Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Read OUTLANDER With The Atlantic

Join the Conversation at #1book140

Share favorite quotes, share links, ask questions, and read along at @1book140, our Twitter book club. We're just finishing up The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton. Our hashtag #1book140 is a great place to share about what else you're reading.
To join the conversation on Outlander, follow us at @1book140 and tweet to join the conversation so we know that you're reading along. To avoid spoilers, we spread the conversation across one hashtag per week. Click on each hashtag to see the conversation at that point in the book.
  • Week One: Chapters 1-10, using #1b140_1 as a hashtag for your tweets
  • Week Two: Chapters 11-20, using #1b140_2
  • Week Three: Chapters 21-30, using #1b140_3
  • Week Four: Chapters 31-41, using #1b140_4

Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday, January 20, 2014

The MOP Lassies Discuss Chapter One of Written In My Own Heart's Blood

Thanks to the way cool contest over at SendTheSeal.com, Tracey and I discuss Chapter One of Written In My Own Heart's Blood!


Outlander Chat Tonight!  9PM Eastern!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Splendor in the Grass...and the Moss...and the Lake...

Thanks to Dawn for sending me this breathtaking photograph of the Highlands of Scotland from the 2013 National Geographic Photo contest.   Look at the cottage (once you find it, like Waldo).  Can you imagine living there??  With James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser?  Not much to do but swim...and fish...and christen the heck outta every shade like a color by number.  Mmmm hmmm...

Monday, January 13, 2014

Outlandish Observations: Diana/Compuserve SCOOP!

SPOILER ALERT:  This post mentions a situation in An Echo in the Bone.

You have to read THIS POST from Karen at Outlandish Observations and tell me what you think about Diana's comments!!!!

Let me back up a bit.  At MOP chat tonight, we were discussing this comment from Diana to Karen on Compuserve:

"I realized what the Necessary (Horrible) Thing was that had to happen to resolve (or, um, not, as the case may be...) a particular situation."

(Make sure to go to Karen's post and see that in context.)

So at chat, we discussed:  What does that mean?  Would Diana would "off" someone we all know and love!  Is it that serious?  Or something horrible but not dealing with death?  Maybe something just that is unpleasant and tough for us to swallow has to happen to someone we love?

Go read Karen's post and let me know what you think!!

MOP Chat Tonight!

Outlander Chat Tonight!  9PM Eastern!

Claire "Badass" Beauchamp and Jamie "Highland Hound" Fraser

Aaaaaand here come the fun Outlander series articles!

Entertainment Weekly posted this article about the opening scene of Outlander.

Except someone is going to have to 'splain this commentary to me:

"Another critic asked if a pivotal scene from the book where — spoiler alert – Claire is harshly physically punished by her lover Jamie (Sam Heughan)."

Don't know who the other critic was...but "harshly physically punished"?  LOL! Dude...he spanks her.  On the ass.  He doesn't beat her in the head while inflicting some sort of WWE full nelson slam on her.  WTF?

(Yeah...I did have to google WWE maneuvers.  I'll admit it.)

Note: My peeps on Facebook have reminded me that Jamie used a belt.  Worse than a bare-handed spanking?  Yes.  But "harshly physically punished" just conjures up visions of...well...WWE maneuvers.  LOL

MOP Breaks Down the Outlander Trailer!

Monday, January 6, 2014

MOP Outlander Chat TONIGHT

Outlander Chat Tonight!  9PM Eastern!  Hmmm...what's the topic for the evening?  Survey says?  JAMIE FRASER!  (And OK...maybe a little Claire and the gang thrown in there, too. ) ;)

We're Not Worthy! (But Thanks, Three If By Space!)

We're not worthy!  How cool is THIS Outlander article from Erin over at Three If By Space??  Not only does she give LOTS of little deets on the upcoming Outlander series on Starz...but she also gives MOP a verra appreciated mention.  :)

Monday, December 30, 2013

Feast Thine Eyes

Thank you, TV Guide Magazine!

MOP Chat Tonight!

Outlander Chat Tonight!  9PM Eastern!  What should we talk about?  Anyone seen any photos lately?  BOO haa!!!!!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas, Sassenachs!

Merry Christmas from My Outlander Purgatory!!!

Monday, December 23, 2013

No MOP Chat Tonight

Chat will be cancelled tonight, sassenachs.  There is still so much to do before Christmas.

Have a tremendous evening and we'll see you next week! :)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Scottish Man Apron

How much fun is this?  Gotta get a Hot Scot apron for the sexy beast in YOUR life!  Tell him to make sure he wears it when he's baking you bannocks!!  :)

Monday, December 2, 2013

Outlander Chat TONIGHT!

