Monday, July 9, 2012

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.  (Tracey and I are both going to be popping in at different times but, by all means, please carry on!)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Someone to Watch Over Me

Look what a certain MOP friend has been up to lately!

She's a published author on Amazon, y'all!

Congratulations, Christie!!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Outlander Inspired Art

How cool is this??  Got this email from Tanya T aka Menatra and had to share:

It is super simple to make and they could do it with any Outlander verse/phrase/words that they want.  It is just a 3 X 2 foot canvas (bought at a local craft store).  I covered it with white acrylic paint and then wrote on the verse, super lightly with pencil first (it is hard to rub off pencil without leaving marks) and then painted the words with the black acrylic paint.  That's it.  Super easy.  Might be a fun project to do this summer.  

Perth's World Record Kilt Run

OK So Tanya T - aka Menatra, for those of you who chat on Mondays - took part in a world record Kilt Run up in Ontario, Canada.  And she was kind enough to share these fabulous shots with us!  That's her cutie pie little son in the bottom pic...posing with a verra tallllll lad. ;)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.

Kevin McKidd and the Speyside Sessions

Immense thanks to Miss Christie for sending me this amazing video about TRUE HIGHLANDERS making beautiful music together (for charity, no less.)

Listening to this made me think of my time in Scotland and I had a wee cry.  And then I realized I am SO excited for Karen since she is leaving next week for bonnie Scotland, herself!

Brave are the hearts that beat beneath Scottish skies...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Snow Patrol: Set the Fire to the Third Bar

Watch this video from Snow Patrol (band that hails from Northern Ireland and Scotland) and think about Jamie and Claire, stuck in different centuries, without each other...especially when Claire was in Scotland in the 60s.  So close...but yet so unearthly far.  This video gives me chills.  You can see them in adjoining rooms...feeling each other but not being able to be together...and literally feel yourself drowning in all their yearning.

The lyrics are under the video.  Try not to cry...

I find the map and draw a straight line
Over rivers, farms, and state lines
The distance from here to where you'd be
It's only finger-lengths that I see

I touch the place
Where I'd find your face
My fingers in creases
Of distant dark places

I hang my coat up in the first bar
There is no peace that I've found so far
The laughter penetrates my silence
As drunken men find flaws in science

Their words, mostly noises
Ghosts with just voices
Your words in my memory
Are like music to me

I'm miles from where you are
I lay down on the cold ground
And I, I pray that something picks me up
And sets me down in your warm arms

After I have traveled so far
We'd set the fire to the third bar
We'd share each other like an island
Until exhausted, close our eyelids

And dreaming, pick up from
The last place we left off
Your soft skin is weeping
A joy you can't keep in

I'm miles from where you are
I lay down on the cold ground
And I, I pray that something picks me up
And sets me down in your warm arms

Monday, June 11, 2012

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Paoli Battlefield: May 30, 2012

"One of Howe's commanders, Major General Lord Charles Grey--a distant cousin of Grey's--attacked the Americans at Paoli at night, with orders to his troops to remove the flints from their muskets.  This prevented discovery from the accidental discharge of a weapon, but also obliged the men to use bayonets.  A number of Americans wire bayoneted in their beds, their tents burned, a hundred or so made captive--and Howe marched into the city of Philadelphia, triumphant, on September 21."  ~Diana Gabaldon,  "An Echo In The Bone"

Yesterday I "went home" and visited the Paoli Battlefield in Malvern, Pennsylvania with my children and my very dear friend, Anne.  Anne and I have been friends since we met in the first grade at St. Norbert School in Paoli where Tracey and I went to grade school.  Tracey, Anne, and I have discussed the fact that we don't remember ever being taught about this pivotal battle in the Revolutionary so important that the American military's battle cry "Remember Paoli!"  could be heard at battle well into the 1800s.

I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed visiting this beautiful, peaceful field.  You will all think me nuts when I say it reminded me of one of my favorite places in Scotland; a "drovers pass" in the lower Highlands where there is a massive valley sunken into the mountains from years of cattle driving.  I have always said there is "music in the silence" there...and I felt the same way about this quiet battlefield in PA. 

My sincere thanks to Diana Gabaldon for Remembering Paoli. 

