Monday, June 23, 2014

15 Down...5 Zillion Dreamy Chapters to Go

Spoiler Alert:  I have read 15 chapters in Written in My Own Heart's Blood!  (I still canna believe I'm saying that.  I never thought this day would come!) 

WOW.  What a difference four years make!

As I've told some of you already, I am not racing through MOBY.  No way.  I mean to take my time about it, aye?  There is no way I'm going to race through this puppy and sit around bewildered and rocking back and forth in my happy place until the next one comes out.  If I had the willpower, I'd read half a page a day until Book 9!!!

Remind me I said all of this when I'm halfway through the book in a few days and whining to you all about this or that (she says with a wave of her hand.  Is it me or does everyone wave their hands a lot in MOBY??  It makes me giggle and wonder if DG does a lot of hand-waving at home to her poochies and my best friend, Doug.)

OK...SO...I am going to give a quick synopsis of what I've read so far.  This is the Reader's Digest version as I left off at a juicy part and must go read.

First off...I have the sickest love/hate relationship with Lord John.  One minute I'm all "Oh I loveeee Lord Johnnnn...he's so witty (and pretty...and gayyyy!)" and the next I'm thinking "You snotty English bastard.  Jamie should have killed you when he had the chance."  Now poor Jamie's laid up in poor Mrs. Whatshername's cot with pain shooting up through his left but-tock (said like Forrest Gump) while Lord John is laid up with the indent of Jamie's knuckles in his upper cheekbone.

One does notice the parallel, does one not?

It's a good thing those girls came back with sausage and the makings for johnnycakes because I did NOT want to think about our beloved Jamie with a void in his wame.

And could I have LOVED IT MORE when he was sittin' round the table, kabitzing with the likes of Washington and Mad Anthony Wayne???  Oh it was positively DELISH for our history dorks lovers.  I could SMELL the woodsmoke!!!!

And by the way, I watch MY Washington is smokin' hot.

Now on to Claire.  I've waited four+ years to say this Lordddddddd Claire!  Girl...can you ever stop your ministrations, even when the person receiving said ministrations could possibly get you killed?  No, I suppose not.  And I've always loved Hal so I'm hardly bothered by his being fed some lovely cannabis tea.  It would have been classic if Claire cut to the chase and lit up a bone.  (How much would you love to witness a mutual Claire/Hal high, resulting in high-pitched cackling a la JoBeth Williams in Poltergeist?!  Oh that would have made my DAY!!!)

And is it me?  Or is Jenny the greatest comic relief to come down the pike since Laugh In?!?  I have done a complete ONE EIGHTY on this woman!!!  I HATED her at the end of Echo...and now I canna WAIT until she shows up in a scene!  I want to THANK Diana Gabaldon for burying that hatchet so quickly and not making us wait around through some stupid girl-fight between Jenny and Claire.


And I want to know what's going on down at that print shop, too.  She keeps excusing herself to go down there and find out what's going on.  I mean...dinna get me wrong, I'd be making every excuse in the book to go hang out with Fergus as well...but still.  The Brits are leaving, man.  It's not safe out there!!!

Off to read, y'all.  A girl can only stand so much!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Monday, June 16, 2014

MOP Chat Cancelled Tonight

Tracey and I have decided to cancel MOP Chat this evening to give everyone a chance to continue reading MOBY without the threat of spoilers.  We are also headed to see Diana Gabaldon at the Free Library in Philadelphia tomorrow...and plan to stop by some of the locations in MOBY.  You know...Valley Forge...Wayne (named for Anthony Wayne)...and what's that other town??  Oh yeah...


Be afraid.  And be expecting some amusement on MOP in the next few days as I have every intention of blogging/vlogging about our trip!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Very Special Spoiler Message

I am a spoiler freak.  The slightest thing can really mess with my brain while I'm reading.  Some people are fine with knowing that "something happens" on chapter __ or page __.  Not me.  The mere suggestion of anything - no matter how small or insignificant it seems to others - throws my cranium into a tailspin.  Why?  Because I like the element of surprise.  I don't want to find myself looking for - or waiting for - something to happen.  And it doesn't matter how small the situation is; I don't want to know so much as what type of soap Jamie is washing his hands with.  It's just the way I operate.  THANK YOU SO much, you awesome fellow Outlander peeps, for understanding.  :)

Shazam! Here We Go Again!