Outlander Chat Tonight!  9PM Eastern!  LET'S TALK OUTLANDER!!!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

MOP Shirt Quilt

Check out this awesome quilt that was made for MOP friend, Monica, by her tremendously cool mom.  Notice anything in particular?  Perhaps the black shirt in the 2nd from top center that was bought in the MOP SHOP and says "I'd go through the STONES for Jamie Fraser!"  You have no idea how thrilled I was to see this.  :)

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving from My Outlander Purgatory!

Happy Thanksgiving from My Outlander Purgatory!

Check out this fun post from Karen at Outlandish Observations.  It's full of Thanksgiving quotes from the Outlander series.


Monday, November 18, 2013

Hotness on a Plate (and in a Kilt)

I seriously shed a tear when I watched this...because Sam Heughan IS the Jamie Fraser in my head.  I never thought I'd "see" him in real life.  It's almost like I'm getting my wish of finding out what Jamie would be like in the 21st century.  Enjoy.  :)

Saturday, November 16, 2013

New Photos from the Set!

You must check out this TREMENDOUS Daily Mail article about the Outlander set.  It's chock full of squee-inducing photos like this one of Caitriona Balfe playing Claire:

Friday, November 15, 2013

MOBY Gets a New Publication Date!

June 10th, 2014!  Check out Diana Gabaldon's website for info about the new publication date for Written in My Own Heart's Blood!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Outlander Chat TONIGHT!!

Outlander Chat Tonight!  9PM Eastern!

Monday, November 4, 2013

MOP Outlander Mentor Contest WINNER

I am pleased to announce the winner of the verra first MOP Outlander Mentor Contest!!!


SARA and her Outlander Mentor, Joanna!!!!!  

That entry was near and dear to our hearts.  You intrigued us at "Mexican and brownies"...and downright HAD us at "DWDLO" (a Dumbass Who Doesn't Like Outlander).  Oh I cannot TELL you how I laughed at that.  It will be used frequently on this blog; you can bet on it.

Tracey and I totally related to that entry...right down to "logistics for a cross-country premiere date".  (You have no idea how many times we've had that conversation!!)

All of that said....holy cow was this difficult!!  If it were easy, this would have been posted this AM.  Tracey and I have read and reread and shared favorite entries all day (which pretty much matched exactly...like when we frequently say the same thing in chat, ken?)

So many cherished memories of treasured bookstores...and amazing friendships...and awful illnesses that made us cry and thank God you sassenachs are well and able to post your entries here at MOP.  I have had tears in my eyes all day.  There was not one bad entry; they were all so touching.  I PROMISE you all to forward them to Herself so she can see how much you all love her and this truly unbelievable world she has created.

Thank you all for entering...from the bottom of our hearts.  We are touched that you all took the time to sit down and share your stories with us.  :)

Thursday, October 31, 2013

MOP Outlander Mentor CONTEST!

**This contest is now closed and the winners will be announced soon (today soon; not five minutes soon. LOL)  Thank you SO much for sharing your heartfelt stories.  WHAT fun it has been, reading all of these entries.  I will make sure Diana Gabaldon hears about this post.  I'm sure she'll be touched and hopefully she'll be able to read your stories when she finishes MOBY.  :)

Spoiler Alert!  The following contains Outlander spoilers:

At MOP, you know we often talk about an Outlander Mentor™. That's the fellow reader who not only turned you on to the books, but who held your hand as you made your way through them, who listened as you bitched and moaned about Leghair, who dried your tears as you sobbed, "OH MY GOD, JAMIE'S DEAD!!!!", and who les sighed with you each time Jamie whispered "Sassenach"--all without spoiling a thing.

So tell us (in a comment below):

Who is your Outlander Mentor, how did they get you into the books, and how have they supported your obsession?

The winner AND his/her Outlander Mentor EACH win THE OUTLANDER SERIES from Audible.com!!!! (7 credits total per person)

The winning entry will be chosen based on ORIGINALITY...so LET'S HEAR IT!


- Only entries within the comments of this post will be considered.
- Contest ends November 3, 2013 at midnight.
- Winners may choose alternate audio book titles (worth 7 credits total). 
- Book titles must be chosen no later than November 5, 2013


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

It's not Halloween without Jamie's Hot Cross Buns

Can't believe it's been three years since I posted about Blue Moon Magnolia's amazing pumpkin carving rendition of Jamie's ASSets in The Exile.  My thanks to Blue Moon Magnolia for her talents!  And let's not forget Hoang Nguyen who drew the original graphic.  Lordddddd the buns!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

NYC: Our Outlander Day Out With Starz

WHAT a fabulous time Tracey and I had yesterday at the Starz event in NYC.  I don't even know how to describe what it felt like to be surrounded by so much...OUTLANDER!  We ran into tons of awesome fellow bloggers from Outlander Book Club, Outlander Fan (singular; no S!), Outlander TV News, That's Normal...Oh my gosh, who else??  Forgive me but there were too many awesome Jamie and Claire loving peeps to name in one post! 

