Monday, April 15, 2013

Weekend at Fairfax

What is UP???  I am finally getting to sit down and post about Tracey and my faBU weekend in Fairfax, Virginia with some verra awesome MOP chicks.  I finally was able to meet the wonderful Karen Henry of Outlandish Observations (just sitting with her at a Diana Gabaldon event was a treat!)...and was able to spend some seriously quality time with Lara, Tonya, Cari, Julie and Donna.  I was also thrilled to see Carla again...and to finally meet Miss Marcia!

My apologies that I was not able to do all the blogging I had hoped to do.  We were go, go, going, nonstop from the minute we arrived...and blogging ended up on the back burner.

OK so we arrived on Friday afternoon and headed over to the Northern Virginia Community College to find the girls first in line, as they had been waiting all afternoon (bless their hearts!)  We were thankfully able to sit up front and were thrilled when DG showed up and began to speak.  I cannot tell you how awesome it is to listen to her tell her story of how she got started writing, as I've been sitting on a story or two, myself...and am in dire need of direction.

Not much new to report, however; the speaking portion of the event was pretty short and didn't include any info about the upcoming Starz show (probably because it was a library event, and that means books.)

We then proceeded to hang out for hours and wait for the signing line to shrink - which is most certainly did not, for hours and hours.  At 2AM (yes, you read that right), we finally got our books signed and were able to take a photo with Diana.  We were the last in the line and felt horrible for her; she must have been exhausted.  I was also THRILLED with a capital T to be able to give her the BEAUTIFUL shirts that Sooz made for her (another verra cool MOP bud);  that post will follow.

The rest of the weekend was a blast because I got to hang out with women I've been talking to for a few years now - some on a daily basis.  We didn't do anything scheduled (again - sorry to those who may have been hoping for a better gathering; we'll do that again, I promise!) but we had a blast and I'm sorry it had to end.  :)

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.  (Tracey is on vacation in Mexico...but I will be there.  Not sure how long I'll be there (yawnnnn - still catching up from the weekend in Fairfax!)  but I'll be there.  ;)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Verra Cool eBay Find of the Day

Check out this 1746 bronze Battle of Culloden medal, featuring William, Duke of Cumbria.  Wish it were featuring Bonnie KING Charlie...but, was not to be.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Execution of Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat

On April 9th, 1747, Simon Fraser,  Lord Lovat and chief of Clan Fraser (and fictitious father of Jamie Fraser's bastard father, Brian Fraser), was executed at the Tower of London for his "crime" of being a Jacobite and aiding in the Jacobite rebellion to get Bonnie Prince Charlie back on the throne and reestablish Scottish rule.

Lord Lovat has the distinction of being the last person to be beheaded at the Tower of London.

Just prior to the execution, about 20 people were also killed when the scaffolding they were sitting on to watch Simon Fraser's demise, collapsed.  Apparently, Simon found this so amusing, he laughed uncontrollably until the axe fell, thus creating the term, "laughing your head off".

Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat, as etched by William Hogarth at St. Albans.
Lovat is seen working on his memoirs as he awaits trial. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Da Vinci's Demons - A New Starz Original Series

Wondering what the Outlander series might "feel" like on Starz?  Check out the new "De Vinci's Demons" - starting this Friday, April 12th.

Outlander Chat TONIGHT

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.

UPDATED Fairfax Info!

This just in from Ted Kavich of the Fairfax County Library:

Hello and thanks for registering for the Diana Gabaldon event scheduled for this Friday at 7:30 p.m. at the Gymnasium, Ernst Community Cultural Center on Northern VA Community College’s Annandale campus (8333 Little River Turnpike, Annandale 22003).  Details, including parking info and a link to driving directions/campus map, are here:
Please note: the lots that are reserved for free event parking – B-8 through B-15 and B-17 – are available after 6:00 p.m.  If you want to arrive before 6:00, you’ll need to pay to use the parking garage (adjacent to the surface lots right next to the Ernst Center).  In case you require handicapped parking, it is available right across from the Ernst Center (spaces are marked) or in lot C-1.

This event is SOLD OUT and there is a waiting list.  If your plans have changed, please cancel your registration so someone else can attend.  The link to cancel is in the reminder message you received, or you can email (or call 703-324-8428) and we’ll take care of it for you.

When you arrive, please enter through the atrium of the Ernst Center.  Doors to the gym will open at 6:45 p.m. so please try to arrive by that time (or earlier) so everyone can get seated and ready for the program to begin.  Seating is first come, first served with chairs on the floor of the gym and additional space on bleachers.  Note: as long as you secured a spot online, you don’t have to bring a printed copy of your registration email to the event.  Also note: if you require handicapped seating, please let one of the ushers know and they will assist you.

The Library Foundation is expected to start selling books in the atrium before the event and we are hoping to have some pre-signed copies available.  There will be an assortment of Diana’s books for sale, and you may also bring your own copies.  The queue for book signing will form in the atrium immediately after Diana’s talk and Q&A.  In the interest of time, there will be a limit of 2 books per person, and we ask that you help us keep the line moving by minimizing your time at the signing table.  If you want to get additional items signed, you are welcome to get back on the end of the line and wait for a second turn.