And my very heartfelt thanks to Karen Henry of Outlandish Observations for reminding me how much I love having grown up in an area so rich in Revolutionary War history. 
Major General Grey.  I hope Hal spat in his tea. 
My kiddies who were surprisingly quiet and reverent throughout
our entire visit...without constant reminders from me.
Kids can "feel" the past even better than we can. 
The original Paoli Massacre monument from 1817, which stands inside
the gravesite.  The battlefield can be seen in the distance. 

Fresh from Memorial Day

My son photographing the original monument with what else?
His Nintendo 3DS.
Hey, I'll instill a love of history into them any way I can. :)

I was iffy on this shot because I didn't want to be disrespectful...
but if letting her quietly sit on a canon for 20 seconds makes the stories stick, then I'm OK.
They both took photos to school today to show their teachers.  Not too shabby.  :)

The current monument, erected in September 1877  
My wonderful friend, Anne (a Paoli local) who puts up with me dragging her
 to battlefields on any random Wednesday when I'm only in town for 6 hours.

Remember Paoli

Monday, May 28, 2012

No Chat Tonight

Chat is cancelled tonight in observance of the Memorial Day holiday in the US. 

A sincere THANK YOU to all the men and women who have fought so valiantly for the United States of America.  Every one of you is remembered in our hearts.  

We will NEVER forget. 



Saturday, May 26, 2012

Lunch with NY Times Bestselling Author Diana Gabaldon

How cool is this???  You can win lunch with Herself!  Thanks to Julie for the heads up!

And I should elaborate and mention that the auction is being run (again!) by Brenda Novak to raise money for Diabetes research.

And we all know how I feel about Diabetes research.  :)

Friday, May 25, 2012

THANKS to Outlandish Observations: Paoli Massacre

My sincere thanks to Karen over at Outlandish Observations for mentioning Tracey and me!  Today's Friday Fun Fact gives information on the Paoli  (pay-OH-lee) Massacre.   Tracey and I grew up in Paoli, Pennsylvania where it took place.  Actually, it took place up the hill in what is today "Malvern, Pennsylvania".

Interestingly enough, M. Night Shyamalan lives in Malvern...and I can't help thinking what a neat film he could make, using the story of the Paoli Massacre and a haunted 18th century stone house.  (You will come across many of these in that area of the world.  Frankly, I miss them greatly since moving to New Jersey.)  Or the General Warren Inn which still stands today and is fully operational.

The Paoli massacre - to nutshell it for you - happened when George Washington left General Anthony Wayne (another history celeb in the Paoli area) in charge - and his troops were ambushed in the middle of the night by troops led by Major General Charles Grey.  Heard that name before, have ye?  Weeeeel, I thought ye might have.  It's because he was a distant relative of one Lord John Grey (or at least in Historical Fictionville created by Diana Gabaldon he was).  Charles Grey led his troops to the camp at Paoli in the middle of the night, so as to surprise the men while they slept.  It was a bloody battle and the British used bayonets to kill the American soldiers (even after some had surrendered).  This was thought of as a barbaric act, even then.

Up through the early 1800s, the phrase "Remember Paoli!"  was used as a battle cry to remind the troops just how ruthless the British military could be.

Take a look at this alphabetical list of the known casualties of the Paoli Massacre and give them a moment of silence in your heart on this Memorial Day weekend.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Outlander Chat TONIGHT

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Aloupis Productions

We interrupt our usual conversation about the ever-famous Jamie and Claire...

Just in case you didn't realize...

Last year I started a film production company with some friends - it's called Aloupis Productions.  We have recently launched our new Facebook page to promote our upcoming feature film, "Truck Stop" starring Evan Peters (American Horror Story), Juno Temple (Atonement, The Three Muskateers, the upcoming Batman: The Dark Knight Rises), Kevin Alejandro (True Blood) and Christine Lahti (too many to name!)

If you are on Facebook - I would LOVE IT if you would come and "like" our new Facebook page at Aloupis Productions!!

11/5/14 UPDATE:  The title, "Truck Stop" has now been changed to "Safelight!"  Stop by and say Hi!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

SOLD: The Outlander Quilt by Susan Leidy

The Outlander Quilt auction has ended on eBay.  Sooz's stunning quilt was auctioned off for $446 which goes to Friends of Bianca Pet Rescue.

