode of Monarch of the Glen. It says:
Some hae meat and canna eat
And some wad eat who want it
But we hae meat and we can eat
So let the Lord be thankit
Some hae meat and canna eat
And some wad eat who want it
But we hae meat and we can eat
So let the Lord be thankit
Monarch of the Glen...Again
SPOILER ALERT: Do not read unless you have watched Season 6, Episode 3.
Um...Lexie AND Duncan are gone?! Are you KIDDING me?!? Who the heck is left? Let's see...Molly...Golly...and that's about it from the original cast. I like Jess...and Hector's brother Donald has grown on me to the point where I find him mildly amusing. I also really like Ewan...and Paul. So they are keeping me going...but's weird.
And here's the thing. I am really unhappy with Lexie's decision to go to New Zealand. Archie took off and left her for months to go "find himself"...and she LOVES Glenbogle. That place is more hers than Archie's at this point. I TOTALLY wanted her to stay, divorce Archie, marry Paul and run the place. It was SO true when Paul told her going to New Zealand was Archie's dream; not hers. And she went anyway. And why? Because Donald dug Molly five million years ago? I'm sorry, that is NOT a good enough reason to pack up and move to New Zealand when you don't even want to be there. Archie's a selfish douche. Plain and simple.
And Duncan. HELLO? I keep hoping one of them will be back...but I doubt it. I miss his kilt already...and he's only been gone half an episode. WHAT a bummer.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Monarch of the Glen - Take 2
OK if you have not yet watched Monarch of the might want to skip this post as there will surely be spoilers.
I am currently on Season 6 - Episode 2.
A few things...
1 - Golly is HOT. Do not underestimate the yumminess that is the Glenbogle Guillie. (This was inspired by one of the Staceys over at TalkSupe). He is the closest thing on the show to Jamie Fraser when it comes to personality. He's got a way about him - total confidence - and he knows his shizzle when it comes to the Highlands of Scotland. When I'm finished the series I plan to Google him and see what his minty ass is up to these days.
2 - Hey Archie - exactly WHAT is up your rear end all the time? Sheesh - have he and Lexie EVER been affectionate? I know she would, but he's too busy putting her down, ignoring her and generally being a bad husband to bother actually smiling or holding her hand once in a while.
3 - Ignoring the previous post, it must be said that - after all these seasons - Alastair Mackenzie is one hot piece of hotness.
4 - Molly is the best character on the show. I love her so much. I wish she'd come to my house and be grandmother to my kids. I'd even get off my ass and plant that huge garden I keep threatening to design, complete with meandering path and statues of little boys peeing.
5 - Paul is another big, ol' hunk of the tasty.
6 - Every new season, my hub and I hold our breath to see what Lexie's going to look like. Will her hair be short or long? Solid or striped? Will she have lost weight? Or perhaps had a few meat pies over the break? And will she be sporting a belly shirt or a Jackie O suit. One never knows with Lexie. She keeps us all on our toes.
7 - I miss the shit out of KilWillie. Every time and I mean EVERY time he came on the screen, my hub and I would go "Kilwillie!!!" And did y'all know the man WROTE Gosford Park? No really. Julian Fellowes. Look his adorable ass up.
8 - I can't even talk about Hector without crying.
9 - KilWillie's sister said something SO Kilwillie in last night's episode, I nearly fell off the couch. I like her and her Angelica Huston-esque spunkiness. I'm so glad they've taken her from "utter beotch" to decent-enough "KilWillie in a dashing ladies pantsuit" whose mischief has been taken from a 9 to about a 4.
10 - I'm dying to give Katrina a makeover at Ouidad. From one crazy-assed curly head to another: Hooka, get some PRODUCT in that hair!"
Looking forward to reading all the comments after I've finished the series. There is a season 7, isn't there?! PS - Julia - THANK YOU, I had no idea about Season 5's special features! I watch it on tv with Netflix and AppleTV!
Oh and Post Scriptum Scriptum: I just tried to find some photos and saw a HUGE spoiler. Dangit!!!
I am currently on Season 6 - Episode 2.
A few things...
1 - Golly is HOT. Do not underestimate the yumminess that is the Glenbogle Guillie. (This was inspired by one of the Staceys over at TalkSupe). He is the closest thing on the show to Jamie Fraser when it comes to personality. He's got a way about him - total confidence - and he knows his shizzle when it comes to the Highlands of Scotland. When I'm finished the series I plan to Google him and see what his minty ass is up to these days.