Thanks and we’ll see you on Friday!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

April 1778 Fraser Salt Works SHOCKER!

The Shark River salt works was destroyed immediately following the attack
on the Union salt works on the Manasquan river in Brielle, New Jersey.  
I've been doing some historical digging this weekend as it's the anniversary of the burning down of the "Union salt works" and dozens of houses and buildings in my town - Brielle, NJ - by British loyalists during the Revolutionary war.  Salt was extremely important in those days for preserving meats and other well as making gun powder, which was obviously needed in the war.  

What does this have to do with OUTLANDER?  Well...I came across something while googling the salt works yesterday, and nearly fell off my chair:

Manasquan River Inlet, New Jersey...

Captain Boyd Porterfield, 71st Regiment Fraser’s Highlanders, April 7, 1778, Raid to destroy the salt works on both sides of the Manasquan River. The saltworks on the north side (now Brielle) was known as the Union Salt Works. ... Where: Manasquan River Inlet. Both sides north now Brielle, Monmouth County and south is Point Pleasant, Ocean County, New Jersey. ... Source: Henry Clinton Papers at the William L. Clements Library at the University of Michigan. Item is document number 33:15 (Box 33 folder 15). ... British Headquarters Military Report. ... Maps: Close UTM 18 580246E 4440304N (NAD27) [40.11119 -74.0580 (WGS84)]

You don't even know the chills I had (or the fit I threw at my husband!) when I read this.  I've been waxing on about the Union salt works being burned down in my own back yard for years...but now I find out that  FRASER'S HIGHLANDERS were responsible?  I'm completely torn and on the fence about it.  On the one hand, I'M AN AMERICAN and they ATTACKED MY TOWN.  On the other...they were Scots...and went through horrific atrocities while fighting the English.  I keep telling myself these men were left with nothing and had to feed their families back in Scotland, and therefore had no choice but to fight for the crown...but wow.  And it doesn't help that some people say the Scots "flocked to the cause."

(My Scottish-American husband and I just got into a heated debate over this...ME defending the SCOTS!  It's really unsettling, that is for sure.) 

Make sure you read the Fraser's Highlander's wiki link; it's chock full of Fraser mentions, Stirling Castle being one of them.

AND - check out this adorable house on Union Lane in Brielle, NJ.  It is believed that this house was the only house on Union Lane that was not burned down in the attack on the salt works in Brielle.  You won't believe how they've restored it.  It's absolutely stunning...and every effort was obviously made to infuse the 18th century feel with the modern conveniences of the home.  Truly outstanding. 

UPDATE: 1/22/2025 And if all of that wasn't enough, I JUST found out that Captain Alexander Robertson accompanied the Fraser's Highlanders to the raid on the Salt Works at Manasquan. Remember when I said my late husband Tom and I had a heated debate, where he was against the Highlanders' raid while I was on the fence, even though HE was a proud Scot? Well...way back when, his family's clan in Scotland was very small and therefore fought under a larger clan for protection as Highlanders often did. Guess what that larger clan's name was?  


The connections just keep on coming! Wish I was armed with that knowledge when we had our debate! :) 

If you choose to dig a little deeper, you can read about it here, and here

Friday, April 5, 2013

FAIRFAX: One Week From Today!

Get ready for some serious MOP shenanigans, y'all!

Entertainment Weekly Interview with Diana Gabaldon

HOLY COW!  Check out the amazing Entertainment Weekly interview with HERSELF, Diana Gabaldon.  And LOOK!  It's the official MOBY COVER!!!  LOVE!!!  The gorgeous seal looks 3D!  I cannot WAIT to own this book!!!

Fairfax Library Event: Questions for Diana Gabaldon

From Ted Kavich of the Fairfax County Library:

Hello and thanks for registering for the Diana Gabaldon event on April 12.  The date is drawing near and final preparations are underway – we are all very excited to be hosting Diana and welcoming such a great crowd of fans.

Stay tuned for news about when the doors will open, book signing, etc.  But first – we are seeking questions for our moderator, Wendi Kaufman, to ask Diana during the Q&A portion of the event.  We’d love for the fans to submit questions, then we’ll pick our favorites to use at the event.  Here’s how to pose your question:

1.       Visit the Fairfax County Public Library’s Facebook page at  The message asking for questions should be easy to find – it was just posted today.
2.       Leave your question as a “Comment” below the posting.  If you see that someone else has already asked your question, try to think of a different one that’s even better.  J
3.       Deadline for submissions is Monday, April 8.

Thanks so much!  See you on 4/12.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Benchmark Teacher of the Week: Christie Haffner

Check out this week's Benchmark Teacher of the Week!  Our very own Miss Christie!  I was so hoping she'd look into the camera and whisper "Fergus Lamaze"...but it was not to be.  ;)


ABC 33/40 - Birmingham News, Weather, Sports

Monday, March 25, 2013

Outlander Chat Tonight!