I received this email from Sooz last night...and she graciously agreed to let me share it with you:

The eBay auction ended price for the quilt is $446.  I decided to use this as inspiration and turned to my Outlander book to see what scene was on page 446.  And my favorite quote from this page is.....

"With a glance down at the stream, he stepped back into the shade of a big horse chestnut tree.  He put his hands about my waist and drew me into the shadow after him.

"Ye werna the first lass I kissed," he said softly.  "But I swear you'll be the last.". And he bent his head to my upturned face.


Now if THAT doesn't put you in the Jamie Fraser spirit, I don't know what does.  :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.

I should point out that chat has not been super Outlander-related as of late.  I don't want to "Bait and Switch" anyone!  It's just that we all read different books while waiting for IMOHB (or IMHOB - which I can see myself calling IHOP after a few Pinot Grigios) and they come up during chat.  So these days it's more of an Outlander-infused chat.  :)

Last Day for Free Shipping in the MOP Shop!

Last day for free shipping in the MOP Shop, y'all.  Get your MOP designed Outlander-themed shirts QUICK!!  :)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Free MOP Shop Shipping Until May 8th

Free shipping til May 8th in the MOP shop, y'all.  Get your MOP designed shirts, pay homage to Herself, Diana Gabaldon and wear your Outlander proudly!

The Perfect Roger?

Got this photo this AM from MOP bud, Heather...with a note that said "The perfect Roger!"  and let m'tell you...I must concur!  That's Roger perfection, right there.  (And it just occurred to me - I forgot to say his name is Matt Bomer!)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy Birthday, Jamie Fraser!

Just a wee post to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser!

Let's watch a blast from the past in celebration, shall we?

Monday, April 30, 2012

Outlander Chat TONIGHT!

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.   A certain someone is having a BIRTHDAY tomorrow!  Woot!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight.  9PM Eastern.  Hope to see you there.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Simon Fraser Pipe Band

Holy cow!!  Look at the link my husband just sent to me in an email!!  "Simon Fraser" University?!  I guess he really was paying attention when he read Outlander and Dragonfly!!


Monday, April 16, 2012

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat tonight on this somber anniversary of the battle of Culloden.  9PM Eastern.  Hope to see you there.

You Are Not Forgotten

The Battle of Culloden - April 16, 1746

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Thanks to Athena for sending me this totally righteous outpouring of awesomeness.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Outlander CHAT Tonight

Outlander CHAT tonight!  9PM Eastern!  I will not be there as I am visiting my inlaws in Florida...but Tracey will be!  Enjoy...and I'll see you guys next week! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Ultimate Gift

So we are in Florida, visiting my husband's parents...and I HAD to share with you guys this awesome beach towel my mother in law gave my husband for his birthday.  IT'S A KILT!  How hilarious is that?!  I am SO making him wrap it around his lower half on the beach this week!  Hubba hubba!!

Friday, April 6, 2012


Please join me in saying...


to the My Outlander Purgatory Tweeter and Facebooker!

Hope ye enjoy the heck outta yer day, SASSENACH!

National Tartan Day


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Outlander Casting

Got the following video this AM from Nikki who handles Diana's youtube channel.

I am speechless.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Friday, March 30, 2012

Sadly True

Thanks to Meghan for the hilarity!  And Nikki...HOOKA!!!  This one's for you!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat Tonight - 9PM Eastern!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Diana Gabaldon Holding Sooz's Outlander Quilt

Check out Herself, holding the beautiful Outlander quilt Sooz made for her!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Whiskey Cookies Recipe

Does anyone have a recipe for "Whiskey Cookies"?  MOP friend Monica would like one (and frankly, so would I!)

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat Tonight - 9PM Eastern!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Finding Outlander Everywhere

While buying my daughter's friend a birthday present, I saw this...and couldn't help thinking of Outlander.  Do you think I need help?

Monday, March 5, 2012

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat Tonight - 9PM Eastern!  (Tracey won't be there tonight...and I can't guarantee I won't slip into some conversation about the naughty book series I'm currently reading.  Be warned. ;)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

$10 Off Orders of $50 or More in the MOP Shop

Now through March 19, spend $50 in the MOP shop and get $10 off your order!  Enter coupon code STPATRICK2012 at check out!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat Tonight - 9PM Eastern!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

My Wee Man's First Kilt!

Check out my wee Ian being fitted for his first kilt.  He's the ring bearer in a wedding in May.  Can't wait!