2 - Hey Archie - exactly WHAT is up your rear end all the time? Sheesh - have he and Lexie EVER been affectionate? I know she would, but he's too busy putting her down, ignoring her and generally being a bad husband to bother actually smiling or holding her hand once in a while.
3 - Ignoring the previous post, it must be said that - after all these seasons - Alastair Mackenzie is one hot piece of hotness.
4 - Molly is the best character on the show. I love her so much. I wish she'd come to my house and be grandmother to my kids. I'd even get off my ass and plant that huge garden I keep threatening to design, complete with meandering path and statues of little boys peeing.
5 - Paul is another big, ol' hunk of the tasty.
6 - Every new season, my hub and I hold our breath to see what Lexie's going to look like. Will her hair be short or long? Solid or striped? Will she have lost weight? Or perhaps had a few meat pies over the break? And will she be sporting a belly shirt or a Jackie O suit. One never knows with Lexie. She keeps us all on our toes.
7 - I miss the shit out of KilWillie. Every time and I mean EVERY time he came on the screen, my hub and I would go "Kilwillie!!!" And did y'all know the man WROTE Gosford Park? No really. Julian Fellowes. Look his adorable ass up.
8 - I can't even talk about Hector without crying.
9 - KilWillie's sister said something SO Kilwillie in last night's episode, I nearly fell off the couch. I like her and her Angelica Huston-esque spunkiness. I'm so glad they've taken her from "utter beotch" to decent-enough "KilWillie in a dashing ladies pantsuit" whose mischief has been taken from a 9 to about a 4.
10 - I'm dying to give Katrina a makeover at Ouidad. From one crazy-assed curly head to another: Hooka, get some PRODUCT in that hair!"
Looking forward to reading all the comments after I've finished the series. There is a season 7, isn't there?! PS - Julia - THANK YOU, I had no idea about Season 5's special features! I watch it on tv with Netflix and AppleTV!
Oh and Post Scriptum Scriptum: I just tried to find some photos and saw a HUGE spoiler. Dangit!!!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Monarch of the Glen Update
Holy GATHERING, Batman!
I am watching Season 5 - Episode 9 of Monarch of the Glen - and they are having a MacDonald Clan Gathering! And there's even a clan Quaich (pronounced "Quake".)
If you are not already watching this fantastic series...WHY?!
I am watching Season 5 - Episode 9 of Monarch of the Glen - and they are having a MacDonald Clan Gathering! And there's even a clan Quaich (pronounced "Quake".)
If you are not already watching this fantastic series...WHY?!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Outlander - 20th Anniversary Edition
Check out what I got today at TarJAY. It comes with a faux, leather cover (more like thick, embossed paper with padding) and a "rippin' ribbon" bookmark. :)
Sunday, July 10, 2011
The One Obsessed with Outlander
Got this adorable video from (darling) Nikki (otherwise known as "Hooka!" by Tracey and myself) who runs Diana Gabaldon's Youtube channel.
Alex seems way cool and we'd love it if she'd come join the Outlander discussion over here at MOP and share some of her "younger set" insights!
Alex seems way cool and we'd love it if she'd come join the Outlander discussion over here at MOP and share some of her "younger set" insights!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
No Chat Tonight! Happy Fourth of July!
Chat is canceled tonight in observance of the 235th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
See "An Echo in the Bone" for further clarification. :)
See "An Echo in the Bone" for further clarification. :)
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Dirty Diana
Keep forgetting to mention... The other night at dinner, Diana mentioned this little piece of unadulterated fun would be on her blog soon - and it showed up the next day. Do make sure to read all about it so you know what to expect.
You will have a right good laugh...but be careful around kiddies or at work. Yeah. It's like that. ;)
You will have a right good laugh...but be careful around kiddies or at work. Yeah. It's like that. ;)
Friday, July 1, 2011
Compuserve Dinner with Diana

***And my most sincere apologies to Doug because I don't think we said "Goodbye"! And I would have loved a picture with him. (So we could prove to you that he really wasn't running away from us or anything. ;) Hopefully I'll have my thinking brain on next time.
So anyhoo...we were lucky enough to sit with the awesome Laura, Maria and Giovanna from "OBC" - the Outlander Book Club. They put up with our jabbering and made us laugh - and even cry ("Dinna fash, there's the two of us now".)
We also met Jane and Maria and Carla (Lady Oliver and her adorable baby, Aisha!) and Sheila who so graciously plans the "dinners with Diana".
A good time was most certainly had by all...and I hope they let us back in for the next dinner-with-Diana! :)
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