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.  **Tracey and I may be a little late...but we'll be there!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

It's The Little Things

So my 8 year old son (Wee Ian) is in the Cub Scouts, and served at the pack's annual spaghetti dinner tonight.  And as I was sitting next to him after the dinner, I looked at his shirt and realized it was cause for a blog post.

"Why", you ask?  Three reasons:

1)  MOBY.
2)  This awesome post on DG's blog.
3)  The patch on Wee Ian's left shirtsleeve:

There are now...when I'm so full of wanting for MOBY that I scarcely know what to do with myself, sassenachs.  I miss the heck outta being immersed in Gabaldonville...I really do.


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Top 10 Unionist Myths About Scotland's Independence

This is a fantastic video that dispels the "Top 10 Unionist Myths" about what could happen if Scotland gets its independence in 2014.

I try reallyyyyyyy hard NOT to wax on about this topic, because I'm an American, born and bred, and have no business waxing on about a country I do not live in, whose customs I don't deal with on a daily basis.  I also would never want to come off as anti-English while trying to convey my pro-Scottish beliefs.

That said...HELL YEAH I want Scotland to have their independence!  JE SUIS PREST!!!!!!!


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Whiskey in a Teacup

Sooz mentioned this in MOP Chat last night...and I had to post and share.  :)

Monday, March 18, 2013

NEW Diana Gabaldon Fairfax Event Info

Received two emails with the following info regarding the NEW venue for Diana Gabaldon's Fairfax event on April 12th: 

Email #1:

Thanks for registering for the Diana Gabaldon event on Friday, April 12 at 7:30 p.m.  We have secured a new venue for the event:

Gymnasium, Ernst Community Cultural Center
Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale Campus
8333 Little River Turnpike
Annandale, VA 22003

Please follow this link for directions to the campus:

Also, please note that free parking for this event is available in lots B-8 through B-15 and B-17.

We have a long waiting list for this event.  If your plans have changed and you can no longer attend, please cancel so others may attend by clicking on the link in your confirmation email or call 703-324-8428.

Thanks again, see you on April 12!

Email #2: 

After we sent out today’s message with updated venue information for the Diana Gabaldon event, we received the same questions from many of you – so we thought we’d send the answers to all in case others are wondering.

·         Rest assured, we will send additional updates as the event date draws closer.  In particular, we will tell you the plan for the book sale/signing when it is finalized.  Given the huge audience size, we will surely have to limit the number of items signed and also have attendees line up in “waves” to prevent crowding.  Please stay tuned for this information.

·         We will also let you know what time the doors will open on April 12.  This will depend on logistics for chair setup, etc. so please stay tuned for this as well.

·         If you are traveling from out of town and are wondering about hotels, please note that you are in good shape if you already secured a hotel in Fairfax, VA.  Fairfax is close to Annadale (you can view this on Google Maps) and we’re not aware of any good hotel options in the immediate vicinity of the venue.  So we suggest looking in the Fairfax area.  (We do not suggest a particular hotel, nor do we have blocks of rooms at any hotels.)

Thanks again for registering!  More to come…

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.

**At some point, we will be discussing the Fairfax event and where we are all try to come if you are going to Fairfax!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Ginger Nuts

Hong Kong Pipers

Thanks to Sally H. for this awesome shot of pipers in Hong Kong!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

En El Nombre Del Padre

I would like to extend the best of wishes to the new leader of the Catholic church; Pope Francis!

Why, you ask?


Monday, March 11, 2013

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.

**Tracey isn't able to attend and I am iffy.  BUT - we don't want to stop the fun!  The chat room will be open at 9PM Eastern for some awesome Outlander discussion!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Bounty

The hubster is sitting next to me watching The Bounty with Mel Gibson, Anthony Hopkins, Daniel Day-Lewis, Liam Neeson, Laurence Olivier and a few others whose names escape me.

I just had to post the trailer because the second I saw it, I thought "Voyager!"  An 18th century British ship, sailing the Caribbean (actually it's Tahiti, but work with me here), filled with soldiers in uniform, sporting plated hair, or at the verra least, ponytails?

OH yeah.  I can almost taste the turtle soup.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.

Friday, March 1, 2013

How to Make Book Charms

Thanks to Tracy (not Tracey with an e) for sharing her talents with us!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

20 Awesome FREE Audiobooks

Just thought you'd all want to see this fantastic page over at Ambling Books.  They list 20 different audiobooks that are FREE.  Check 'em out!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Monday, February 25, 2013

Outlander Chat Tonight!

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Accidental MOBY Spoiler Sighting!

Holy god.

I just saw a MOBY spoiler on Diana's Facebook page.  I didna mean to; it just...happened.


Honestly, it didn't give any info...and it wasn't anything odd or surprising.  It was only one sentence!  And it wasn't about a cliff-hanger, either.

But it mentioned Jamie...and something near and dear to my heart...and holy CRAP, I am so effing EXCITED TO READ THIS FRIGGIN BOOK!!!!!