First off, let me share with you what an absolute CLASS ACT Starz is.  I have never been so impressed in my life.  They went ALL out.  I was blown away by the appreciation this company has for US.  Aka fans!  The event was top notch; one of the neatest experiences I've had since diving into this pool of awesomesauce we know and love as Outlander.

The event was held at the truly neat McKittrick Hotel in downtown NYC.  The room the presentation was in was teeny tiny and AWESOME.  They weren't kidding when they said it would be "intimate".

The event started with Ron Moore and Diana Gabaldon doing a presentation that included a video (Sam says "sassenach" in it, y'all), stills of the set, and a Q&A.  It was such an neat little setting which made it even more exciting.  No pretense, nothing flashy, just Ron and Diana dishing Outlander - with the fans.

By the way I sat next to a verra fun woman from Edinburgh; check out her tattoo!  --------------->>

A few points about the series:

-Nine Episodes have been written and another four or five have been partially written.  

- We will see a LOT of Frank in Season 1...in flashbacks.  The writers want us to understand why Claire would want to leave Jamie...and the way to do this is to make us appreciate Frank.  (Dare I say "like" Frank?  DOH!) 

- WE WILL SEE Claire and Frank visit the ruins of CASTLE LEOCH on their honeymoon.  (Chills y'all.  Chills)

- Diana will have a cameo...if she wants one.  :)

- Everyone has been cast for season 1. 

- Ron Moore's wife is a HUGE Outlander fan, as well as a costume designer for the show.  She will not let him change too much.  (WOOT!!  We have a comrade on the set!)

- The part of Outlander that made Ron want to make it come alive on screen?  When Jamie told Claire to stay put after the honeymoon, and she left and tried get back to the stones.  He said they got married and had the honeymoon and he thought they'd go along having this wonderful life together...and then Claire changed all the rules and bolted.  (My words, not his.)

A little more about the tremendous day Starz planned for us:

After the QA, we went to an open-air, garden-themed restaurant on the roof, which was just the neatest place...that was decked out with railroad ties and lots of foliage.  We sat in an area that looked like a box car, complete with faux aged curtains blowing in the breeze.  And all of this against a city backdrop.  Just the coolest venue for a meal with friends. (Tracey and I want to go back with the hubbies ASAP.)  And speaking of a meal, we were treated to fried chicken with a plethora of autumn veggies..along with grilled pears, corn bread and a really yummy bread pudding.  And yes; wine.  (Did I not mention Starz rocks?!)

Speaking of Starz, one of the highlights of our day was chatting it up with the VERRA COOL girls who work there!!!  They got a kick out of Pocket Jamie...and I thought it was hilarious as I almost didn't even bring him along!  I also told them how I LOVE blogging about other Starz shows like The White Queen, etc etc over at MyPurgatory.com.

Ok so lastly, not only did Tracey and I get our picture taken with Ron Moore, but we were lucky enough to ride down the elevator with him...and some fun Outlander fans.  I took this opportunity to mention how much I loved Mission Impossible II...and ask if there was any way we could get my favorite Scottish actor - Dougray Scott - into Outlander, somehow.  He said you never know what might happen down the pike.  After that, I scared him off with my awful impression of Dougray in the film.  He promptly walked off the elevator and probably had nightmares for the rest of the weekend. ;) 

Seriously you guys...I have never been so excited in my life.  This show is going to exceed all our expectations.  Ron Moore GETS IT.  He truly does.  Jamie Fraser is going to come to life and the whole world is going to fall in love with him.  

Saturday, October 12, 2013

NYC: Starz Outlander Event

Tracey and I are on our way the the Starz Outlander event.  We will be tweeting all day from @myoutlanderpurg and will be posting to My Outlander Purgatory on Instagram. 

Updates to follow!  

Friday, October 11, 2013

Updated MOP Outlander Playlists

For you music lovers out there...

I've updated the Outlander playlists!  Outlander, Dragonfly in Amber, Voyager and Drums of Autumn are complete.  The Fiery Cross, A Breath of Snow and Ashes and Echo are still being added to.  

Check 'em out by clicking the "Playlists" tab above or clicking here


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

October 12th Outlander Event in NYC

Just a quick word to let you know Tracey and I *will* be attending the special Outlander event with Diana Gabaldon and Ron Moore this Saturday in NYC.

Please say Hello if you are there!  We'd love to meet you!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat Tonight!  9PM Eastern!

DAY ONE OF OUTLANDER PRODUCTION, Y'ALL.  Bring your A game and let's discuss!!!