Land of my high endeavour,
Land of the shining rivers,
Land of my heart for ever,
Scotland the brave.

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Brus

Saw this today and it made me think about the possible Outlander film we're all constantly waxing on about.  I guess Athair Entertainment is trying to get "The Brus" made; a film about Robert the Bruce.  Interesting.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat Tonight - 9PM Eastern!

And here is something really cool.  Anyone who come to chat regularly knows Clay (aka - Amede.)  Well...Clay has recently started a blog about his travels as he journeys to really neat locations for work and is currently in Japan.  His blog is really good...check it out!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sooz's Next Project

Got the following email from Sooz.  What a great idea!  Get those thinking caps on and start commenting!  I'll go first:  LAMAZE!  LOL Kidding.  Couldn't resist!  

Already at work on my next Outlander themed project and thought I'd enlist the members of MOP for some help as I'm designing it.

I'm looking for one word statements, specific to Outlander only, that represent the story, in a single word.  Sort of like if you were playing Password.

What are the names of characters, or places, or moments that drove the story....with a focus on the positive....

For example, "Lallybroch" conjurs up such a special time and place for J&C.  The word "Sassenach" speaks of tenderness, of connection, of endearment, of shared communication.

Would MOP be the place to post this and have fellow fans post a reply?  It's the hard-core Outlander fans, who are going to know what I mean by this and take on the challenge.

Let me know if you like the idea and are willing to play along.



Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Films Used in Amazing Outlander Fan Video from Annn3003

Hey thanks to Lisa and Jenna Faye for posting the films used in the amazing Outlander Fan Video I posted yesterday:

Braveheart, Rob Roy, Attila The Hun, The Constant Gardener, Mary Bryant, Beowulf & Grendel, Swept from the Sea, Pearl Harbor, Legends Of The Fall, The Fountain, Enemy at the Gates, Season of the Witch 

Many thanks to Annn3003 over at Youtube for posting this fantastic video. :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Amazing 7 Minute Fan-Made Outlander Trailer

Truly amazing rendition of Outlander (and a bit of Dragonfly.)  Thanks to Jayne for sharing.  (And the fact that Mr Tasty Tuna, Jack Davenport is in it absolutely made my day.)


 Thanks to Lisa and JennaFaye for letting me know clips from the following films were used in its production: Braveheart, Rob Roy, Attila The Hun, The Constant Gardener, Mary Bryant, Beowulf & Grendel, Swept from the Sea, Pearl Harbor, Legends Of The Fall, The Fountain, Enemy at the Gates, Season of the Witch

Monday, February 13, 2012

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat Tonight - 9PM Eastern!

The Outlander Quilt

Check out Sooz's latest creation!  Isn't she amazing?  MaryFaithPeace has a great write-up of it here.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Say Hello to Moppy!

Back in December, I posted about an idea that MOP friend, Susan ("Sooz" for those who know her on chat) had for a present for Herself, Diana Gabaldon.  

I was rather vague at the time, because I didn't want the info to get back to Diana and spoil the surprise.  So I put together this blog page, explaining the specifics and told you all to email me if you wanted to get involved.

I found out Diana received her I can finally let the cat out of the bag!

Sooz is a huge fan of dachshunds and heard Diana's family loves them, too.  She decided to make a Dachshund, using all the colors of Diana's Outlander series books for the body of the dog.  We decided Sooz would make and give the gift to Diana for her birthday on January 11th.
Look at the little tags!

At any rate - Sooz finished the project and sent off an adorable dachshund named MOPPY to Diana.  In addition, she made one each for Tracey and me (which was a complete surprise!) and also made us little babies to go with them.

Gratuitous shot of my kids
holding the new pups. 
PLEASE join me in saying THANK YOU to Sooz for being a wonderful friend of MOP and a very talented creator of these adorable little dachshunds (which I've told her she should be selling over at Etsy!)

And thank you to all of you who showed interest (and Tracey for trying her hand at some crafting circles!)  Some of you asked about getting involved later on down the line...and I will surely keep you posted. :)

Referendum on Scottish Independence

IPhone and Scotland: Perfect Together

This includes a wee bit of cursing. But holy crap, it's hilarious. Be warned!


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tracey Tries the Haggis: Round 2

The chardy swig at the end is PRICELESS!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat Tonight - 9PM Eastern!