I had to share.  WOW.  That was the BEST SPOILER I've ever not meant to look at in my life!!!

Fairfax Registration

Fairfax registration's in FIVE minutes!!  Make that FOUR!  Good luck!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.

Tracey and I are "iffy" to "probably not going to make it".  I'm away with the fam and Tracey is working...but why curtail the fun?  Have a tremendous chat and we'll catch up with everyone later.  And if we are able to sign in, we will!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Gung Haggis Fat Choy 2013

Of course I have to throw out a shout out to our favorite Burns Night celebrator, TODDISH MCWONG!  Remember when I posted about him and his AWESOME celebration entitled "Gung Haggis Fat Choy" a few years ago?  Well he's still going strong in 2013!  He posted this info about his anual event in Vancouver and I HIGHLY recommend you attend if you are in Vancouver on Sunday!

Gung Haggis Fat Choy is getting closer to 1765... But only going back as far as 1858... to acknowledge the founding of British Columbia by Sir James Douglas to proclaim the Colony of British Columbia. Douglas was born in Guyana (then called Demera), to a Scottish father and Creole mother from Barbados. He then went to school in Lanark Scotland, before coming to Canada to work for the Northwest Company.

2013 Gung Haggis Fat Choy Dinner is January 27th Sunday at Floata Restaurant in Vancouver Chinatown. 

Check our website

AND...check out last year's AWESOME event:

Happy Rabbie Burns Day!

Happy Robert Burns Day!  Where are you eating YOUR haggis?!

What?  You think I was kindof hot?
Perhaps that's because I WAS, y'all!
Now eat yer haggis and go tae bed
ye brash lads and lassies!

Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face, 
Great chieftain o the puddin'-race!
Aboon them a' ye tak your place,
Painch, tripe, or thairm:
Weel are ye worthy o' a grace
As lang's my arm.

The groaning trencher there ye fill,
Your hurdies like a distant hill,
Your pin wad help to mend a mill
In time o need,
While thro your pores the dews distil
Like amber bead.

His knife see rustic Labour dight,
An cut you up wi ready slight,
Trenching your gushing entrails bright,
Like onie ditch;
And then, O what a glorious sight,
Warm-reekin, rich!

Then, horn for horn, they stretch an strive:
Deil tak the hindmost, on they drive,
Till a' their weel-swall'd kytes belyve
Are bent like drums;
The auld Guidman, maist like to rive,
'Bethankit' hums.

Is there that owre his French ragout,
Or olio that wad staw a sow,
Or fricassee wad mak her spew
Wi perfect scunner,
Looks down wi sneering, scornfu view
On sic a dinner?

Poor devil! see him owre his trash,
As feckless as a wither'd rash,
His spindle shank a guid whip-lash,
His nieve a nit;
Thro bloody flood or field to dash,
O how unfit!

But mark the Rustic, haggis-fed,
The trembling earth resounds his tread,
Clap in his walie nieve a blade,
He'll make it whissle;
An legs an arms, an heads will sned,
Like taps o thrissle.

Ye Pow'rs, wha mak mankind your care,
And dish them out their bill o fare,
Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware
That jaups in luggies:
But, if ye wish her gratefu prayer,
Gie her a Haggis

Monday, January 21, 2013

Outlander Chat Tonight (Meeting at Diana Gabaldon's Fairfax Appearance to be Discussed!)

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.  I plan on discussing Diana Gabaldon's signing at the Fairfax Public Library in if you're planning on going, come say "Hi!"

Friday, January 18, 2013

Men in Kilts

Thanks to Karen and everyone who has sent me email or posted on my Facebook wall to alert me that MEN IN KILTS window cleaners have now opened a location at the Jersey Shore!!!  (As soon as I can convince my husband to let me hire them, I'll let you all know!)

Monday, January 14, 2013

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.  Be there or be square!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Kilts on Pinterest

Can I repin an entire board?  Yowsa.
Thanks to Sheri for letting me share her FANTASTIC Pinterest board!
Make sure you click the link to go see the whole thing!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Happy Birthday Diana!

Just have to shout out a huge Happy Birthday 
to the awesomest, gracious to her fansiest, enjoyer of vinoest, wife of my best friend Dougiest, creator of Jamie Fraserest and MOSTest distinguished writer on the planet, y'all!


Many happy returns!

Là breith sona dhuibh!!!

What if Ben Franklin were on Facebook?

Too hilarious not to post...profanity and all.  Enjoy!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.  Hope to SEE YA!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy Hogmanay!

Check out this fantastic blog post from Paul Bommer on Hogmanay.  It explains Scottish custom of being the first-footer - the first person over the threshold in the new year.  My husband's mother (who's father was from Paisley) always insisted my husband and his brothers and sisters come back into the house with a gift after they'd been out on New Year's Eve.  She'd leave a basket of oranges at the front door so they could take one and carry it over the threshold.  Gotta love Scottish customs.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Monarch of the Glen in 2013

Make 2013 the year that you finally watch Monarch of the Glen !

It's like a huge, steaming pile of Scottish goodness, dropped directly into your lap!