Outlander Production Has Begun!

Just received the following from Starz!  OUTLANDER PRODUCTION HAS BEGUN!!! 

"Please find an image of and quote from executive producer Ronald D. Moore to announce production has commenced on the STARZ and SONY PICTURE TELEVISION’S original series “Outlander.” Adapted from Diana Gabaldon’s international bestselling novels, the series is filming on location in Scotland and will air on STARZ in 2014.  For more information go to our Facebook Page, Follow @Outlander_Starz on Twitter and Instagram.  Join the conversation with #Outlander and #STARZ."

“Day One and the battle is joined.  We fight to do justice to the material and the fans.  We'll return with our targes or on them.” -  - Ronald D. Moore

Saturday, October 5, 2013

It's October...and October Brings Bannocks

Made bannocks to go with my chicken noodle soup the other night.  (Not that this particular soup came close to anything you'll find made by Theresa over at Outlander Kitchen.) My soup was a bit of a Sandra Lee "semi homemade" concoction...but the bannocks were from scratch.  And, as usual, my kids loved them.  And my husband?  He loved them, too.  And it made me realize that I will be eternally grateful to Diana Gabaldon for introducing me to such wonderful little cookie-cakey-sconey-biscuity-goodness.  I've made book-club bannocks.  And I've made Christmastime bannocks.  And now I've made "Hey, it's Wednesday" bannocks.  These things get more delicious every time I taste them.  And that, sassenachs, is a wonderful wee giftie, ken?  :)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Scottish Vines on Facebook

Sometimes there are things I just HAVE to post...even though I know they're kindof objectionable.  THIS is one of those things.  It's a Facebook page called Scottish Vines and is comprised of nothing but quick, 6 second videos made with the "Vine" App on a smartphone.

The thing that sets these videos apart from a zillion other "vines"?  These are made by SCOTS.  Verra, verra disturbed Scots.    They're full of bad language (you've been warned) and rude antics...some of which I find simultaneously gross and hilarious.  They're pretty much Trainspotting meets Jackass.  The one redeemable quality that is really intoxicating - and the only reason I'm even posting?  THEIR ACCENTS, DAMNIT.  I canna get enough.  

See for yourself.  If you dare...

Monday, September 23, 2013

Outlander Chat Tonight!

Outlander Chat Tonight!  9PM Eastern!

Friday, September 20, 2013

"Remember Paoli!"

Spoiler Alert:  The following pertains to information mentioned in "An Echo in the Bone."

"One of Howe's commanders, Major General Lord Charles Grey--a distant cousin of Grey's--attacked the Americans at Paoli at night, with orders to his troops to remove the flints from their muskets.  This prevented discovery from the accidental discharge of a weapon, but also obliged the men to use bayonets.  A number of Americans wire bayoneted in their beds, their tents burned, a hundred or so made captive--and Howe marched into the city of Philadelphia, triumphant, on September 21."  ~Diana Gabaldon,  "An Echo In The Bone"

Today marks the 236th anniversary of the Paoli Massacre at the Paoli Battlefield which was mentioned in An Echo in the Bone.  

"Just after midnight on September 21, the British led by Lord Grey launched a devastating strike into Wayne's unprepared American camp. Grey had ordered his men to remove the flints from their rifles before the attack began. Bayonets, — a weapon Americans considered barbaric — would be the weapon of choice.
53 Americans were killed and over 100 wounded in Grey's lightning raid. The use of the bayonet coupled with the notion that the British stabbed or burned the Americans who tried to surrender, made martyrs of those maimed and killed at Paoli. For the rest of the war, the British lived in fear that Wayne's troops would try to avenge the affair that came to be know as the Paoli Massacre."   (ushistory.org

Every year I commemorate the occasion with a special blog post, as Tracey (my Outlander mentor) and I grew up in Paoli, Pennsylvania.  

Reading about a battle so close to where you grew up - in the Outlander series - is truly a magical experience.  

When I googled "Battle of Paoli" + "Diana Gabaldon" a few minutes ago, many links came up from the MOBY daily lines.  I, being the spoiler freak I am, did NOT look - nor will I - until Written in My Own Heart's Blood comes out in March (Lorddddddddd the release date.)  But how excited am I to think Paoli may be mentioned AGAIN???  Chills, y'all.  Chills.  

And...if Herself mentions the burning down of the Union Salt Works by British loyalists in April 1778 in the upcoming Written in My Own Heart's Blood, which happened in the little Jersey Shore town I live in currently, I'll fall right the hell over and they'll have to run and fetch the smelling salts.  

All kidding aside, please take a moment today and remember those who were killed or viciously wounded by British soldiers at Paoli...and also the United States Army battle cry that was used well into the 19th century.