"I Know That Dude!"

SPOILER ALERT:  Dinna read unless you are 48% through The Scottish Prisoner. 

I know the Twilight fans will appreciate my giggling when I read "the Auld Ones" last night.  I couldn't help but picture Carlisle, Edward and the gang hunting in the woods in their suspenders and fedoras.  Yeah yeah...that was "the Cold Ones"...but still.

OK so TELL me I didn't sit right the hell up in bed as I was reading about "a most philosophical sort of Jew" named Sterne and his fascination with all things Harvey Klinger (aka BUGS for those non-Brady Bunch loving Outlander fans.)   WOW.  Didn't see THAT coming.  I love how Diana throws us these little bones so we can have some fun.  So Jamie heard about him before Claire ever met him in Voyager!  Outstanding!

Lastly for this post - WHY did Jamie have the feeling someone was behind him while the Abbot was telling him about the hand (and subsequent body) found in the peat?   Please do NOT answer that if I will find out later!  (Spoiler Freak, party of 1?)  If it doesn't come up later, please do comment away! :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Downton Abbey Purgatory

Oops!  I did it again!  Come check out My Downton Abbey Purgatory!  And thanks to Julia for the great idea. :)

10% Off Everything Red in the MOP Shop!

From today, Tuesday January 24th through Tuesday February 7th, get 10% off anything RED in the MOP Shop!  Enter coupon code RED2012 at checkout!

Monday, January 23, 2012

If it's Not Lawrence Tynes, it's CRAP!

A friend of mine from Scotland (remember Hugh?  Or as I like to call him "Thee Mullet" since he sported a fantastic one back in the 80s) just told me Lawrence Tynes - aka kicker for the NEW YORK GIANTS (whoo hoo! Superbowl, baby!) - lived in his hometown in Scotland until he was about 10 years old.  So of course I did some Googling...and found out he was also the grand marshall of NYC's Tartan Day Parade back in April of 2008.

Not too shabby!

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat Tonight - 9PM Eastern!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A. Malcolm: Printer

Whilst searching for iPhone cases, I came upon this.  Um, is this the coolest thing ever?  Survey says:  YES!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

First Reads at Good Reads

Check out this Good Reads page (Thanks Lesley!)  It's chock full of "First Reads".  Check out what they have to say about it:

Be the first to read new books!  Prerelease books are listed for giveaway by publishers and authors, and members can enter to win.  Winners are picked randomly at the end of the giveaway. 

Be a Laird or Lady of Glencoe

Ever thought about becoming a Laird or Lady of Glencoe?  MOP friend Tracy thinks you should...and so do I!

We Interrupt This Outlander Blog...

I've finished "Monarch of the Glen" and am 3 episodes in to "Downton Abbey".  My thoughts:

Sunday, January 15, 2012

No Mop Chat This Week

This week's MOP Chat will be canceled in observance of Martin Luther King day.  Have a great week and we'll see you next week!  :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Diana Gabaldon!

I am "away on business" (for the first time in 10 years!) and this is the first chance I've gotten all day to throw out a big"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" 
to Herself, Diana Gabaldon.

Hope it was a SPECTACULAR day!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat Tonight - 9PM Eastern!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dirty Dirk Fun

Check out what Belinda got for Christmas!!!  How hilarious is this?!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

So... where did the Jacobites park their cars?

So as I'm suffering in the doctor's office waiting room today with tendonitis of the rotator cuff, Tracey emails me and says "Oh please blog this!"

I concur.  Absolutely hiLARious.  Never in my life did I think I'd actually LAUGH about something that has to do with Culloden Battlefield.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Scottish Mummers!

If you are familiar with the annual Mummer's Parade in Philadelphia on New Year's Day,  you will love this.  If you are not familiar with the annual Mummer's Parade in Philadelphia on New Year's Day, you will love this.

No clue about the double S.  I have to assume all those people know how to spell Scotland.  ;)


Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat Tonight - 9PM Eastern!

My husband Tom is moving along nicely in Dragonfly...and I am going to try to wrangle some good commentary out of him while we're chatting.  Up until now, it's been verra amusing.  Let's just say last night he told me Claire "never listens to Jamie and just charges in with both breasts."