SPOILER ALERT:  Dinna read unless you have reached 4% in Written in My Own Heart's Blood! (Still canna believe I actually have it.  It's like a dream.) 

Before I talk MOBY, let me just say that I am not rushing through this book.  If I had any guts at all, I'd be like MOP bud, Tonya and wait until a few months before Book 9 comes out to read MOBY.  It is beyond enthralling to know you have unread Gabaldon at the ready. will power is in the toilet...and I was sneakily peeking at 3AM the morning the book came out.

Soooo...that's why I'm only at 4%.  (Well that and the cray cray last two weeks of last-weeks-of-school mom hell I'm living this week and next.)

Let's go over a few points about what I've already read, shall we?

1 - TURTLE EFFING SOUP, PEOPLE!!!!  Could Diana have given us a better gift this early in the story than reminding us of Claire feverishly biting the berth?  No, no she could NOT!  (jumps up and down and claps hands) It was 3 AM and there it was, jumping off the page like manna from the heavens.  And for that I'm truly grateful.

2 - Here's me - in tears - at 3AM on Tues - reading about Jamie tapping the tune of the lone ranger on the door.  THAT - alone - was worth 4 years, if you're truly a Jamie Fraserphile such as myself.

No, I'm not playing a cool cat in LA!
I'm playing a Revolutionary War dude!
3 - LIBERTY CAPS!!!  Do we not swoon over Abraham Woodhull (Jamie Bell) in his liberty cap on Turn every Sunday?!  Love that!!

4 - Jethro Woodbine.  There is a "Woodbine" avenue in Philadelphia.  Just had to point that out.  Miss Erin (MOP Chat Frequent Flyer) will giggle when she sees this.

5 - "he was weeping savagely, tears running down his own face, and his wet, half-hard cock flopping out of his breeches."  This.  THIS is why I love William.  He's such a conundrum.  He's so perfect on the outside while being vulnerable (and downright clueless sometimes) on the inside.  He's like a wide-eyed child, trying so hard to be important...but the harder he tries, the sillier he appears.  It's impossible for me not to find him completely endearing, no matter what attitude he's spewing or sticky situation he's gotten himself into on any given day.

(Just realized how the above quote would look to someone who has never read the book.  I swear, it's not porn!  Read the series!!)

I wonder if Jenny and Claire will ever
go shopping for trendy duds and lip gloss. 
I want to throw a genuine Thank You out there to Diana Gabaldon for not making us suffer though a long, drawn-out rift between Jenny and Claire.  It would have been exhausting, and it's completely refreshing to see Jenny being so sisterly to Claire (who undeniably needs a lil' love right now).  I am totally enjoy watching the two of them prattling on like the besties they should be.  I hated hating Jenny; I'm so thrilled to love her again.

Off to read...but must mention this first.  Watching Jamie kick the shit out of Lord John was the most delicious literary fun I've had in eons.  And how exciting was it that their little scuffle was interrupted?  Way to drag it out, DG.  It's like the greatest fictitious foreplay ever.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


You didn't think I'd forget on this holiest of days, did ya? Not ONLY is it MOBY Day...but it's also TOBIAS TUESDAY!! And just feast your eyes on that lusciousness!

My thanks to Connie for directing me toward this amazing photo from the set of Outlander Starz.

Strap on your seatbelts,'s going to be a WILD RIDE!!!


"Waiting by the mailbox in a lawn chair with a bottle of Pinot Grigio" this time?  I don't THINK so!!!  I was reading at 3AM!!!  I am ecSTATic!!  I have so much to say after only 5 chapters!!  


Monday, June 9, 2014

MOP Chat Tonight!