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Wee Man

I canna WAIT for this film.  Not only is John Hannah in it...but some of you will remember Martin Compston as Ewan on Monarch of the Glen.  He's tremendous and seems to be playing a seasoned, gangster, grown-up version of the same character in The Wee Man!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

MOP Character Contest Entries Coming Shortly

I am just now going through and reading all the entries via email, along with the names of everyone who sent them...and can say that I am somewhat floored.  People I expected to ham it up, didn't...some I wouldn't have expected...did!

I am going to post all of the entries soon. If you do NOT want your name to be printed along with your entry, please email me again and let me know.

We are SO doing this again, soon!

PS - Another male Outlander fan...I love it!  You need to come to MOP Chat one of these days, mister! :)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.

The My Outlander Purgatory Character Contest WINNERS

I am so excited to announce the winning entries of the My Outlander Purgatory character contest! 

But first...let me tell you how we picked the winners.  Tracey and I each picked 8 entries...and then compared notes.  Interestingly enough, 5 out of the 8 were a match.  Of the 5, we each picked 3 and compared notes...and all 3 were the same!  We each picked an "honorable mention" as well.  

Let me just say that every single one of those entries was tremendous.  I wish they could all be winners...because they were so well thought-out.  Whether they were longer and more descriptive...or a quick one-liner, we really enjoyed them all...and hope you did, too!

And now...for the winners of the MOP Character Contest (drumroll please): 


  • I would want to be Claire, not only because she has Jamie, but because she has the best genes ever. The woman does not age! She still has a nice arse at 47 (Joe Abernathy would tap that), and I am telling you, that is nearly impossible! (At least it is in my gene pool-- our arses make it until about 18 and then wave their white flag at old man Gravity.) She's also a career woman in a time when there was no such thing, knowing the healing properties of every plant in the 18th and 20th century, from Scotland to North America. Yeah, there are some negatives-- body lice, battles, strumpets trying to steal her man, and Frank from 1948-1966, to mention a few-- but having a devoted, warm, supportive, and sweet man like the Lord of Lallybroch by her side, an impressive, century-spanning resume, and a great body into her 50s... there is no other choice for me.

  • I would love to be the girl who gave Jamie his son....Geneva Dunsany. I think of her and wondered what the relationship would have been between them if she had lived. I am certain Jamie would not have been able to stay away from his son, especially in those years after he was released from his bond. Geneva wanted Jamie. He was gentle with her when he bedded her and even though she was a wicked wee bizum, I would fantasize that with the birth of the baby things may have been different between them. So, yea, I would be GenevHO, if only for that one night..... sigh.

  • I'd be Donas, so I could have Jamie riding me all day!


  • I would be Frank because then at least one of us would be able to answer the question "What did Frank know?"
  • I'd be Frank. 'Cause I'm a bit of a douche.

I find it verra interesting that both honorable mentions are about Frank.  Always 2nd best, poor guy!

Now that we know the winning entries...let's find out who the winners are!  If you are one of our 3 winners, please comment below and let us know who you are.  Also - send me an email at, letting me know what (1 credit) audio book you want from what email address to send it to. 

I will post ALL entries after we find out the winners...and it's up to the rest of you whether or not you want to come clean about who you are!! :)

Thanks again to all who entered; we've had a blast.  Something tells me I'll be running another contest again verra soon!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

MOP Character Contest has Officially Ended

Thanks to all who entered the My Outlander Purgatory Character Contest!

The three winners will be posted this Monday, December 17th!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Last Day for the MOP Outlander Character Contest!

OK Lads and Lassies...this is the last day to enter the My Outlander Purgatory Character Contest...for the chance to win a free Audiobook on!

LOVE the entries so far.  It's going to be ridiculously hard to choose.  Tracey and I will be hashing it out this weekend...and I'll post the winners on Monday.

I've been thinking about my own answer...which I have not posted yet.  There are different ways to look at this.  Who is the most interesting?  Who would I love to play?  Who does everyone love the most?

I think I have my answer.  It won't be nearly as interesting as most of yours...but I'll post that on Monday, too.  :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Whisky Cookie Recipe

Anonymous left this on a previous post...but I thought it warranted a repost!  Thanks, Anon!

Whiskey Cookies

1 lb. butter, softened 
2c. powdered sugar (sifted) 
1 egg yolk 
2 generous shots whiskey 
4 c. flour 

Beat butter until fluffy. Add ingredients in order given. Drop by 1/2 tsp. full onto an ungreased cookie sheet. Place pecan, candied cherries, chocolate jimmies, colored sugars or dip half in chocolate and sprinkle with fine crushed nuts. Bake in 350 degree oven for 25 minutes. Watch for cookies to brown around edges. Makes 8 dozen and they freeze well.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Lifescapes: Scottish Moors

I listened to Lifescapes: Scottish Moors nonstop while reading the Outlander series...and figured I'd link to it during the holidays.