Needless to say, I almost fell off my chair from laughing so hard.  Should be interesting, folks.  ;)

Friday, December 30, 2011

Virtual Jamie Fraser


I hope you are all thoroughly enjoying the season!  I am a bit behind and finally getting a chance to post a link to Blue Moon Magnolia's awesome blog post about Virtual Jamie Fraser!  If you havena already seen it, you must go check it out right now!

Thanks to Julia for alerting me to this Jamie fabulousness!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Hayley Atwell IS Claire

Spoiler Alert:  Dinna read unless you have read "An Echo in the Bone".

I just watched "Captain America" and couldn't stop texting Tracey because Hayley Atwell IS Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser Grey.  She is Claire perfection on a plate!  It's uncanny!!

(My apologies if anyone suffered any kind of faintness of heart whilst watching Eddie Redmayne at work. He is positively scrumptious.)

Monday, December 26, 2011

It's a braw bricht moonlit nicht the nicht!

Outlander Chat

Just wanted to say I am SO SORRY - I completely forgot to blog about chat today!  I was at Tracey's all day, celebrating Christmas with our families and the fact that it was Monday never entered our minds!

Thanks to all who came to chat;  we had a lot of fun!  (I hope you guys got some good Scottish Prisoner chat in while I was putting my kids to bed!)

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and we'll see you next Monday at 9PM Eastern!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy!

Why post on this lovely Christmas Eve when I can just show you my TEXT with Tracey from last night!

Spoiler alert: Dinna read unless ye are 25% through The Scottish Prisoner!

Carol:  Do u see what I see? Tom is reading DinA!!!!!


Carol:  ROFLMAO! Hello you beautiful Savings and Loan!!!!

Carol:  I just suffered through gay sex with lord John. Blooorrtttttt!!!!

Tracey:  STEPHAN!!!!!!!

Carol:  Blech. I dinna need to hear about bending over pillows or lubing it up with the oil from the dish.  He's like Claire with her bedside lotion!

Carol:  Having one's member in one's hand seems to be a central theme in his book.

Tracey:  You r so homophobic lolol  

Carol:   BULLSHIT!! I just don't want to read about the sex!  Look at Dave O!  He's gay and the mere mention of vajayjay throws him into a tailspin!!  Can you imagine his reaction to lesbian sex?!

Author's Note:  Tracey's and I are self-proclaimed fag hags.  She knows I love the gays. :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Monday, December 19, 2011

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat Tonight - 9PM Eastern!

I am about 20% in (and looking forward to a bit of free time between Christmas and New Year's to READ).   I'll fill you guys in on what's happening when chat starts...and then maybe I'll scoot early if y'all want to discuss future chapters.

**Please no spoilers!!  Thanks! :)

A Wee Giftie for Herself!

With the help of an incredibly talented MOP friend, Susan ("Sooz")...we are going to send something cute and crafty to Herself for her birthday on January 11th - and it will be from the "MOP Community".

If you want to be involved, it doesn't take too much work.  Just a few minutes (in front of the TV, etc)...and mailing your portion to Sooz by  1/3/12.

Interested in taking part in something fun and having Diana read your name on the list of participants?

Email me for details!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Santa Jamie

It's that time of year again...

Lads and's my pleasure to reintroduce to you...

Santa Jamie

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Live Scottish Prisoner Chat with Diana Gabaldon on!

How cool is this?!?  Make sure you check out all the details over at!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Chat is Canceled Tonight

Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties (ie - the damned chat won't work!)  we will have to cancel chat this evening.  We will hopefully reschedule and host chat another night this week.  

Our utmost apologies for the inconvenience!!

Still Working on Chat!

I am waiting to hear back from the chat hosting company and looking frantically for a solution.

This is pretty much me right now:

Life Gets in the Way

Lest anyone wonder why I haven't

Let's just say that in addition to wanting to "make it last", I'm also up to my eyeballs in First Grade Christmas Projects.  This week:  Finish the calendars we've been working on since September.  Next week:  Make and decorate 25 gingerbread houses.

If this sounds familiar to anyone: Class Mom Wonder Twin Powers...ACTIVATE!