MOP Outlander Chat Tonight  at 9PM Eastern.  

***Absolutely NO MOBY SPOILERS please!!!  :)


This was the scene at the Jersey shore on Saturday in preparation for tomorrow's MOBY commencement! 

Counting Down the Hours Until MOBY!

SPOILER ALERT:  Do NOT read unless you have read An Echo in the Bone and The Space Between

I have been waiting for MOBY for four years...and it's coming out tomorrow.  Midnight, actually, since I ordered it on Kindle.  I am almost numb with anticipation.

NOT to mention that I finished The Space Between - just in time for the occasion.  WOW - was that a fun ending or what??  I am digging Michael and Joan together.  Oh c' know they'll end up together.  Ain't no way girlfriend is going to end up a nun for life.  She seems to have too much need to see the world...even though she doesna know it yet.  And she's also the only one who is able to conjure up some life inside his head - and heart.

To be honest, I was a little bummed after Michael found Joan in the cave.  I kept thinking what an impact his appearance would have made had we not known he was following them.  But then I realized I was wishing the scene had played out more like Christian Grey suddenly appearing in Ana's bedroom...and got totally sceeved at myself for absent-mindedly comparing these two scenes. NOT that I'm a Fifty snob.  Not at's just that comparing a Diana Gabaldon novel to Fifty Shades of Grey is like comparing the most amazing cut of Filet Mignon from the world's finest restaurant to a steamed 3 pack from White Castle.  I love 'em both...but you know what I'm sayin'.

And how about Raymond and the Compte hopping, skipping, and jumping into the 1970s together?!  I'm hoping Jem doesna end up with them in the mine.  Lorddddddd the freakiness.  I hate that the Compte is one of Raymond's "people"...because I was hoping Raymond would dispose of that disgusting "sorcerer"!!  Who knows...maybe he'll surprise us and throw his ass ahead to 2170 when it's time to come home.

Did anyone else parallel Michael's and Joan's year-long wait to be together with Bree and Roger's year long handfasting?  Or was that just me?

HOLY CRAP!!!  I'M GOING TO KNOW JAMIE'S REACTION TO CLAIRE AND LORD JOHN'S DEED-DOING in less than 24 hours!!!  It just hits me every once in a while and I can barely breathe.  FOUR FRIGGIN YEARS!!!  I feel like I'm getting out of jail!!  Can you IMAGINE the breakfast table at houses all 'round the world tomorrow??  Those kids better not so much as look at me, let alone ask for a spoon.  (Did I just say that out loud?)

More to come, lads and lassies...more to come, indeed.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


This picture is from a show Tobias did in 2007 called Cloud Nine...and from what I can tell, he was joking around and trying on a corset. Others in the production tried on the corset as well.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day 2014: No MOP Chat

MOP Chat will be canceled this evening in observance of the Memorial Day national holiday in the United States.  We'll see you next week!

American Revolution: Battle of Monmouth - June 28, 1778

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Black Jack Randall: A Case Study in Cray Cray

WOW!  This graphic sure has spurred some discussion on Facebook in the last 24 hours!  I made it because I have sick respect for Tobias Menzies...and I know it's going to be deliciously conflicting watching him play both Frank and Black Jack Randall.  Clearly this is a topic near and dear to our hearts.  And might I say that is completely refreshing to see people vehemently debating Outlander topics...and not just drooling over actors who will be playing the characters we have all come to know and love (and fiercely protect!!)

(Pretty mature coming from the girl who started "Tobias Tuesday", no?)  ;)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


WOW y'all.  I have outDONE myself in finding this week's Tobias Tuesday morsel.

Wait 'til you see...aka hear, drink in, and salivate over...this!

Monday, May 12, 2014


MOP Outlander Chat Tonight  at 9PM Eastern.  

Whatcha waitin' for?  COME CHAT WITH US!!!  

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Premieres, Homer and Novellas, OH MY!