Get this - Amazon has it listed for $47.89 new!  I guess they don't make it anymore??  (The Bronze Horseman fans are thinking "Tatian's Table" right about now.)  If you're buying it for yourself, they do list it for $3.25 used.  Not a bad deal.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

SCOTLAND: The Autobiography - 2,000 Years of Scottish History By Those Who Saw It Happen

Look at this gorgeous book!

I am ordering this for myself and telling my hubby to wrap it up!

"A vivid, wide-ranging, and engrossing account of Scotland's history, composed of timeless stories by those who experienced it first-hand. Contributors range from Tacitus, Mary, Queen of Scots, and Oliver Cromwell to Adam Smith, David Livingstone, and Billy Connolly. These include not only historic moments--from Bannockburn to the opening of the new parliament in 1999--but also testimonies like that of the eightyear- old factory worker who was dangled by his ear out of a third-floor window for making a mistake; the survivors of the 1746 Battle of Culloden, who wished perhaps that they had died on the field; the breakthrough moment for John Logie Baird, inventor of television; and, the genesis of great works of literature recorded by Conan Doyle, Stevenson, and the editor of Encyclopaedia Britannica. From the battlefield to the sports field, this is living, accessible history told by crofters, criminals, servants, housewives, poets, journalists, nurses, politicians, prisoners, comedians, sportsmen, and many more."

Post scriptum:  I JUST BOUGHT IT.  Absolutely amazing book...beyond words.  If you get a chance, read the story, "Jacobite Orphans, 1746" by John MacDonald.  It sounds like something right out of a Diana Gabaldon book.  Just grabs you "right here".  

Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmastime Bannocks

Something about this time of year makes me need...bannocks.  So yesterday, I made some and centered a gathering around them!  I had some friends over for quiche, coffee cake and the aforementioned bannocks.  I served them with not only strawberry and blueberry jam...but also apple butter and lemon curd.  You don't even KNOW how good they were.

Holy COW those things are scrumptious.  I posted the recipe a while back before I made them for my Outlander party with my book club.  

If you haven't yet tried them, lorddddd get out there and make some!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Attention MOP Contest Entries!

The entries are already coming in!  To those of you who have already entered, we have a request.  To avoid discrepancies about who sent the winning entries, please cut and paste your entry to an email and send it here (  This email will be read *after* we've picked the winners.

Already enjoying the entries!!  Keep 'em coming!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.

My Outlander Purgatory Character Contest!

Lads and Lassies!  I give you...the first ever...My Outlander Purgatory Character Contest!

Three lucky winners will be awarded the audio book of their choice from!

So what's the contest??

If you were an Outlander series character, who would you be, and why? 

A few simple rules...
  • To enter, post your answer under this post as a comment.  Please post comments anonymously.  (Just sign out and sign back in as "anonymous" before you post.  NO NAMES!)  :)  THEN - cut and paste your entry and email it here ( (That way, we will have proof the entry came from you when we are finished judging...AND I can post everyone's entries on the blog.)
  • Contest ends Friday, December 14th at Midnight.  Winners will be announced Monday, December 17th. 
  • Entries will be judged by Carol and Tracey and will be based on originality!!  Also - length of entry does NOT matter.  One sentence or ten's up to you!
  • Audiobook credit (1) will be sent to you by Carol, via email. 

The Minister's Cat

Went to see a local production of Scrooge: The Musical last night...and thought of all of you when they performed "The Minister's Cat".

Here's one I found on Youtube.  Giggle.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Happy Anniversary Tracey!

Just want to throw out a very special Happy Anniversary to my Outlander Mentor and sister, Tracey...and her awesome hubby, John.  Woot!

Friday, November 30, 2012

An Independent Scotland, Eh?

Interesting theories about what things will be like if the referendum for an independent Scotland is passed in 2014.

Pssst!  The Link has been try it again if you weren't able to see the article last time!

Joseph Morgan as Stephen Bonnet?

Does anyone else think that Joseph Morgan would make a fantastic Stephen Bonnet?  I mean...dinna get me wrong, lads and lassies; the man could play any number of characters and be tremendous.  Hell, I'd be willing to see him in a Lord John role.  But I'm used to seeing him be both charasmatic and vicious as Klaus on the Vampire Bonnet's not such a stretch.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows eBooks: $1.99!

Thanks to Julie in Jersey for this very cool info:

A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows: An Outlander Novella [Kindle Edition]
Diana Gabaldon (Author)

Kindle Price: $1.99 includes free wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet
Sold by: Random House Digital, Inc.
This price was set by the publisher

Kindle edition is due out on 12/3/12. --Julie in Jersey 

And Thanks to JenniferTN for sending this about Barnes and Noble:

It is available at Barnes and Noble for $1.99 as well. That's for all those Nook users out there. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Loaf 'N Jug...and Outlander!

I just received this email from Lara and it totally and completely made my day.  Guaranteed it's going to make yours, as well.  I love the Outlander universe!!!!