"Rest well, Paoli's heroes brave. 
You did your part this land to save. 
And as the centuries roll by, 
Ever we'll sound your battle cry 


~Henry Pleasants Jr.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Is Ping An in Cuba?!

Thanks to Belinda for sending in this verra cool article (love the newspaper copy!)  

Belinda's comments are below:

"I found this in our local paper and I think this is not Pancho but actually Ping An.  Maybe he flew through the stones and is looking for Mr. Willoughby.  If you look closely,  he is even wearing some kind of collar.   No need to look farther for Ping An's casting for season 3, Voyager!"

For more on Ping An in Voyager, visit Outlandish Observations' Friday Fun Facts from 5/25/12

Monday, September 16, 2013

MOP Outlander Chat TONIGHT!

Outlander Chat Tonight!  9PM Eastern!  WE'VE GOT OUR CLAIRE, Y'ALL!!!  AND Murtagh!  AND Wee Hamish!  Let's discuss!  :)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Lorddddddddd We Have Our Claire!

Oh Em Gee.  How gorgeous is Caitriona Balfe?!  She's perfect.  I love her.  And I don't even know a
darned thing about her.  I know she's Irish.  So that always scores points, as I'm half Irish.  And she's got the Claire "look".  I canna WAIT to see her - and Sam - all kinds of done up in Hair and Makeup on set.  It's going to be wild.

You know what I have to say now...


Monday, September 9, 2013

Outlander Chat Tonight!

Outlander Chat Tonight!  9PM Eastern!  AKA RIGHT NOW!  GET IN HERE!  :)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

"Scotland's Game of Thrones"

I seriously enjoyed this article from the Scotland Herald about the upcoming production of Outlander being filmed in the old, deserted "Isola" plant in Cumbernauld, Scotland.  It describes Claire as a "20th-centry nurse who goes back to the 18th century" and Jamie as a "Scottish swashbuckling Jacobite."

Wowwers.  Seriously puts it into perspective, does it not?  For years, I've dreamed of watching the Outlander series on the big screen.  Or a little screen.  Any screen would do.  And now that I'm seeing that dream become a reality, I'm...well...scared as hell!  LOL  Dinna get me wrong, I've been so excited about this since I first heard Ron Moore would be the mastermind behind the screenplay.  And I've pretty much eaten, slept and breathed "Claire Watch" since we found out Sam Heughan would be playing Jamie.

I even took my phone to Tracey's tonight (and she said "Hello? It's Sunday!  They won't announce anything tonight!")  But I couldna help it.  I am way too emotionally invested at this point.

There's no turning back now.  And it's deliciously terrifying!

I suppose I'm somewhat of a seasoned Outlander fan, having written a blog about the series for almost 4 years.  (Although I am not worthy of those who have been fans for 20 plus years!)  In addition, I've waxed on with my sister (and Outlander mentor), Tracey, via video...I've posted daily on MOP Facebook for months...and I've been lucky enough to meet some of you amazing fellow-readers - all in the name of Jamie Fraser.  So I still find it so incredibly interesting when I think of Jamie and Claire, and something totally new about one of them pops into my head.   Today, when I was reading this Herald article, I found myself wondering what Jamie would think of all this brouhaha surrounding the Outlander series on Starz...and being called a "swashbuckling Jacobite".  I pretty much came to the conclusion he would Mmmmfffpppphhhhh the hell out of it...and say there was much more important work to be done.

But clearly there is nothing more important at this point, as far as adaptations go!  I canna WAIT to see the reactions of not only my fellow OutFANders, but also the rest of the world who will tune in to Starz in April.

So to that "Scottish swashbuckling Jacobite", Jamie Fraser, I proudly say:

Je Suis Prest! 

Monday, September 2, 2013

MOP Chat Canceled: Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day!  In observance of the Labor Day holiday, MOP Chat will be canceled tonight.

(Unless there are any new casting announcements made today...which is looking highly unlikely as the hour roll by.  Today seems to be all about Christian Grey.)  ;)

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Angus Mhor and Mrs. Fitzgibbons Cast!

According to this article on TVGuide.comStephen Walters (Layer Cake) has been cast as Angus Mhor and Annette Badland (Doctor Who) has been cast as Mrs. Fitzgibbons! (Thanks, Hildy, from The Book Bosses!)

Monday, August 26, 2013

LIKE My Outlander Purgatory on Facebook!

Hey y'all - help us get to 2,000 and LIKE us on Facebook if you havena already!!  That way, you won't miss out on MOP updates about videos, chat, Starz and all things OUTLANDER!  :)

MOP Video: John Dahl & Where's Claire?!