What did I tell all y'all???  (Y'all sounds so ridiculous coming out of my mouth as I'm from New Jersey.)  I KNEW they were going to announce the premiere date once they unleashed that new trailer on us.  That trailer will be airing on Starz in a matter of seconds...if it hasn't already!!  (I don't know as I'm not currently watching anything on Starz.  Hey - gimme a break; Black Sails ended!!)

So WHAT do we all think about Outlander airing on Saturday nights???  I am cool with it as a) I have youngish kids and not the best social life (did I just say that out loud?) and b) my DVR's got skillz and gets LOTS of play between all my AMC, HBO and CW shows (again - did I admit to watching the CW out loud?  HOMER!)

So last night I was reading bits and pieces of Outlander at 2:20 AM when I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep.  Jamie and Claire getting to know each other on their honeymooon...him telling her about the Mackenzies...the attack on the wagons when Claire hid in the crevice in the rock...Jamie and Claire gettin' busy while everyone else was "sleeping" (wink wink) on the aforementioned rocks.  And I woke up feeling all kinds of love for Jamie and Claire.  So it's VERRA COOL, SASSENACHS that Starz would pick today to make their big announcement.

Now if you'll excuse me, I must read The Space Between before Tracey kicks my ass.


Tuesday, May 6, 2014


NEW MOP VIDEO: Breakin' Down Trailer #2!!


I have done a complete 180 on the identity of the person who is undoing Jamie's shirt; I do think it's Claire.  I studied this pic to an extent a person shouldna be studying a celebrity's pic without feeling icky and stalkerific. So (now sober) ass agrees with y'all. :)

Monday, May 5, 2014


MOP Outlander Chat Tonight  at 9PM Eastern.  It's TRAILER TALK TIME.  :)

Thursday, May 1, 2014


My favorite MOP videos of all time.  We made these on May 1st, 2010.

Happy Birthday JAMMF.  :)


Monday, April 28, 2014


MOP Outlander Chat Tonight  at 9PM Eastern.  Be there or be square, sassenachs.  :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Tobias Menzies Voice Overs

For the love of all that's holy in this world.  The man can talk about CARS and MAYONNAISE and I get weak in the knees.

That voice...


Tuesday, April 22, 2014


The Space Between (My Apparent Wee Brain Cells)

Spoiler Alert:  The following pertains to chapter 1 in The Space Between. 

OMG.  Compte!!  WTF? Paul Rakoczy?  Isn't that Pee Wee Herman's real name?  Shit.  I'm in trouble.  I don't remember anything.  It's been what - 5 years since I read Dragonfly??  I'M SORRY!!  I'M NOT A REREADER!! (yelled like Ross's "We were on a break!")   Heck, I can't remember what I bought at the Shoprite last week!  Claire poisoned him?  Is that what happened?  Why?? Why?? (screamed like Nancy Kerrigan.)

Raymond, you sweet thing...
OK keep reading.  A frog??  Ohhhh wait...the frog!!  It's RAYMOND.  I was literally picturing a frog.  What a dumbass.  Am I the only one who sometimes feels incredibly stupid when catching up on Gabaldon?  And as I said, it's been 5 years since I read Dragonfly.  Come on now.  A girl can only retain so much before she has to clear out the mental cache and make room for new episodes of Game of Thrones and new Outlander novellas, yeah?

Moving on... (because clearly I need to do some Dragonfly research before going any further with Compte and poisons.)

OK so Joan?  Girl?  Word to the wise.  You best step OFF and dinna even THINK to continue ripping on Ian Fraser Murray.  Ya feel me on this?  Those aren't "heathen tattoos"...they're the markings of a WARRIOR.  And ye'd be smart to remember that. 

Lordddd the heathen tattoos...
(which can be found here)
And here we go again with the memory lapse.  When did Joan see Ian's tattoos?  When he came back with Claire and Jamie to see Jenny?  OK, right.  For a minute there, I thought he was still trotting around from Valley Forge to Philadel-figh-ay...but I just emailed Tracey and she hath confirmeth.  AND reminded me of Wee Ian's awesome appearance when he saw Jenny for the first time in eons.