I have the most awesomest thing to tell you. So, I don't know if you know this, but I've said a couple times, to Clay anyway, that if I ever run into some money, I'm going to rent a castle in Scotland, charter a plane and take us all there on a mega GATHERING. Anyway, I just stopped at the "Loaf n' Jug", yes, that's it's real name... our local stop and rob, and bought $20 worth of Powerball tix...because the jackpot is like $550 mil and I never gamble or buy lottery tix...but I can't not when the jackpot is that high. Anyway, again, the cashier and I were chatting and she said she never buys tix either and she should because the only thing she wants is a trip to Scotland. My mouth fell open and I was like, "OMG, ME TOO! I'm going to take my whole book club friends with me!" Then she says, "What book?!?!?! DIANA GABALDON?" It was a full on middle of nowhere South Dakota Outlander moment. Then she says, "Well Jamie is mine so back off!" I about fell out right there in the middle of the store with a bunch of cowboys watching. We giggled and laughed and practically hugged. Made my day. So long story short, when I win Powerball and we all go to Scotland, I'm taking the cashier from the Loaf n' Jug in Box Elder, South Dakota with us.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.

Kindle Fire - Cool "Cyber Monday" Deal

VERY cool deal for Cyber Monday - get a Kindle Fire for only $129!  Enter FIREDEAL at checkout!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Gabriel Aubry Scuffle: Please! Not the Face!

So a while ago, Diana Gabaldon posted on her blog that she thought Gabriel Aubry "did in fact have a strong resemblance to Mr. Fraser, in terms of facial physiognomy".

Apparently Mr. Aubry had a scuffle with Oliver Martinez the other day and has a pretty beaten up face.

Now...normally I pay little attention to this type of Page 6 celebudrama...but after coming across the photos, I couldn't help thinking that this is what Jamie Fraser would look like after a fight!

All roads lead to Outlander folks...all roads lead to Outlander.

Friday, November 23, 2012

T' Scotland!

Just got this from my friend Hugh from Paisley.  T' Scotland!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Sometimes I just have to repost...and this is one of those times.  If you are a Twilight fan AND an Outlander will get a kick out of this.  If you are not, you still just might.  :)

Scotland the Brave Ringtone

I felt the need to mention that my hubby, Tom has recently set "Scotland the Brave" to be his new ringtone on his phone...and it is very, very cool.  I figured I can't do this because we'll both be running to the phone every time we hear it...but at least you guys can!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Random Outlander Question

SPOILER ALERT:  DO NOT read this unless you have read VOYAGER - the 3rd book in the Outlander series!!

Do you ever wake up in the morning and go about your day, when all of a sudden it hits you all over again like a ton of bricks:

"Holy shit!  Jamie married Laoghaire!!!"

Me too.


Monday, November 19, 2012

Celtic Music

Thanks to Diane for this lovely find!

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Half of all Scots have ‘ginger gene’ say experts -

How awesome is THIS article about "gingers" in Scotland?!

Want to find out what's going on in Scotland today?  Check out  Tremendous website, chock full of Scottish goodness.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Site Maintenance

I am messing around with the site design please forgive me if it's looking a bit wonky!

Kilted Men in the Streets

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Outlander to Air on Starz

Tremendous announcement today that Outlander will be developed by Starz!  I am thrilled.  I watched both the "Pillars of the Earth" miniseries and the "Camelot" series on Starz and thought they were both done beautifully and extremely well cast.

And speaking of casting...I find it interesting that two people near the top of my short list for Jamie an Claire were on both of the aforementioned shows.  Hayley Atwell was in Pillars and Philip Winchester was in Camelot.  So at least I know Starz appreciates solid acting.

Holy CASTING, Batman.  Do you know what this means?? STARZ has already been's only a matter of time before we find out about actors.  (insert nervous giggling here)

Here is a scene from the Starz series, "The Pillars of the Earth".  If Outlander is anything like this, I will be beside myself.  (And I will use any excuse to post this Eddie Redmaye clip.  I'm so shameless.)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Outlander Chat Tonight - Carol and Tracey Iffy

Here is the deal for tonight's chat:

- I am washing uniforms for members of the National Guard who are working in my area and have to make a pick-up tonight 9:30...which will cut into chat time.  (Geez - who do these disaster relief people think they ARE, messing with my Jamie Fraser time??) ;)   I will try to get there for a few minutes at 9:00.

- Tracey has been hostessing for those in her town without power this week and isn't sure how many people she'll have tonight - or how long they'll she's not sure if she'll be able to chat.

That said, chat should go on!  Please proceed with or without us and we will do our very best to get there!  :)

Someone to Watch Over Me: MOP Friend JC Bodden Answers Questions About Her First Novel

OK y'all - listen up.  One of our good Outlander buds at MOP wrote a book called "Someone to Watch Over Me".  This book got me through Hurricane Sandy at the Jersey shore!  I have to say - I really enjoyed it!  After I finished, I emailed (the author, someone we all know and love from MOP Chat) to ask her some questions about the book.  Below are my questions...followed by her answers.  And a hottie pattotie photo of her hubby.  HEY now.  My suggestion?  Bookmark this page...go read the book...then come back and check out what JC has to say!

SPOILER ALERT:  The following contains spoilers about

Someone to Watch Over Me by J C Bodden!!