Saturday, August 17, 2013


Is this every Outlander fan on the planet, or what?  Can't you just see us all...dressed in 18th century frocks and hanging out together at Pretend Lallybroch, eating bannocks and yelling at everyone...just like Jenny?!  Canna WAIT for Austenland...

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Bronwen Lewis - Fields of Gold

Dear Outlander producers,

Please consider recording a song or two with Bronwen Lewis when looking for music for the upcoming Outlander series on Starz.  I don't watch The Voice, but was sent this by Mar_OFan today and wow.  After only one listen...just...wow.


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

MOP Chat - Master Raymond Discussion

Is it strange that I've
always pictured Master
Raymond as Paul Williams?  
Thanks to SWilliams for posting the following about the Master Raymond discussion from Monday's Outlander chat here on MOP:

For those of you on chat late last night when we were talking about Master Raymond and the blue light. Guess what I found in the FAQs on Diana's site

"Who/what is Master Raymond? What is his significance? (SPOILER)

Well, he’s a prehistoric time traveler. I think he came from somewhere about 400 BC or perhaps a bit earlier (not technically “prehistoric,” but they certainly weren’t using written records where he started out), and the 18th century is not his first stop.

He is–or was–a shaman, born with the ability to heal through empathy. He sees auras plainly; those with his power all have the blue light he has–born warriors, on the other hand, are red (so yes, “the red man” is iconic). He has a rather strong aversion to Vikings, owing to events that happened in his own time; hence his nervousness when he sees Jamie. He’s afraid of them, but he also realizes just what a strong life-force they have–that’s why he makes Claire invoke it (using the sexual and emotional link between her and Jamie) to heal her.

His descendants–a few of whom he meets now and then in his travels–have the blue light about them, too; in large degree or small, depending on their talents. So he knows Claire, when he sees her, as one of his great-great, etc. grand-daughters. And Gillian/Geillis is another–you notice she has Claire’s sense of plants, though she tends naturally to poison, rather than medicines.

We’ll see him again–though not in Jamie and Claire’s story, I don’t think. Master Raymond should get his own series of books, eventually. So in fact, we’ll see Claire, Jamie, and Geillis again, then– but as secondary characters in Master Raymond’s story (you recall, Geillis mentions having met “one other” (time-traveler) in Voyager, but doesn’t tell Claire who it is).

Heaven knows just when we’ll get to that–in about ten years, at this rate–but we will get to it. {grin}"

Monday, August 12, 2013

Outlander Chat TONIGHT!

Outlander Chat Tonight!  9PM Eastern!  See you there!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

TOBIAS MENZIES to play Black Jack Randall AND Frank Randall in OUTLANDER on STARZ

Look at the expression on my face.
I think it's pretty obvious I can play
a complete douche with ease, no? 
WOW.  What a day.  Tobias Menzies of Game of Thrones fame will be playing both Black Jack Randall AND Frank Randall in Outlander on Starz next spring.

I first saw Tobias when he played Marcus Junius Brutus (Et tu, Brute?) on ROME on HBO.  He was fantastic.  He played the character as "a good kid"...but ultimately, as we all know, Brutus became a turncoat and caused the demise of Caesar.  (BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH!)

I have also watched Tobias play Edmure Tully in Game of Thrones over the last year...and I'm not going to lie to you; I HATE HIM!!! (That's a Game of Thrones spoiler - beware!)

I know this is a man who can play both good - and evil; even on the same show.  Bottom line - if I already hate him...I can only assume I'll love him!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Wondering What STARZ Offers?

Dear Starz,  I love you.  Love, Carol

Holy Lord

Jamie Fraser.  Those rocks.  No one around.  Mmm Hmm...

My thanks to the talented Mark Appleton for the amazing visual.  :)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Hot Scots Drumline

Thanks so much to Jaymie for posting this on Twitter.  WHAT a treat!  I can't believe these guys are in high school!  I'd hire them in a second!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ron Moore at Comic-Con: Starz: "We Love the Books"

THIS is a fantastic Blastr interview with Ron Moore, taken at Comic-con 2013.  I near about fell off my chair when I read this commentary, direct from the man's mouth:

“We’re at pains to really follow the books,” he says to assure concerned readers. “One of the great things was Starz said to us early on was, 'We love the books, we think they are great so let's make the [show] for the people who love the books. Let’s make it for the fans of the books first and trust that anyone who doesn’t know the material will get swept along in the story like everyone else does.' Nobody ever says that,” Moore laughs. “Typically studios and networks just say, 'Yeah, we don’t really care about the book. We bought it for the cover or whatever…' and then dispense with it very early on [in the process]. This was the rare time when everybody said this is great material and we like the story and these characters so let’s try to get as close to the books as possible in the show and that’s what we are doing.”