Regardless...Joanie had better back it up and mind her words.  Nun or no, I will send (awesome Outlander fan) Lara back in time to shank her ass.  

Is my memory going to fail me through this entire book?  How many lines will I have to reread?  How many times will I have to call Tracey and say "When did this happen?"

And I'm only on page 3.  (snicker)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Space Between for $1.99!

The Space Between: An Outlander Novella - by Diana Gabaldon - is now available for $1.99!!!

"Joan MacKimmie is on her way to Paris to take up her vocation as a nun. Yet her decision is less a matter of faith than fear, for Joan is plagued by mysterious voices that speak of the future, and by visions that mark those about to die. The sanctuary of the nunnery promises respite from these unwanted visitations . . . or so she prays. Her chaperone is Michael Murray, a young widower who, though he still mourns the death of his wife, finds himself powerfully drawn to his charge. But when the time-traveling Comte St. Germain learns of Joan's presence in Paris, and of her link to Claire Fraser—La Dame Blanche—Murray is drawn into a battle whose stakes are not merely the life but the very soul of the Scotswoman who, without even trying, has won his heart."

Really looking forward to reading this!

Jamie Fraser and the Light at the End of the Tunnel

SPOILER ALERT:  If you havena finished Voyager, you dinna want to read the following:  
Every April 16th, after my "good cry" for the people of the 1746 Highlands of Scotland, I think about my favorite fictitious character - Jamie Fraser - at the Battle of Culloden.  I think about him lying there, bleeding, confused about why he wasn't dead. I think about the fact that Lord John Grey ultimately and unknowingly saved his life. And I then I immediately think about Echo and MOBY. For the past four years I've wondered what in the hell Jamie is going to do...and say. To Lord John. To Claire. How he's going to feel.  And every year, I sigh and lament about how long it's going to be before I know.
But not this year.  This year, all I can think is...


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Thursday, April 10, 2014

STEVEN CREE to Play Ian Murray!

Not too shabby, y'all!  He's caaaa-YUTE!  Gotta do my homework and check out his work.  :)

Monday, April 7, 2014

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

MOP presents...TOBIAS TUESDAY!!!!

Here at MOP, we appreciate fine acting (and an absolutely adorable face.) Therefore, who better to praise on a weekly basis but the magnificent TOBIAS MENZIES...cast as Frank Randall...and Black Jack Randall in Diana Gabaldon's OUTLANDER, coming to Starz this summer.

So, without further ado, I name today and every Tuesday hence forth:


Monday, March 31, 2014

MOP CHAT Tonight!

MOP Outlander Chat Tonight  at 9PM Eastern.  Be there or be square, sassenachs.  :)

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Outlander Book Beads and Charms

Oooh - check it out, y'all!  Mary Faith Peace's Outlander charm collection just keeps growing!

Check out her beautiful work at her Book Beads shop!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

WELCOME New MOP Friends!

Just want to throw out a huge WELCOME to all of you new visitors here at My Outlander Purgatory.  I can't tell you how thrilled I am that you have found us!!!

Go get yourself a cup of coffee, tea or maybe even a wee dram...and then sit back, relax and enjoy the ride! 

And don't forget to comment and let us know your thoughts on all things Jamie and Claire!!! 

Monday, March 24, 2014

MOP CHAT Tonight!

MOP Outlander Chat Tonight  at 9PM Eastern, y'all.  

Monday, March 17, 2014

MOP CHAT tonight!

MOP Outlander Chat Tonight  at 9PM Eastern, y'all.  

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Erin go bragh! 

Monday, March 10, 2014

NO MOP Chat Tonight!

NO MOP Outlander Chat Tonight, y'all.  The MOP sisters are swamped tonight, aye?  Meet us back here next Monday at 9:00 PM Eastern!!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

More Tobias Menzies (I Canna Help Myself, Sassenachs)

Adorbs, party of 1?
Ya know - as stoked as I am to see "Sam and Cat" in action... I gotta say: Tobias Menzies has me in a tailspin.  I'm really hoping to see more of HIM - as both Frank - AND Black Jack Randall - in the next Outlander Starz trailer.