- WHAT made you come up with the idea for this book? 

- ANYONE you see in your mind when you think of Joe or any of the main characters?  (You know how I love to "see" it in my mind!)  

- WHY did Wagner smell like cigarettes and alcohol when he walked by Joe after he stabbed Amy?  Was he out getting schnockered at the local gin mill just prior?  Or was it done to throw the reader?  This made me think the killer wasn't Wags.  Brills on your part!

- WHAT ever happened to Joe’s father?  I hope it was something bad.  (Does that shower me with bad karma if these are fictional characters?) 

- WHAT is the new book about?  Assuming another mystery that revolves around Jennie's dad??

- WILL we see more Joe?!?!  (Lordddddddd...need to see more Joe!)  

I actually came up for the idea for this book long ago when I was a Resident Advisor in college at Auburn University - although there were more of us (one RA per hall) then than just the 'Jennie' character. There was a 'urban myth' about our particular dorm that a maintenance man actually did have a little hidey-hole up in the attic and drilled holes through the ceiling so he could spy on the girls below. I lived on the top floor of the dorm, so it was like our own personal ghost story that we would tell just to scare the bejeebers out of each other.  One time some of the other girls on the hall drew a picture of a blood shot eyeball with the words 'He's watching you!' and taped it on the ceiling right above my top bunk pillow so I didn't notice it until I laid down that night to go to sleep! Some of the other stuff mentioned - the water heaters going out, the fire alarm set off in the middle of the night - really did happen. But no one was ever murdered or kidnapped while I was there. And I don't know for sure if there was ever a creepy attic guy. :) 

When I first started writing the story, in keeping with that original myth, the bad guy was Joe, the maintenance guy... but as I wrote his character more and more I couldn't help but first of all, feel sorry for the little kid and then, later, fall in love with the adult. So, of course, he couldn't be the bad guy! And then, when I went back and read what I had wrote, I realized that Joe Haliday was basically my own dear husband - Jay! Well, now, let me back up. Jay is not deaf. Nor did he have a neglected childhood living with an alcoholic mother and then an indifferent father. And his eyes are green, not shockingly blue. But otherwise, yeah... Joe = Jay. Hell, they even have the same initials! I'll send you a picture of Jay in college so you can see what I mean.

HOT, party of THIS guy!
Wagner is a combination of two people I actually know also - looks-wise and personality-wise. Looks - one of my son's baseball coaches and personality - one of my former boyfriends. And I'm not saying anything more on that! (Although, once again, no one was ever killed or kidnapped or whatever. Plus, no animals were harmed in the making of this movie...)

As to Wagner's state when he walked by Joe after stabbing Amy... yeah, he was out getting a little lit up just before the attack - probably as a way to bolster his courage, the little shit. And also, he was good at pulling the wool over everyone's eyes, wasn't he? We thought he was one way when, really, he was something else all together. As far as trying to throw the reader, yeah, that's certainly part of it. I tired to do that repeatedly. I mean, I wanted you to love Joe and yet also wonder. I will say this, when Jay was reading it at one point he came to me and said, "If the bad guy is Joe then just go ahead and tell me now because I'm not going to read the rest of it." To which I replied, "Come on, baby. You know me. Do you think I would write a book I wouldn't like to read?"

As to Joe's father... I think we might see him in a later story line, but I don't know. Either that or he lived out the rest of his miserable existence in a state-supported nursing home, drooling onto his bathrobe, waiting for someone to come and visit him. I haven't really decided yet. (And the only karma it showers you with is fictional karma. Plus it's Joe's dad's karma, not yours. So you're safe. Double. I promise.)

The new book centers around Jennie's dad but Jennie and Joe are in it as well... And yes, it's a mystery. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

If you live in the Northeastern US, I hope you and your family are safe and didn't sustain damage to your home in Monday's storm.

I live at the Jersey shore and my family was extremely lucky.  Our neighborhood is set pretty high in town so my street didn't flood.  We also had unbelievable wind gusts but didin't lose any trees, which is much more than I can say for many homes on my block.  At this point we have no power/heat/hot air...but we have a generator running here and there for some essentials and our sump pump is keeping our basement dry.  The electric company has given us an estimate of 10 - 15 days without power and we have been informed our kids will not be going back to school until that time.  But - again - we feel absolutely blessed to be alive and living under our own roof.

I cannot tell you how helpless we all feel here at the shore.   So many people are without homes and an indescribable number of our beloved landmarks have vanished.  The devastation is just impossible to truly comprehend.

Please say a prayer - or offer up a silent moment - for the people whose lives are forever changed because of this horrific storm.

*** The above drawbridge is in my town.  The boats you see were dry docked at a marina nearby and were picked up and carried away by raging floodwaters.   That marina is on the exact site where once stood the Union Salt Works.  The salt works were burned down in April 1778 by British loyalists who were trying to cripple this area by removing the only way to preserve meat and other foods.  Against all odds, after repairs, the salt works were once again will be the Jersey Shore in the coming months and years.