Reminded me of my "Please do right by Jamie Fraser" letter from wayyy early on when we just found out about the series.  Something tells me he and Starz are going to do right by us fans.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Let's Get Sam Heughan Voted as ENews Hottie of the Week on TWITTER

Let's get our new JAMMF, Sam Heughan, voted in as ENews's Hottie of the Week! Head to Twitter and tweet @enews and include the hashtag ‪#‎HottieoftheWeek‬ VOTE EARLY VOTE OFTEN--voting ends Friday! Spread the word!!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sam Heughan: Feast Thine Eyes. And Ears.

IT'S OFFICIAL: Sam Heughan Cast as Jamie Fraser in the Upcoming Outlander Series on Starz

New Original Series Based on Diana Gabaldon’s International Best-Selling Novels 
From “Battlestar Galactica” Executive Producer Ronald D. Moore
Beverly Hills, Calif., July 9, 2013 – Starz in association with Sony Pictures Television has announced today that Sam Heughan will play the role of Jamie Fraser in the original series “Outlander,” adapted from Diana Gabaldon’s international best-selling books, which will premiere on STARZ in 2014. The chivalrous young Scottish warrior, Jamie Fraser, has been adored worldwide by fans of the seven-book series that has sold more than 20 million copies and has graced the New York Times best-sellers list six times.
Diana Gabaldon said, “Oh. My. God. That man is a Scot to the bone and Jamie Fraser to the heart. Having seen Sam Heughan not just act, but be Jamie, I feel immensely grateful to the production team for their painstaking attention to the soul of the story and characters."
"From the very beginning, I knew the part of Jamie Fraser would be difficult to cast,” said Executive Producer Ronald D. Moore. “I had no one in mind for the part. I knew that someone would just come into the audition and be Jamie Fraser. And that's what Sam did." 
In “Outlander,” Jamie Fraser strikes up a passionate affair with Claire Randall, a married combat nurse from 1945 who is mysteriously swept back in time to 1743. Armed with sheer grit and enduring strength, he is a strapping young Scottish clan lord with a complicated past and a disarming sense of humor. He is intelligent, principled, and, by 18th century standards, educated and worldly, with a tenderness and compassion that stands out in contrast to his contemporaries. A natural leader of men, he has no political ambitions or desire for battlefield glories. Instead, he wishes to remove the price on his head and return to his family’s ancestral farm. 
Sam Heughan is a graduate of the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, he was a 2003 nominee for the Laurence Olivier Award for Most Promising Performance for his work in the program. Last year, he originated the role of Batman in the DC/Warner Brothers and Waterlane production of "Batman Live," an international tour which opened at the Staples Centre in Los Angeles and went on to tour in South America and throughout Europe. In 2010, he was nominated for a British Soap Award for “Villain of the Year” for his role as Scott Neilson in the BBC soap opera "Doctors." He has also had roles in a range of television series including, "River City," "Island at War," "The Wild West," "Midsomer Murders," and, most recently, "Any Human Heart" as Lieutenant McStay. His TV movie credits include, "Breaking the Mould" for BBC Television, "A Very British Sex Scandal" for Channel 4 and "First Light" for BBC2. He was nominated for a "Grace award" for his performance as Prince Ashton, the son of Sir Roger Moore, in “A Princess for Christmas” for Hallmark Channel. His film credits include the short film Small Moments, and the feature films Alexander the Great from Macedonia and Emulsion. He will also be seen in the upcoming film Heart of Lightness. On stage, Heughan has performed at a variety of theatres in such productions as “King John,” “Romeo and Juliet,” “The Vortex,” “Hamlet,” “Macbeth,” “The Talented Mr. Ripley” and more. At the Royal Scottish Academy, Heughan starred in productions including “Crime & Punishment,” “The Seagull,” and “Prometheus Bound.” He is repped by United Talent Agency in the US and United Agents in the UK.
The series adaptation for “Outlander” will be written by Ronald D. Moore (“Battlestar Galactica,” “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” “Star Trek: The Next Generation”). Ronald D. Moore and Jim Kohlberg are executive producers of “Outlander,” which is produced by Tall Ship Productions, Story Mining & Supply Company and Left Bank Pictures in association with Sony Pictures Television. 
The series will begin filming in Scotland this fall.

“Outlander” Online 
Facebook: www.facebook.com/outlandertvseries.starz
Twitter: @Outlander_Starz - join the conversation with #Outlander and #STARZ 

Friday, July 5, 2013

UPDATE: Starz now says Sam Heughan is "in talks" to play Jamie Fraser in the upcoming Outlander series on Starz

OK so now Starz is saying that someone jumped the gun and they're "in talks" with Sam Heughan for the role of Jamie Fraser in Starz' upcoming OUTLANDER series.