If you've never seen ROME, you may not want to watch it's a compilation of scenes from the entire series...and completely spoiler-laden.  ROME is, to date, in my opinion, the best series ever to air on a cable network.  But I digress...'ve been warned.  Want to see Tobias Menzies in action?  This video (by Antalya1705) is set to Bush's "Glycerine"...and we never hear Tobias utter a word, which is a pity as his textured, authoritative voice accounts for so much of his allure.  Yet Gavin Rossdale's gravelly voice - paired with the angst of the song - is a perfect alternate.

Welcome to Tobias Menzies, lads and lassies.  Things just got interesting...

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Outlander Series: Book 8

Just in case you're looking for info on the next installment of the Outlander series, aka MOBY, aka Written in My Own Heart's Blood...

Diana Gabaldon breaks it all down for you here.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014

The Lost Portrait of Bonnie Prince Charlie

This is a fantastic article about a lost portrait of Bonnie Prince Charlie and a documentary about it that will air in Britain on the BBC this Saturday, February 22nd.  

Apparently, it "was painted in Holyrood Palace in late October 1745."  Can't you just see Jamie hanging around the palace, waiting for BPC and asking him, "Are ye almost finished, ya wee rascal?  Claire will have my heid if I'm no home for supper, aye?"

*Note:  This originally said "ya wee besom"...until Sue kindly pointed out that "besom" refers to a FEMALE.  ROFLMAO.  See comments for details.  

Monday, February 17, 2014

No MOP Chat Tonight: Happy Presidents Day!

Washington at the Battle of Monmouth
 (Original by John Ward Dunsmore)
We will not be having MOP Chat tonight in observance of Presidents Day, a national holiday here in the United States.

We look forward to seeing you here next Monday at 9PM Eastern!

In honor of Presidents Day, here's little history about George Washington at the Battle of Monmouth.

Pay attention,'ll be reading more about this come June 10th when MOBY comes out!  :)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Scotland is Her Name by Albannach

Scotland is Her Name by Albannach (Sung By Jacquie Holland)

You wrapped her up in iron chains
You thought you'd tied her up
You placed a ball around her feet
Thought you'd tame her like a pup
Your winter winds so dry, aye
You stripped her back so bare
And then u looked her in the eye
And said "it's only fair"

Now is it any wonder why
We treat you like we do
You strut about your mansions like
You didnae have a clue

But you know who your are, Aye
And you know what you've done
So don't act so innocent
When we rise and end your fun

What will you do when the drought comes forth
And you cannae bleed the north
What will you do when your lakes dry up
Will you turn and beg your pup

What will you do when your houses freeze
With nay oil in your seas
Aye will you turn in blind ignorance
And beg forgiveness please

So maybe now you realise
Just how you treated her
Cause now she's mighty and she's strong
It's too late to right your wrongs

But maybe in the future, Aye
She'll free you from your shame
And then you'll look in awe of her
Aye, Scotland is her name

Cause then you'll look in awe of her
Aye, Scotland is her name.


Happy Valentine's Day from Pocket Jamie!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Tobias Menzies. Whoa.

Dear Tobias Menzies...  I think I love you.  Love, Carol

All y'all need to WATCH THIS.  STAT.  This is going to present quite a problem for me when Outlander rolls 'round come summer.

We all know Frank is not my favorite person on the planet.  Yes...I did gain some respect for him after reading A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows.  I warmed to him considerably; 'tis true.  But for the love of all that's holy...Tobias Menzies is ALSO playing Black Jack Randall.  Um...hello?

HOW am I supposed to HATE this guy when I'm DROOLING over him???  He's...adorable!!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Diana Gabaldon: Ready for her Close-Up!

Check out Her(GORGEOUS)self, getting ready for her close-up!  I could not be more excited that Diana Gabaldon is filming an Outlander cameo over in Scotland this week on the set of Outlander Starz.  Check out the photos on Outlander Starz' Instagram online!