Outlander Chat Tonight

Outlander Chat Tonight - 9PM Eastern!  (I will be doing the same thing I did last week; I'll be there at 9 to discuss what I've read...then I'll scoot so y'all can discuss the rest.  :)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Scottish Prisoner: Post Numero Uno

SPOILER ALERT: Dinna read unless ye have read 13% of The Scottish Prisoner.  (I think I'm halfway through Chapter 5 but dinna quote me on that.  eReader Confusion can sometimes mess with the brain.)

First off - please forgive me - and please dinna judge me too harshly - for only having read 5 chapters.  I have not pushed myself in the slightest...because I want to make this book last.  Think about how the blog has been for the past 6 months or so.  It's full of the usual "Monday Chat" posts and commentary about various Scottish coolness.  Or Scots-loving Canadian bands in Disney World!  Now...that's all well and good...but it's not so great, right?

I have decided to make this last so I'll have some decent material while waiting for MOHB (or is it MHOB?  I can never remember).

Either that, or I can always go back to talking about Fergus Lamaze.  Heh heh, Christie.  I can hear you laughing all the way from New Jersey.

OK - so let's get to it:

It would be an understatement to say I was more than a little surprised when Jamie woke up in his bed in the stable and was ready to spank one out.  (Sorry - but there is just no ladylike way to say that.)  When he headed to the other stable to finish the job, I was totally worrit for him, thinking someone would see him.  Well - HELLO?  Did Betty see him?  Did Quinn?  I still dinna know...and I find the not-knowing absolutely delicious.

Speaking of Quinn, is it me or is he a larger-than-life character, right out of the gate?  Even if he doesna have much of a part, he still seems like such a presence.  To the point where I'm already casting him in my head.  (Colin Farrell, much?)

"Kings have their destiny about them- but so do those who serve them.  This is yours."  Love love LOVE that quote.  I've always held a grudge that Jamie was robbed of his birthright in Scotland.  But he has helped/supported/fought for so many people of stature over the years...that his accomplishments dwarf those of a King or a higher member of government.

If you've ever seen the film, "Ever After"...Danielle makes the most amazing speech to Prince Henry, based on quotes she took from "Utopia" by Sir Thomas More:  "A country's character is defined by its "everyday rustics" as you call them.  They are the legs you stand on and that position demands respect."  Again - this is how I feel about Jamie.  If it weren't for him, so many people would be up the proverbial creek in Scotland...England...America...take your pick.  So even though he didna get to be the BMOC for long in Scotland - and had to leave his position as Laird O' the Ridge in America - he has done more in a support role of Kings and Government officials that he might ever have done as Laird.

This is a topic I've pondered in my own life; the question of whether the large amounts of work are worth small amounts of recognition, if big things are happening in the process.  I think we can take a lot away from JAMMF's sometimes-unrecognized but always-heroic actions.  We don't have to be the boss - or be in the spotlight - to get major things accomplished in this life.  Sometimes we're meant to be the man behind the curtain.

OK moving on - Lord John.  Tracey is a bit concerned that I won't be thrilled with the Lord John storyline.  But so far, so good...because he's always with Hal.  And I've already mentioned how I feel about Hal.  I think Hal reminds me of a few people I know in life who make me laugh and get me through my day...and that's why I love his smartass, dry sense of humor so much.  I also LOVE the fact that Minnie was a spy, oh yes I do.  How COOL is that?  Yet another strong woman in Gabaldonland.  I look forward to finding out much more about her.

More quotes I loved:

"Fumbling in the box that held his possessions, he found his rosary..."  That reminds me of the Voyager montage in my head and my vision of Jamie walking with Lord John onto the Helwater estate for the first time.  He's carrying his meager belongings to the sound of "Amazing Grace" which is being sung by Susan Boyle in my mind.  (Don't cringe, y'all.  She's Scottish.  I dig her.)

"nor hell a fury like a woman scorned."  DAMN STRAIGHT.  Cheese alert:  I'm about to mention Duran Duran.  Some of you may want to go get a cold beverage and come back.  I've always loved Simon le Bon's bastardization of that line: "Hell hath no fury like a young girl's ego" from Duran Duran's "Meet El Presidente".  I could do a whole blog post on instances of women being scorned from books, tv, film...but suffice to say I just love that line.

"wonderful pungent scent of the horse's warm hide."  Does it get any better than this in a DG novel?  No, no it does not.  Something tells me Hildy, Cari and Jennifer J  will read that with unflagging joy.  :)

OK I'm getting off to read.

Stay tuned...