If he's the guy - My Outlander Purgatory is happy.

If he's not - it was fun while it lasted!

PS - TELL me Sam Heughan's people aren't tickled PINK at the leak!  Either way, everyone in the US knows who their client is now!



As announced in Deadline Hollywood, Sam Heughan has been cast as Jamie Fraser in Starz upcoming OUTLANDER series, adapted by Ron Moore of Battlestar Galactica.

I can NOT TELL YOU how happy I am with this casting.  Why?

  1. Scottish!!!!!
  3. Reddish hair
  4. Reddish beard
  5. 6'3"!!!
  6. Beautiful facial structure
  7. Serious acting chops
  8. Did I mention SCOTTISH?!?!?
Holy crap.  I don't even think it has hit me yet.  I have one thing to say:


Monday, July 1, 2013

Jamie and Claire Dolls from The Wee Beasties

My apologies to our awesome MOP friend, Sooz, who asked me to post about this eons ago!

You must check out these adorable Jamie and Claire dolls, made by Ellen at The Wee Beasties over at Etsy.  Look how gorgeous they are!  I was blown away when I realized how much work must go into these beautiful creations.  

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Cool Louis XV Mistress Fabric Design on eBay

How cool is this?  Thanks to Lesley for the way cool find!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Ron Moore Tweets OUTLANDER

Press Release: Starz Confirms Outlander Series for Spring 2014

Starz Officially Greenlights New Original Series "Outlander" From "Battlestar Galactica" Executive Producer Ronald D. Moore

Network Will Team up with Sony Pictures TV

Series Based on Diana Gabaldon's International Best-Selling Novels

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., June 25, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Starz Chief Executive Officer, Chris Albrecht, announced today that Starz will partner with Sony Pictures Television to greenlight "Outlander," an original series adapted from Diana Gabaldon's international bestselling books. The network has ordered 16 episodes of the series which will begin filming in Scotland this fall. It is slated to premiere in 2014.

The series adaptation for "Outlander" will be written by Ronald D. Moore ("Star Trek: Deep Space Nine," "Star Trek: The Next Generation"). Moore is best known for his work on "Battlestar Galactica," which won him a Peabody Award in 2006. Ronald D. Moore and Jim Kohlberg are executive producers of "Outlander," which is produced by Tall Ship Productions, Story Mining and Supply Company and Left Bank Productions in association with Sony Pictures Television.

"We are thrilled to be bringing 'Outlander' to Starz next year," said Chris Albrecht, CEO of Starz. "Diana has created an incredibly compelling heroine, thrust into a very complex world, not to mention, time. The books weave a fascinating tapestry of history, spirituality, love and honor, not to mention plenty of time travel, sex and warfare. With Diana's stories guiding us and Ron's mastery, we hope to bring Claire and Jamie to life for the millions of fans the world over."

Moore added, "I'm very excited to have the opportunity to bring these books to life. Diana's created a rich and textured world filled with intriguing characters, and I believe that Starz is the perfect home for her story. I think we'll make something that the millions of fans of these books will enjoy and recognize as 'Outlander.'"

Diana Gabaldon's seven-book series has sold more than 20 million copies and has graced the New York Times best-sellers list six times. The eighth installment of the "Outlander" series is slated to be released in the fall of 2013. The "Outlander" series spans the genres of romance, science fiction, history, and adventure in one grandiose tale. It follows the story of Claire Randall, a married combat nurse from 1945 who is mysteriously swept back in time to 1743, where she is immediately thrown into an unknown world where her life is threatened. When she is forced to marry Jamie Fraser, a chivalrous and romantic young Scottish warrior, a passionate affair is ignited that tears Claire's heart between two vastly different men in two irreconcilable lives.

Starz will retain all domestic multiplatform pay TV rights to the original series.

Diana Gabaldon's Outlander Casting in Ireland. So?

Methinks it's time to have a little discussion about some of the Outlander casting fears that are floating around the interwebs...namely the one about the Irish location of the casting company.

As John Cusack once brilliantly said in Say Anything:  YOU MUST CHILL!!!!

Below is a scene from 2011's Camelot on Starz.  (Yes, Starz.)
It was cast by Gillian Reynolds Casting.  In Ireland.  Who was cast?  Let's review:

OK so let's review.  Starz series...cast by Gillian Reynolds...in Ireland.

Hmmm.  Let's take a looksee:

And you know what?  SO WHAT if some of the actors end up being Irish??  They're ACTORS.  That's what they do.  Would you rather they hit up Hollywood and get Emma Stone and Tatum Channing?  Lorddddd no!  (NOT that I don't love both of them...but I'm making a point.)

And you know what else?  I'M IRISH!  So knock it off!  ;)